
Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critics What's this?

User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 93 Ratings

  • Summary: Episode one of a five-part game series set in the same universe as Robert Kirkman’s award-winning series. Play as Lee Everett, the convicted criminal who has been given a second chance at life in a world devastated by the undead. Experience events, meet people and visit locations that foreshadow the story of Deputy Sheriff Rick Grimes. A honed game experience in which actions, choices and decisions you make will affect how your story plays out across the entire series. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 21
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 21
  3. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. The first leg of what promises to be an emotionally jarring five-part journey delivers a very different and refreshing take on zombie apocalypse survival. [July 2012, p.83]
  2. Jun 5, 2012
    Tense beyond belief, beautifully bloody and perfectly paced, A New Day is an affordable piece of interactive brilliance. [July 2012, p.103]
  3. 90
    A New Day proves to be Telltale Games' best outing in the adventure genre in recent memory--if not, ever. This is episodic gaming done right, and just like The Walking Dead TV show, we can't wait for the next episode.

See all 21 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 25
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 25
  3. Negative: 1 out of 25
  1. 10
    It's about time interactive dramas make a stand in gaming. The walking Dead is a great title oozing with potential. Not only does the first episode delivers, it hypes up the following episodes. Expand
  2. First off, I just want to say that people should stop comparing this to Heavy Rain, they might be both interactive drama, but they are of a different genre. I'm very sure that Zombie Apocalypse and Serial Killer are two very different plots requiring a different approach to implementation. It's just not fair to the respective games and presents a bias. Now on to the game: This really is a masterpiece. It's the no nonsense "Walking Dead" suspense and drama that I've come to love from the TV series. Now, I haven't gone through the comics yet but based on the overall experience going through the game, given what I've seen from the TV series, I was simply blown away. The way conversations and decisions were made and implemented really does make you "feel" for the characters in their zombie apocalypse world. I believe the story was very well written and also intertwines with the comic books and the TV series, which the Walking Dead fan-boys will surely love. The graphics are unpretentious yet amazing, the characters come to life with their own quirks and expressions. The sound gets the job done and is very appropriate for a scene and really lifts the emotional context. The controls are simple and responsive. The replay value is very good, given you really want to see the consequences of your every response and actions. The price is also amazing, it gives people the option to just spend $5 to try the first episode or buy all episodes as a bundle for a discounted price of S20 and receive the content as soon as they hit the digital shelves. I give this game a perfect score as it takes the zombie apocalypse theme to a new perspective in such style and excellent presentation. We really need more of these games. Expand
  3. Enjoyed the game, it's nothing special but well worth the price. However, the delay between the 1st and 2nd episodes (2 months) has been far too long to maintain a decent gaming experience. The lack of communication form the developers was also insulting, constantly posting reviews of their own game yet never addressing the issue of episode 2 being over a month late, even now it is not yet available for playstation users in the E.U . The game I would rate as a 6, the service 1, that'll average out at 3.5 I'm going to round that down because any sensible company surely would have had episode 2 finished before releasing episode 1. Expand

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