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Overview of Today (Today Info)

Overview of Today is informational popup window activated either by:

  • clicking on the (i) Info Button on the clock face
  • hovering mouse over the clock icon in Tray
  • left clicking on the clock icon in Tray

It provides summary listing of alarms for today and all of defined countdonws or countups. The list of alarms is sorted from top to bottom by time, starting from the oldest past events progressing down to newest upcoming events.

Events before current time are located above calendar and events after current time are below calendar. The list uses various colors for quick indication whether the item is past or upcoming.

The color coding in the list is as follows:

[1] Countup - red text on light red background.

Countup is past alarm configured to instantly display, how much time passed since the event.

[2] Past Alarm (today) - red text on white background.

[3] Today - items related to the current time are displayed on yellow background.

[4] Current Time in different Time Zone

[5] Current Local Time

Note: Current time in different time zone and local time are sorted too.

[6] Upcoming Alarm (today) - black text on light green background.

[7] Countdown - black text on light blue background.

Countdown is future alarm configured to instantly display, how much time is left until the event.

Note: Countups and Countdowns are displayed in Today Info always - no matter, if related to current day or not.

[8] Blue Highlight - in calendar, shows day containing any alarms.

[9] Yellow Highlight - in calendar, shows day containing only daily alarms. You can turn off highlighting of daily alarms in calendar through settings (Time Tab). The reason for that is because when you set up for example daily alarm to wake up at 7:30 every day, highlighting this in calendar would mean to tag all days in all months - so it would inefficiently clutter the calendar view providing no useful information.

Removing items from Today Info

By clicking on the red "x" icon you can remove alarms and time zones.

Alarms are also being permanently deleted from the clock list of alarms.

Time zones can be added back after removing.

Alarm Info

Click on any item in the Today Info list to get detailed info abut particular alarm. In the header part of Alarm Info, you can see exact Time and Date of Alarm. If Alarm is in different Time Zone, header contains two informations about Time and Date - in Local Time and in Time Zone Time.

[8] Time Left - Displays countdown (or countup) for all alarms not configured to be shown as countdown.

[9] Enable Countdown - Click the hourglass icon to enable display of alarm as the remaining countdown in Today Info. If alarm is in the past, countup will be displayed.

Note: When countdown display is enabled, it is not snown in Alarm Info too.

[10] OK, Dismiss - Click to close the Alarm Info popup.

[11] Modify Alarm - Click to invoke a dialog window, where you can modify the alarm.

[12] Show in List of all Alarms - Click to invoke window with the list of all alarms and set position in listing to the alarm itself.

[13] Disable Countdown - Click the hourglass with red cross to disable countdown display in Today Info and show the alarm due time instead.

Note: You can turn any alarm into the countdown (or countup) by using the Enable Countdown [9] function. Some alarm types - such as Alarm for EBay Auction, use countdown display by default. This can be turned off to display just the alarm due time with Disable Countdown [13] function.

[14] URL Link - Auction Countdown for EBay alarm displays the text of alarm (the goods) as a hyperlink - so you can click on it and it will open the associated web page with particular auction.

Working with Time Zones

Today Info can display the current time in as many different time zones, as you need.

To add new Time Zone, click on "Local Time" and then choose "Add Time Zone" [15].

To change Time Zone, click on particular and then choose "Modify Time Zone" [16].

To remove Time Zone, click on red cross icon left to Time Zone [17] and confirm with "Yes".

When adding or modifying Time Zone, choose from the list of avaliable time zones [18]. You can also assign your own text label [19] to each time zone. After adding or modification, time zone entries in Today Info are sorted automatically.

If some time zone is yesterday or tomorrow, the appropriate date (in short form) is displayed in parenthesis.

Time zones list is taken directly from the Windows, so you can work exactly with same time zones as in operating system itself.

Working with Calendar

Calendar view highlights days containing due alarms. The clock can contain any number of alarms of various complexity, so one defined alarm can span across many days in calendar.

You can click on left [21] and right [23] arrows on calendar, to move back and forth.

By clicking on the month name [22] a small window with month and year appears, that lets you to quickly jump to any desired month.

When you are in a month in a past, the header of calendar turns red [20]. Month in future turns green [25] and current month displays orange [22]. Current day of current month is displayed with an orange rectangle [26].

When the calendar view is other than the current month, you can quickly jump to the current month by clicking on the Today label [24].

Day Info

Left click on any day in calendar to bring up popup window with alarms for that day. The alarm items have same color coding, as described above [1] - [7].

In the heading of the info is the date and day and information how much time passed or is left to that particular day [27].

You can remove alarms by clicking on the red cross icon [28] or add new alarms (for that day) by clicking on the "Add Alarm" [29] button.

By clicking on any listed alarm the Alarm Info popup window described above appears.

Click on "OK, Dismiss" [30] button, to close the Day Info.

2005 - 2011 © MicroInvention Ltd., VectorGraphica™, CrossGL ®

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Multiple Alarms

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