Nintendo of America

System and Game Instruction Manuals
Health & Safety Precautions Manuals

(Note: Our manuals are provided in .PDF format, which requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you wish to save the .PDF file to your computer for later use, right click over the link and choose "Save Link As" or "Save Target As.")

On this page you will find downloadable manuals for many Nintendo systems, games, and accessories. With the exception of Health & Safety Precautions, we are only able to offer manuals for Wii, Nintendo DS, Nintendo GameCube, and Game Boy Advance product lines.

If you are not able to find the manual you are looking for here, it may be available from our Online Store.

Select the Nintendo system you need a manual for:

WiiNintendo DSNintendo GameCubeGame Boy Advance

You can also view manuals by type: