Darwin Project

The Darwin Project

Darwin Project


Selected Darwin Publications


All publications have links to a PDF file formated for printing on A4 paper. Where there is no link, this will either be because the paper is just not available electronically, or because copyright agreements prevent us from publishing it on these pages. In such cases you are asked to email us for a copy. Papers that are not listed here might be contained in the previous versions page.


Type-Safe Delegation for Run-Time Component Adaptation
Günter Kniesel
In R. Guerraoui (Ed.): Proceedings of ECOOP99. Springer LNCS 1628. ISBN 3-540-66156-5.
Earlier versions: DCA@WCOP98 and DCA@IAI-TR-98-4.

If you just want a short overview of Lava read this. For most recent info or if you need more details read Günter's PhD thesis.

Type-Safe Delegation for Dynamic Component Adaptation
Günter Kniesel
In Serge Demeyer, Jan Bosch (Eds.): Object-Oriented Technology. ECOOP'98 Workshop Reader. Springer LNCS 1543, 1998. ISBN 3-540-65460-7.
This is a two-page summary of DCA@WCOP98.

Lava - Spracherweiterungen für Delegation in Java (German)
Pascal Costanza, Günter Kniesel, Armin B. Cremers
In C. H. Cap (Ed.): JIT '99 - Java-Informations-Tage 1999, pages 233-243. Springer, Informatik Aktuell, 1999.


Delegation for Java: API or Language Extension?
Günter Kniesel
Technical Report IAI-TR-98-5, Computer Science Department III, University of Bonn. ISSN 0944-8535. May 1998.

Objects Don't Migrate - Perspectives on Objects with Roles
Günter Kniesel
Technical Report IAI-TR-96-11, Computer Science Department III, University of Bonn. ISSN 0944-8535. April 1996.

Implementation of Dynamic Delegation in Strongly Typed Inheritance-Based Systems
Günter Kniesel
Technical Report IAI-TR-94-3, Computer Science Department III, University of Bonn. ISSN 0944-8535. Oct. 1994 (revised April 1995).

PhD Theses

Dynamic Object-Based Inheritance with Subtyping
Günter Kniesel
PhD Thesis, Computer Science Department III, University of Bonn. July 2000.

Complete description of Darwin, Lava, its implementation, applications, ...

Diploma Theses

LAVA Design and Compiler (German)
Lava - Delegation in einer streng typisierten Programmiersprache - Sprachdesign und Übersetzer
Pascal Costanza
Diploma thesis, Computer Science Department III, University of Bonn. January 1998.


LAVA Runtime System (German)
Lava - Konzeptionierung und Implementierung von Delegationsmechanismen in der Java Laufzeitumgebung
Matthias Schickel
Diploma thesis, Computer Science Department III, University of Bonn. December 1997.

LAVA application for role modelling (German)
Vergleichende Implementierung eines Rollenkonzeptes in verschiedenen Zielsprachen
André Sielski
Diplomarbeit, Institut für Informatik III, Universität Bonn. November 1998.

Darwin & LAVA - Object-based Dynamic Inheritance ... in Java
Günter Kniesel
Poster presentation at ECOOP, June 10-14, 2002. Abstract to appear in "Object-Oriented Technology - ECOOP Workshop Reader", Springer LNCS 2548, 2002
LAVA - Object-based Dynamic Inheritance for Java
Günter Kniesel, Uwe Bardey, Tobias Windeln, Jörg Gonska
Demonstration at ECOOP, June 10-14, 2002. Abstract to appear in "Object-Oriented Technology - ECOOP Workshop Reader", Springer LNCS 2548, 2002
Slides of presentation during Lava demo at ECOOP 2002, June 10-14, 2002.
Format: ppt, Use the pdf version for printing and for a quick overview. Use the ppt version for seeing all the animations and hidden slides not shown during the demo.
The full source code of the Lava demo
... is contained in the "examples/" directory of all Lava releases since version 0.19. It also includes lessons not showin Malaga, corresponding to some of the hidden slides in the ppt version of the presentation.


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© 1997-2002 Günter Kniesel Date: 01.08.2005