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Review: Dead to Rights: Retribution

Joseph Leray, Associate Editor
2:00 PM on 05.20.2010
Review: Dead to Rights: Retribution photo

A few days ago, I was crushing beers at Shenanigans, a restaurant-cum-watering-hole in Sewanee, Tennessee, home of my alma mater, The University of the South. Specifically, I was talking with my friend Reed about videogames, and I mentioned that I was playing the new Dead to Rights -- less a sequel to the original, and more a reimagining, perhaps in the vein of Prince of Persia: the characters and the setting might be the same, but there shouldn’t be any expectation of narrative continuity.

I mentioned that after three levels, I still hadn’t managed to get the protagonist, Jack Slate, or his canine partner, Shadow, killed. “Yeah, the first one wasn’t very hard, either,” replied Reed.

“You’ll survive as long as you don’t play like an asshole,” I said.

And that seems to be a relatively foolproof rubric by which to judge most mainstream games. Games that provide internal logic and consistency are probably, in the very basic sense, competent. Truly great games of course exceed our increasingly low expectations, but games whose win states can be figured out with a touch of critical thinking ought to be considered the baseline of acceptable game design in 2010.

By and large, this is the case with Dead to Rights: Retribution, even if the game doesn't always play to its strengths.

Dead to Rights: Retribution (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 [reviewed])
Developer: Volatile Games
Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Released: April 27, 2010
MSRP: $59.99

Dead to Rights: Retribution is set in Grant City, a grimy boom town in its death throes, beset on all sides by crime, violence, corruption, and poverty. The proverbial bell tolls for Grant City when the Triads and a union of disgruntled roustabouts, dockworkers, and roughnecks mount an assault on the local TV station. Jack Slate and his dad, both “renegade cops,” set about to investigate. Retribution is a conservative swan song: For half the game, the enemies are generic, stereotypical Asians and unionized laborers; in the latter half, Jack spends his time killing scores of stupidly well armed mercenaries who have been brought into to fight the (artificial) War on Gangs.

Jack’s father, Frank, is a “good cop” from the old school, and they often mourn the dearth of “old-fashioned” “good police work.” Jack ultimately saves the city (spoiler!), but the last scene of the game takes place in a cemetery. A kindly priest explains to Jack that “these are troubled times,” and after paying his respects, Jack mutters, “I’ll be seeing you soon.” The old school, so touted by Jack and his father, seems irreparable.

Retribution ends on a dark note, but that’s not to say that most of the notes before that aren’t dumb. The plot and play are enormously dissonant: Jack explains to Redwater, a particularly zealous fellow cop who's just attacked a suspect, that “This is not how we do things! We arrest people. We bring them in and we question them!” -- but he spends ten or so hours slaughtering generic bad guys. The bombastic score overwhelms the otherwise acceptable faux-noir setting (if noir was addicted to anabolics and PCP, that is), and Jack’s biceps are monstrous. His love interest is shuffled on and off screen too quickly for her fate to matter. And while I think we’re supposed to be dismayed that the final bad guy dies instead of being sent to jail (the old-fashioned way), it’s hard to pay attention when Jack’s vocabulary consists of bad police puns (“You have the right to remain silent!) and motherfucker. Retribution’s desire to look and sound cool overrides any chance the plot had of being good (or even making sense -- there’s a pretty nasty continuity error at the six-hour mark), and that desire threatens to spill into the game’s mix of brawling and third-person shooting mechanics as well.

Thankfully (and for some gamers, perhaps more important), Retribution’s combat doesn’t have the same type of schizophrenia displayed by its narrative components. For the most part, the game’s promise to seamlessly blend hand-to-hand combat and cover-based tactical shooting holds up. Jack’s combinations of light and hard punches set a surprisingly fluid and rhythmic pace, accentuated nicely by his ability to disarm opponents. The lack of readily available ammo encourages players to experiment with all sorts of weapons, and Retribution is at its best when it doesn’t force you to stay in one place for too long. Even better, the game does a great job of steadily introducing new enemy types and new weapons.

The enemy AI is another pleasant surprise given the tone of the review so far, impressively quick-witted. They’ll flank Jack, gang up on him, and pick up stray guns laying around. I once dropped a sniper rifle that only had one bullet left, thinking that a well stocked double-barreled shotgun would be more useful (and, in keeping with Retribution’s ethos, more bad-fuckin’-ass), only to find myself with a bullet in my brain, thanks to some intrepid gangster. Most impressive, though, is that enemies will fall back and regroup should Jack capture a hostage.

