
Generally favorable reviews - based on 31 Critics What's this?

User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 336 Ratings

  • Summary: In addition to an expansive single-player campaign, Max Payne 3 is the first entry in the series to introduce a thorough multiplayer experience. In a unique twist, Max Payne 3 multiplayer delivers an experience that dynamically alters maps and mode progression for all players in a match. Along with traditional multiplayer modes, Max Payne 3 also includes a deep reward and leveling system, persistent clans and multiple strategic load-out options. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 29 out of 31
  2. Negative: 0 out of 31
  1. A beautifully told, smartly paced, and relentlessly addictive shooter. [July 2012, p.70]
  2. May 25, 2012
    If you're at all a fan of shooters, then I urge you to run out and pick up Max Payne 3. It's a great follow-up to one of the best third person shooter franchises around, and while it certainly changes up familiar elements of the series, pretty much all of the changes work out really well. The shooting is, bar none, some of the best you'll see out of this generation of consoles, and really begs to experienced. So do yourself a favor and pick this one up, it really shouldn't be missed.
  3. Jun 22, 2012
    Max Payne 3 is an excellent farewell, but ultimately it's not as relevant as it was in the past. It has nothing to teach to the "new" shooters.

See all 31 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 140
  1. I think 9 out of 10 is the most adequate rating for Max Payne 3, gameplay and graphics are actually pretty good and the story wasn't bad either. The multiplayer carries two interesting features which are: load out weight and bullet time, they are both great. Additions like assignments, clues and golden guns will also make Max Payne 3 more lasting. The reason I didn't gave it a full score was the story more, some people won't find it true to Max Payne and other may call it repetitive. But still, this game worth buying Expand
  2. 6
    Clumsy controls, unskippable cutscenes, irritating graphic effects, tedious narration, this is a bad movie that lets you play the action scenes. Great looking, decent AI, everything else sucked. I will not drink the Kool aid. And stop comparing this to RDR, that was a near perfect game, this is a very flawed effort. Expand
  3. Maaan, this is a shame. No more old-school Max, just an old man in fancy clothing wielding guns and trying to make a depressive but cool anti-hero impression. After watching hundreds of non-skipable cutscenes I wondered myself, what Rockstar Games published here: The Action is always interrupted by numberous cutscenes, the story itself is just horribly dumb, except for some gas-canisters (almost) no interactions are available using the environment, the difficulty is way too unbalanced and there's no 'character'-development at all. Another point: grenade-throwing is possible in multiplayer, but not in story-mode. Why??? When playing online the throwing-mechanics are actually so bad, you often get yourself killed using cover and throwing the grenade right at the wall you're using FOR COVER. I almost freaked out. Get yourself Stranglehold, its much cheaper but still has tons of better gameplay than MP3 has. I'm really disappointed by the s*** Rockstar Games published here, if I could I'd get my money back. If you see it for 10 bucks: get it. Otherwise just accept the fact that Max's dead and avoid this piece of boring, uninspired gameplay... (I'm german, forgive mistakes in grammar etc.^^) Expand

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