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Review: Dead Space (iOS)

Jim Sterling, Reviews Editor
5:00 PM on 02.01.2011
Review: Dead Space (iOS) photo

You have to hand it to Dead Space, it's a franchise that knows how to sell out with style. Games, comic books, movies, toys, clothes -- Visceral's action-horror franchise is committed to flooding you with as much stuff as possible. 

A mobile game was inevitable, with this in mind. However, Dead Space for the iDevices is no mere cash-in. Rather than go the easy route with an on-rails shooter or a selection of banal minigames, Electronic Arts and IronMonkey Studios have instead opted to cram a genuine third-person Dead Space experience into your iPhone. 

The weird thing is ... it more or less works.

Dead Space (iOS)
Developer: IronMonkey Studios
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Released: January 25, 2011
MSRP: $6.99

Dead Space iOS (which I'll just call Dead Space from here on out) bridges the gap between the first console installment and the second. Stepping into the magnetic boots of the mysterious Vandal, players start out as a thrall to the franchise's primary non-mutant antagonist, the Church of Unitology. Naturally, the twisted, slavering Necromorphs arrive to ruin everything, and Vandal finds himself in a situation that he helped to create. 

Dead Space's story is impressively presented, with some solid voice acting and decent dialog, although it relies too heavy on plot twists, none of which are very surprising at all. You'll see the major "shocker" long before it's revealed, and the only thing you'll be confused about is why Vandal is such a naive idiot. Nevertheless, it's a fairly fun romp that doesn't really bring anything new to the overall story, but certainly doesn't offend, and there is a little surprise at the very end that -- while done before -- ought to make you smirk. 

As stated at the top of the review, Dead Space attempts to be a fully-fledged console experience on a small touchscreen. Vandal will essentially do everything that Isaac Clarke can do on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Expect to cut away Necromorph limbs, stomp on bodies, upgrade your equipment, stick to walls in Zero Gravity, and use telekinetic powers. It really is impressive just how authentic a Dead Space experience has been crafted, and the generally high caliber of the game could at least justify an XBLA/PSN port.  

Of course, with such a wide array of features comes a set of control problems, but not quite as many as you might think. Swiping the left side of the screen gets Vandal moving, tapping on the right side lets him aim and fire, and you'll be touching the weapons to reload while tapping Vandal's back to shoot a slow-down blast at enemies. In addition, you'll swipe upwards or downwards on a contextual prompt for close-combat attacks, and tap various icons to telekinetically pick up objects.

The interface definitely takes getting used to, as there's a lot to take in and the game doesn't exactly keep its combat slow-paced. There are also many instances where the controls become confused -- for example, the game frequently finds it difficult to tell when you've tapped on a door to open it, and instead makes Vandal aim his weapon. He'll often fire his gun when all you wanted to do was reload, and believe me, you don't want to waste a single bullet. 

For some reason, ammo is scarce in this mobile title, even by the standards of the franchise. Far too frequently, Vandal is left with barely any firepower in his inventory. Most encounters with the Necromorphs completely drain supplies, and I even ended up in a boss fight with only the close-combat plasma saw at my disposal. Perhaps because of this plasma saw, EA Mobile figured bullets weren't as necessary, but since getting close to a Necromorph usually means you'll be trading damage with it, getting close is never advised. 

The game is generally well paced, but there are a few aggravating choke points and slow sections that bring it down. The Zero G areas, in particular, are fairly dull. It's also quite annoying to have to shake the iPhone in order to make Vandal perform a boost jump. On the whole, the game maintains just the right amount of action, but be wary of the occasionally insipid intermission.

If you can get used to the spotty controls and a silly lack of ammo, Dead Space is a great little mobile game that is well worth playing. Even with its input flaws, it's still remarkable just how much effort went into the game, and how many features from the console versions have been recreated. From Workbenches to Stores, to an almost full range of varied Necromorph enemies, there's a staggering amount of quality content in there. 

This mobile spin-off packs some pretty good visuals, obviously not comparable to something like Infinity Blade, but most certainly some of the better looking 3D graphics on the mobile gaming market. No Dead Space would be complete without some excellent audio either, and this title delivers, with eerie sound effects, ambient noise and perfect musical interludes as and when needed. The richness of the sound really helps to hammer home just what a complete and polished experience has been created.

Dead Space will take around three hours to complete, with an obligatory "New Game Plus" mode and an unlockable Hard Mode to keep things replayable. If you can't get enough of the game, there is of course plenty of DLC to purchase already -- including attack/armor upgrades and extra Power Nodes to customize your character. Rather greedy and grasping of EA, but you know how they roll by now. 

Dead Space takes some getting used to on a touch screen, but once you get the hang of it, this is an impressive title that preserves the sense of panic and action from its bigger budget brethren and gives fans of the series even more quality action horror enjoyment. A definite must-have for Dead Space lovers, and worth checking out for the more casual mobile gamer, Dead Space is a great title that blasts through its interface issues to prove that console experiences can work on a mobile phone ... provided you've got the patience for it. 


8.0 /10
Great: Impressive efforts with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Hey, I may play it after payday. Yay.
Been playing this the past few days. Great game and alot better then expected.
This game kicked the shit out of Ignition, which makes me wonder why they didn't release this in its place.