The camera has a tendency to take a shit when Jack finds himself surrounded, a complaint that is largely mitigated by the fact that most of Jack’s repertoire -- hostage-taking included -- was designed for crowd control. Disarming leads to quick headshots; Jack can turn on a dime, comboing into several enemies without breaking his stride; Shadow is particularly adept at pulling enemies away from Jack; and Retribution’s brutal take-downs -- which threaten to be more gratuitous than useful -- are an easy way to thin enemy herds. Even the less realized mechanics, such as the bullet time–esque “focus mode,” don’t distract from the satisfaction of Jack’s brawling and from-the-hip shooting.

Unfortunately, brawling is only one half of the Dead to Rights equation -- Retribution’s lackluster cover-based shooting comprises the rest of the game’s combat. Retribution’s cover system simply isn’t as competent or as fun as its fighting. The game isn’t consistent in terms of what can or cannot be used as cover, the camera isn’t optimized for ducking in and out of it, and you’ll often find yourself sprinting right past whichever doorframe or crate you were headed toward. And for all his utility, Shadow often gets left by the wayside when Jack takes cover. Unable to absorb as many bullets as Jack does, this when Shadow dies the most -- and trying to save him will just lead Jack into the nasty crossfire that killed Shadow in the first place. I really like that most cover can be destroyed by enemy fire; but not when the basic systems aren’t robust enough to compensate for it.

The problems with Retribution’s tactical elements are aggravated by the fact that two of the longest levels in the game (one right after another, no less) are designed almost exclusively as linear crawls from one piece of insufficient cover to the next. In most of the levels, these cover-based sections are integrated within the larger context of varying Jack’s fighting and shooting techniques, but the middle section swells with bad level design -- one level features a stealth section; a long cover section; a survive-until-this-elevator-gets-here section; a puzzle section in a sewer (what?!); and several rooms whose doors only open when everyone is dead, even though the objective clearly states Jack should be running for his life instead of engaging the enemy.

These levels, thankfully, don’t represent the bulk of what Retribution has to offer, although level design is always a niggling issue. There are a few unintuitive sections to be sure, too often exacerbated when Jack triggers a cut scene that drags the camera around the level or, worse, drops Jack (usually weaponless) in a totally different place. For a game that succeeds so well in terms of pacing its combat and (admittedly bare-bones) plot, it’s a shame that the level design creates so many stumbling blocks.

Being able to play as Shadow presents an interesting, and largely successful, wrinkle in Retribution’s basic composition. Most of Shadow’s sections consist of stealthily killing guards and retrieving keys for Jack, and though I wish Volatile had given Shadow more, and more varied, face time, they’re largely successful. Shadow has a few basic functions -- sprint and rip out testicles -- but his most interesting mechanic is his stealth mode which allows him to effectively see through walls. Totally ridiculous, but I’ll chalk it up to his canine sense of smell, on the grounds the mode is really well executed. Shadow can perform stealth kills, hide bodies from (again) remarkably competent soldiers, and lure enemies away from large crowds with a series of barks and growls. Fans of Batman: Arkham Asylum will recognize traces of “detective mode” in Shadow’s stealth sections, but, for my money, Retribution pulls it off better. Shadow’s stealth mode doesn’t dominate the game -- remember how there was no reason to ever not use detective mode? -- and it’s one of the few times that Volatile shows anything resembling restraint over the course of Retribution.

For a game with such a tired narrative structure, it’s no surprise that Dead to Rights: Retribution plays it safe with its mostly-successful mechanics. The story is bombastic and gratuitous and level design can be needlessly frustrating, but the strength of the combat and Shadow’s stealth largely compensate. Retribution is rarely fancy, but it’s quite competent, and there’s depth to be found in Jack’s arsenal of combos, disarms, and take downs as well as the tactical possibilities presented by Shadow. Dead to Rights: Retribution is Volatile Games’ first current-gen project and while the game is rough around the edges, they’ve laid a solid foundation.

Score: 6.5 -- Alright (6s may be slightly above average or simply inoffensive. Fans of the genre should enjoy them a bit, but a fair few will be left unfulfilled.)


6.5 /10
Alright: May be slightly above average or simply inoffensive. Fans of the genre should enjoy them a bit, but a fair few will be left unfulfilled. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

So not groin-grabbingly good?
more of the same. I remember playing the PSP game and it was pretty "meh". Playing as the dog was cool... for awhile.
I never even knew this was out yet....My bro seemed to love the 1ast one, I never really got into it.

