Parks and reserves managed by KWS

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Overview - Visit Us

In Kenya, the environment and tourism have always been inextricably linked, and this is a truly symbiotic relationship. Wildlife in particular has always served as one of our major tourist draw cards, and the resultant revenue has played a major role in the great priority placed on wildlife preservation in Kenya.

This is not just for the benefit of foreign visitors- Eco-tourism means more than just preserving wildife for our visitors, it also means protecting our own world and its resources for the future benefit of Kenya, our people and our wildlife. Eco-tourist and community wildlife and conservation ventures offer the visitor a personalized and rewarding wildlife experience that gives them a chance to appreciate, respect and protect our country’s wildlife.

Genuine eco-tourism means tourism that has no negative impact on eco-systems, and positively contributes to the destination on a social and environmental level. Visitors should learn from their experiences and develop a greater understanding of the issues and challenges of preserving this great natural heritage for generations to come. One of the best ways of supporting the conservation of Kenya's wildlife is to visit us- as revenues raised from tourism play a critical role in ensuring we have the resources needed to protect our species and the habitat they depend on. Kenya is regarded as Africa's premier safari destination and there is an excellent tourism infrastructure and diverse range of suppliers to help you plan your trip.


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2015 Conservation Fees

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