But no matter, I'm loving it so far!
"The interface definitely takes getting used to" I appreciate companies trying to put console games on touch only interfaces. But there is only so much makeup you can put on a pig.

iOS stuff generally only excels at asynchronous types of genres. Or they water down experiences. Platformers are usually relegated to just jumping and have your character auto-run to the right. Shooters are forced on rails.

The only way I like rail shooters is with a light-gun and 8 feet away from the screen.

I guess I'll just continue to wait for a psp2 type phone. (of course I'll still be getting a psp2. But I just hate carrying multiple devices.)
I downloaded this before I picked up DS2 at midnight, Nice review, it was well worth the $7
I may have to steal my girlfriend's ipod touch and buy this!

While I agree with Jim that it takes some getting used to, I don't feel like the controls were in any way gimped. The moving, aiming and shooting is all perfectly natural after only a few seconds of playing, it's just the little things like boosting and reloading that feel less than perfect.

Granted, touch controls are certainly no substitute for a physical controller, but this game does better than almost any other at getting things right.
Tit for tat I picked this up over Dead Space 2 for the time being. Considering how long it is, the price was EASILY right, and I think I bought it less than an hour after it hit iTunes. Can't wait to try Dead Space 2 after a price drop.
Not to be a picky bitch, but...

"Stepping into the magnetic boots of the mysterious Vandal, players start out as a thrall to the franchise's primary non-mutant protagonist, the Church of Unitology."

The word you were looking for there is antagonist, not protagonist. The protagonist is the good guy.

Great review, just had to mention that. Sorry. =/
spoil the end for me. why would i smirk?

Oops, you're utterly right of course. What a silly mistake to make.
Neat, I might buy it then. Never played Dead Space and this seems like a cheap way to test the water.
i loved it, it bridged a nice gap between the 2 games and played surprisingly well. id like to add that as jim said, the graphics arent quite as good as something like infinity blade, but it sure as hell plays more smoothly; running at 60 frames per second. if you like the dead space series buy it immediately.
This game is mind-blowingly impressive. Jim's absolutely right about the "accidentally firing your gun when trying to open a door" problem, and other than that the only thing that bothers me is tilting the device to toggle between primary and secondary firing modes.

Other than those two gripes it's a hell of a game.
Control problems make me feel ill. I never play Dead Space on consoles because I think it's too slow, I can't imagine it on an iPod/Pad. Still, I'm very surprised this wasn't just some cash-in like Dead Rising.
So they're officially putting more effort into iPhone games than wii games. Good to hear.
So, the true Dead Space game comes on wii when...
Aware of any notable differences in the iPad version? They are separate downloads, last i looked. $10 for iPad version - is it still worth it?
"So they're officially putting more effort into iPhone games than wii games. Good to hear."

At least I'm not the only one who has noticed this.
"You have to hand it to Dead Space"

was this an intended pun

Also $7 for 3 hours oh my gawd ripoff *sarcasm*
I've seen so many people say that Dead Space iOS is better than Extraction for Wii. Why? Extraction is an excellent, fully fledged game! It takes at least 7 hours to complete, the story not only is interesting but it progresses (while Vandal is stuck doing the same tasks Isaac would do in the first, game, the guys in extraction moves locations as much as Isaac does in the second game), the controllers are awesome and the pacing feels just fine. I think the only reason people hate Extraction is because it's not a controllable shooter. What's the problem with it being an on-rails? If it works, it has an interesting story and it lasts, why does it suck? The story and gameplay work a lot better than even most PSP games!

I think people just didn't like that it was on the Wii. First they complained about it being on-rails, and when it had average sales they complained that the game was wasted on the Wii and that it was Nintendo's fault that the sales figures were low.
Put it on WiiWare.
Extraction is much better as a free bonus for Dead Space 2 PS3, or a budget digital title than an actual high cost retail Wii game.
Extraction was superb, and worth every cent of a full priced game. However, it remains problematic when so many developers refuse to put things like the original Dead Space on Wii when it is clearly possible. Extraction was always going to be a niche game. Lacklustre sales prove nothing while the sales of Resident Evil 4 show that Dead Space could do very well on the system
The cool thing about this is that if you sign into the same EA account here and in Dead Space 2, you get a new suit in DS2. I like that kind of connectivity.
PSP minis please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think people are far more forgiving because this is an ipad game. If this game came out for the PSP the review score would be something like a 5 or a 4.

Also jim the reason why you didn't have ammo is because you probably kept using one gun (plasma cutter) the whole time. I never had this problem because I used the ripper which can easily dismember all 4 limbs if you know how to use it.
@Gaidenrider, Scissors

I thought extraction was great... for a rental. For a $50 product I would have felt ripped off had I bought it.

And there is NO way it took 7 hours to beat. My brother-in-law and I beat it in one night, and we didn't even stay up very late.
Very nice. I love how much Dead Space stuff there is to go beyond the games and into the universe its set in. Hopefully more movies, comics, and mobile games are on the horizon.
I got an apple keyboard and mouse that pairs with iPhone. I wonder why there aren't any games that support the two devices.
how to get te game free any idea plz hellpp

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