
Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 150 Ratings

  • Summary: In this newest title, the feelings such as "preserving one's faith", "saving their precious ones" and the destiny of raising the storm between three countries which form the setting, are portrayed. The PS3 version shows the story more in depth having many new elements including a "Lineage to the Future Episode" where a new tale after the main story is told. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 26
  2. Negative: 0 out of 26
  1. Apr 5, 2012
    Overall, ToGf is a fun RPG with an absolute ton of things to do through the game.
  2. Mar 23, 2012
    Tales of Graces f was a trip that I've been waiting to play since before Vesperia. The colorful imagery and youth driven story about friendship are all well told and crafted. This is an adventure North America almost didn't receive and it would a shame for anyone who likes or even loves the Tales series to miss it. Find and pick-up Tales of Graces f for the PS3 today, you won't be disappointed.
  3. 70
    A good JRPG that needs more to make it great in the West.

See all 26 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 45 out of 53
  2. Negative: 3 out of 53
  1. This game is a great deal of fun. Fun characters, interesting story line, great combat. It is not as good as Vesperia- and the main character is not as awesome as Yuri- but is likely comparable to Symphonia. The game starts very slow- which actually isn't abnormal for the series- taking up to 10 hours to really get going- while that seems long, Tales games can take over 100 hours for a decent runthrough, and still feel like the kind of game that'd be fun to play a second time. There's a great deal of humour by secondary characters- which is really nice as the main is often more conflicted and a bit morose. It's amazing though, while other RPG makers are changing their title series more and more and ending up with busts- Tales is the same game it was when I was playing Destiny way back when (though semi 3-D now)- and staying with the same gameplay is really working for them. Expand
  2. 5
    This is my second review for this game and, to me, this game really let me down after completing the entire thing, Main story and epilogue all the way through. Fans of Vesperia will be vastly disappointed with the TERRIBLE storyline. I swear, if I hear about friendship one more time, I'll go crazy. It's as if they are trying to take a sledgehammer to your head over and over and over and over........and over again with the idea of friendship, as if they hadn't mentioned before what the main point of the story was. It's something that will annoy you as you go along. Just count how many times they say the word 'friend' and you'll see what I mean. Also the characters are barely lackluster, with Hubert and Malik being the main stars of the show. Everyone else is just your stereotypical whimpy guy/love-struck girl/amnesia girl/spunky mage/whatever. There's nothing new here and, even though Vesperia didn't exactly set the bar high for originality, at least the characters were able to carry that story from start to finish. The same cannot be said for this game. It's sad that this game was a giant flop since I don't know if people will buy the game, which would force Namco to release Xillia here in the states, which is the Tales game that we all want and crave. If for nothing else than to tell Namco we want Xillia here in the states, buy this game. You might enjoy it but I doubt it. You might enjoy but the bigger issue here to send a message IMO. Expand
  3. 3
    I pre-ordered this game even though there was no dual audio. After 20 hours put into the game, I must say I shouldn't have bought the game. There is no open map / world so you're always going in a linear path with no where to explore. At least in Final fantasy X's case it was done beautifully but in this game, you can't even grind or do anything beside walking and walking with occasional boring skit. You need to go in town and come back to have monsters reappear. Don't get me started on the VA. At least the game play and music isn't bad. Overall I can't put myself to finish this game. I gave up after 34 hours. Expand

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