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IDW Publishing reinvents the horrifying world of vampires in new comic book, 30 Days of Night: Beyond Barro

Date of Meeting: 07/09/2008 10:02:00

Minute taker: Glenn Carter

Source: IDW Publishing

San Diego, CA (February 04, 2008)—Fans of 30 Days of Night will now have the chance to enjoy the further expansion of the 30 Days world and characters through IDW Publishing's horrific new comic book, 30 Days of Night: Beyond Barrow.

Beyond Barrow is an extension of the 30 Days of Night story, which was originally released as a comic in 2002 and became the hit motion picture from Sony Pictures in October, opening at the number one spot on the big screen. The terrifying story details a small Alaskan town-Barrow-that is overrun by vampires during 30 sunless days of the harsh northern winter. When released as a comic book by IDW Publishing, the horrifying vampire tale shocked the comic book world and quickly became a hit.

With two direct graphic novel sequels and assorted spin-off series and prose novels since the original, Beyond Barrow picks up where the ongoing story left off. This time a new creature is lurking, which is preying on both humans and vampires. "By introducing a new threat even to the vampires, this story takes the whole idea further than it's ever gone before," says Chris Ryall, publisher and editor-in-chief at IDW Publishing.

Most notable about Beyond Barrow is that series co-creator/writer Steve Niles has paired up with legendary artist Bill Sienkiewicz to create this terrifying story, which was originally released as a three-part series. Sienkiewicz, an acclaimed multimedia artist who has enjoyed a strong comic book following since the early 1980s, was a major influence on artist Ben Templesmith, who created the art for the original 30 Days of Night. For this newest launch, Sienkiewicz is doing fully-painted covers and artwork.

The trade paperback will be in stores February 2008; call 1-888-comic-book (1-888-266-4226) to find a store near you.


Idea and Design Works, LLC, (DBA IDW Publishing) is a division of IDT Internet Mobile Group (IIMG). An established leader in the comic book and graphic novel marketplace, particularly in the horror, action, and sci-fi genres, IDW Publishing also owns Jonas Publishing and its children's imprint, Worthwhile Books. IDW lists some of the most successful and hottest print titles in the industry in its portfolio, including: television's #1 prime time series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation; Sony's Underworld; Paramount's Star Trek; Fox's 24 and Angel, and Hasbro's The Transformers. The feature film version of IDW Publishing's graphic novel, 30 Days of Night, recently topped the box office when it premiered in October. The company also works with foreign licensing agents to sell their comics around the world, with titles being published in multiple languages and crossing dozens of regions.

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