Start/Select - Wii U! CS:GO! DLC roundup!

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  • Aug 22, 2012

Today Cam brings you news of an imminent Wii U press conference, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's launch, and a DLC release roundup.

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Wensea10 50 pts

Though Nintendo Wii made me less interested in Nintendo, I have high hopes for the Nintendo Wii U soon.

Wensea10 50 pts

Gamers need to know that New Super Mario Bros. Wii U will be awesome.

TopGunnas 29 pts

they should just make half life 3 and add multiplayer mode to it and that would be the new counter strike 3

naryanrobinson 301 pts

It's not Valve's third take on the Counter-Strike franchise, it's their second.

Spectro1111 5 pts

NO WAY!!! Counter Strike 3!!! Well Valve you have shown the world YOU CAN count to three. Now make Half-Life 3 already... and Portal 3 just because.

Soulreavercross 67 pts moderator

I seriously doubt the WiiU will be less than $250...nevertheless I will not be getting the console unless I see EXCLUSIVE games I want to play for the system

baq99 30 pts

Oh and CS was not a half life 2 mod.  It was a half life one mod played by me since a very early beta.  Facts cam, facts    =o)

baq99 30 pts

When?  How much?  AND how powerful?  We still don't know if the machine will be future proof!!!!!

SpazldNinjaDude 144 pts

$250 or less.....NEVER....more than that and it goes into dumb price zone....similar to £200 or less for basic console I won't pay more than that.

digressions 8 pts

free as in 'free to play, or free to play as in 'free'?

badkiely 8 pts

Max Payne 3.Game of the year so far.

SpazldNinjaDude 144 pts

 badkiely Sleeping Dogs or Darsiders 2? I feel sad for those games cause they are sooo EPIC!!

nik0la2 137 pts

Finally! CS:GO is the first good shooter since ... since CS: Source! F*ck auto-aim.

Gamerboy006 51 pts

I can't wait for the Wii U, but I honestly doubt that it'll be under $250. The controller alone could be around a third of that! Also, It will NOT be released around Thanksgiving. They'll complete the console development around then, still needing time to flatten out any hitches in the coding.

raduz123 7 pts

I have a feeling the WII U will fail. Nintendo appear to making ridicoulous cut back and applying an equally ridicoulsy logic for doing the 3DSxl not selling with a charger being an obvious starting point. Thanks largely to Nintendo people have got over the idea that more power equals better gaming by introducing a new play style but now all the consoles do that and do it better. I would have loved a ninty console that had refined the current controls, instead focusing on a much better OS and first party games. 


Nintendo frustrate me more than any other company! 

Hodge996 222 pts

 raduz123 Nintendo frustrate me too, but there is no way they will fail with the Wii U.  I'm not saying the Wii U will be as successful as the Wii, but I'm pretty sure it'll do alright.  Many people will buy a Wii U simply for the typical Nintendo exclusives (that's why I bought my Wii) then throw in the casual gamers that have bought into the Wii....


You mention "new play styles" the other consoles "do it better", if you're talking about motion controls.... who does that better than Nintendo?!  I'm not a motion control fan at all, but Nintendo still do it better than the rest.

raduz123 7 pts



Ninty simply have a much larger library of motion games than the other consoles, which is a given. However both Kinect and Playstation Move offer better accuracy and a more diverse range of games that appeal to more dedicated gamers, Fifa, Ghost Recon, Killzone, Little Big Planet etc. These games tend to have better production costs, depth and longevity. Nintendo rely far too much on Mario, Zelda and Pokemon which are great but the vast amount of wii games are third party disasters. In terms of the actual controls, I love the concept of the Wii's controllers but simple improvements could be made to the accuracy of the Wii mote. The Nunchuck being wire free would also be safer and help heaps with what could be done in terms of game play. They just needed to refine what they already have.  

BanditMk2 5 pts

Ah, DLC, you either love it or you hate it. I'd love it if they added matchmaking to Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, and I hate that I should have to ask for it in the first place...