The baddies being able to pick up your dropped weapons sounds pretty neat.
The Cash Converters (ask Funktastic if you're not familiar with them) by my house has this used for $9.99. Maybe I'll go give it a play through after reading this review.
Nice review. I didn't even know it was out yet till I saw it on the shelf the other day.
I would like to completely ignore the hard work Mr. Leray has put in on the enjoyable review I just read and ask for, nay, DEMAND a Red Dead Redemption review. :)

Seriously, nice review, I've been curious to see how this would shape up. Sounds about like I expected. Might have to give it a play some day.
What a lot of people don't know is that 'Volatile Games' is really just a pen name for a sub-studio of Blitz Games, the iconic British studio that once brought us classics like Fantasy World Dizzy. And know you know. And knowing is half the battle.
playing as the dog and ripping peoples throats out was lots of fun.
@ChillyBilly -- for $10, DtR:R is a freaking steal. It's really not a bad game.
I understand that it was part of the structure of your review but was it really necessary to give us the play-by-play of the ending of the game in your first paragraph? Surely there would have been a better way to segue into the review itself. I don't plan on playing this game but surely some do and probably don't appreciate having the ending spoiled for them in the first paragraph.
The first two games sucked and I have no doubt that this one does too. It may be competent, but I've played far too many shooters to stick with something that is passable.
@hoyt414 -- everything I describe in the review happens in the first two levels of the game. I really didn't kill anything, I promise. :)
Definitely sounds like fun, but rental-fun.
I finished it and its pretty fun, nothing groundbreaking especially in the cliched story but i had a lot of fun playing it while it lasted, and isn't that the reason we play games? if you can get it for cheap like i did, I totally recommend it, shadow rules BTW!! too bad they dont sell wolves down here in the caribbean; or maybe they do? MMMM....
Outstanding review.
Honestly, I expected this to be pretty bad going by the previews and the fact the first game was only average and the second one so bad it killed the series on the PS2/xbox generation.
Not trusting it, I rented. But you know...this is good stuff.
Yeah, the story is a weird mix of corny, yet serious. But to me, it works. Reminds me of 80's action movies. Totally could see Sylvester Stallone starring in this from back in his Cobra or Tango And Cash days. It ain't deep, but the story isn't in the way either.

Dog levels are a little iffy. If they hadn't had those at all, the game wouldn't be any less for it.

But the straight up action with Jack...there's a lot of combos and takedowns and disarming special moves going on compared to most third person games like this and it all controls really good.
Graphics are pretty good, too.

And some smart AI that works to flank you if you ever try to "Gears Of War" it by hiding behind cover. They WILL make you move.
Now that I think about it, I play a lot of games of all types and the AI in this is up there as some of the best I've seen in a long time.

But really, this is all about the bare knuckle brawling and breaking bones. You like doing that, then this game delivers to that crowd. You don't buy a game like this for epic, Bioware-like storytelling. You buy it for the action and this is high quality.

I'd buy this at 30 bucks. Not 60, because it's a bit short. But yeah, 30. Because it is fun and well made with a couple rough edges here and there like any game.
But you just know it won't sell, so if people see it in a bargain bin for 15 bucks, DEFINTELY pick it up at that price. It's a good time.
I enjoyed the original Dead to Rights despite it being, essentially, an off-brand Max Payne. I'll put this on Gamefly.
I've always been interested in this series but it just seems that most games in the genre do what it does better.
I don't know anything about Dead to Rights, but I found this to be an incredibly well written article. I found myself thinking thoughts of "When did mere adequacy equal a 'AAA' game?" last year as I watched a friend play through Resistance 2 amidst loads of highly praising reviews.
FANTASTIC, well written review and I fully agree with everything, except maybe bump that score up a point for me. It's not game of the year, but it's damn fun and definitely worth playing if you can find it at a good price.
Thanks for a great read!
Sewanee? Well sheee-it! Nashville's only a hundred miles away. You should've stopped by and said hi.

Heh. As far as the game, I'ma have that. Really enjoyed the last gen releases, especially the disarm moves. I used those more than the guns that Jack had to begin with.

Plus anything that combines poorly written cop dialogue with bullet-time, controlling a dog, and kicking SWAT team members around pretty much has win written all over it.

articleoftheyear/10 :)
Shadow, sic balls!
at first i thought this was gonn.a be another one of those beat it then return it but i was wrong, it hooked me right when i got to control shadow, the blood is good. the story just made it more interesting . 5 stars
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I'm getting this game day one regardless of what the reviews say. From the reviews i've read they all pretty much say the samething that the game is fun and the main focus is the brutal combat/cover to cover shooting which is no problem for me. I never play a game just for the story thats more of a bonus in my opinion.finans rehberi finans rehberi classic books classic books para kasasý para kasasý panjur panjur merdiven asansörü merdiven asansörü
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Dead to Rights: Retribution is a 2010 third-person action game. It is the reboot of the Dead to Rights franchise. Featuring, Grant City police officer Jack Slate and his canine companion Shadow. Developed by Volatile Games and published by Namco Bandai Games for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, the game was released on April 2010.
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