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Readers say of TPM they... 
Can't Live without it26%
Rely on it a lot60%
Have recommended to a friend89%
Visit more than once per day60%

Upscale, educated and involved. Earlier this year when we asked our readers to participate in a survey, over 25,000 did so in the first 24 hours alone. And more than 8,800 took the time to write in comments. Below is a representative sampling:

I recommend TPM to people all the time—it's the best real political journalism on the web. I read it every single day.”

Cannot live without it is correct. I am a TPM junkie. Even NPR and The NY Times seem quite inadequate in comparison.”

It is an indispensable source for news, ranking with the BBC, NPR and the New York Times—that is, one of the four best in the English-Speaking World.”

It's simply THE BEST source of political news and information out there, regardless of medium.”

The site I go to in order to get the best news and analysis of breaking political stories. Smart, informative, entertaining—many thanks to TPM for doing a great job.”

I believe that TPM is ushering in a new era of investigative reporting. TPM is a treasure of information and opinion.”