Renoo27 72 pts

Wooo I would never have known about that Spec Ops DLC if it wasn't mention on here. Cheers!

xlord121 50 pts

Trust Ubisoft to be the one out of those three to sell DLC

Hodge996 222 pts

 xlord121 I thought the same, but in fairness there seems to be more to Ubisoft's DLC than the others. I still think "map pack" style DLC should be half the price it is though.

betelgeuse68 9 pts

The original Counter-Strike was a Half-Life ONE mod not HL2 (as stated in the video).


I'm sure it was a simple case of being more used to saying "Half-Life Two" but HL2 was not out until 2004.

kraken2109 11 pts

 betelgeuse68 Original CS was a Half Life 1 mod copying a Quake mod

digressions 8 pts

 betelgeuse68 Wierd mistake. I'm more used to saying Half-Life Three...

AFR_basic 23 pts

Nintendo is not saying what the Wii U cost is because we will start having heart attack in front o our computer because of the high price 

abHS4L88 1702 pts


Or they're using the same strategy they did with the Wii (launch date and price was revealed exactly two months before launch and Nintendo's going to reveal all next month and the Wii U is projected to launch in November).

Karlsfsn 57 pts

Guy Cocker flavored news blast sounds so wrong. In fact I'm 96.43% sure that term is already on and just as dirty as it sounds

hardvectorman 16 pts

it better be 250.00 or it want seel pass Xmas

vongroove 41 pts

The wii didn't change anything other than getting old and stupid people to buy a console that sucks...


And yes you will say it did change the gaming wold because they sound a shit load and the others wanted some of that.  Yeah MONEY nothing to do with changing games or the industry! They wanted a slice of the stupid people market.

abHS4L88 1702 pts


And yet the stupidest people seem to be the ones calling people they don't know vulgar and offensive names behind a barrel of a gun on a 360 or PS3 or those constantly whining and complaining whenever something doesn't meet their exceedingly high expectations. 

danielwd 22 pts

Did he say a half life "2" mod? I'm sorry for pointing out a mistake but for some reason it is making me feel clever, which is bad.

bigruss51 52 pts

All Nintendo really needs is just better games. Im sure the impatient people who can't wait for the next Xbox or PS will buy the wii U for whatever price.

Orayus 56 pts

I'm no longer watching Start/Select because Jane left. 

_yuriy_ 36 pts

@Orayus You're trolling right?

Quality-Control 15 pts

 Orayus Who cares about Jane, the guys are hotter anyway

SlyMC182 64 pts


 Sorry, but a bunch of hairy face dudes does not equal hot in my book.

SlyMC182 64 pts


 Move along. Move along.

BelmontWolf 23 pts

 Orayus she was barely on the show anyways. and she is onna the most boring toned voice woman ive ever heard her leaving is a blessing

SlyMC182 64 pts

 BelmontWolf  Orayus


Well I do not agree with you on your assessment of her as an orator, I think one thing we can all agree on is that she is gone and she is not coming back. So even if you miss her there is no other choice but to move on and get over it gentleman.

jsmoke03 163 pts

they still havent announced price or date of release...that doesnt leave much room for the hype train


Breyant 175 pts

I don't think I've ever been less interested in a new console. It will be interesting to see how the general public reacts to the Wii U.

ivan_osorio 98 pts

The ads on beginning and end of every video are so aggravating... I miss the bloopers. Now there is only the exact same add I saw in the beginning of the video. Such a shame.

slycatch 109 pts

Honestly don't think the Wii U will be 250 bucks. It doesn't seem viable at launch.

Free DLCs Uau! It must bee christmas!! 

bigruss51 52 pts


 I dont think there is a lot of hype for the wii U so i dont think it will sell unless the price is low. I agree however that $250 is probably too low for console release. 

Chris_Watters 115 pts

Yeeessssss elongated titles of video games!

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