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53 of 57 people found the following review helpful
on November 26, 2013
I wish I had read the reviews, in detail, before I took this bag out in the field. This is a bag that is probably comfortable above 30 degrees. The 5 degree rating is a survival rating. I wish that companies or sales surrogates would be more specific. The rating differences could turn a camping or hiking trip into a survival situation. On the first outing with this bag, the night hit 16 degrees and turned into a very long and unpleasant night. It is also not designed for larger people. I am 5'9" and around 220lbs. The bag was tight and difficult to zip.
On the plus side, it is considerably lighter than the old military bag I carried for years and it packs well.
To repeat, do NOT use this bag for temperatures below 25-30 degrees. Keep to that, and I think you'll like it.
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38 of 42 people found the following review helpful
on March 7, 2013
light weight
Compresses well
It has a compression style stuff sack.
Both seem to be stitched well.
PLENTY of room for femalien protuberances.

The zipper is par or sub par. I will replace zipper (-.5 star)
The shoulders are a bit narrow (-.5 star)
It's hard to zip it up from the inside because the last two complaints.

Other thoughts:
once your zipped up it feels pretty roomy.
not a 5 degree bag but warm at 25+ with one layer and a foam pad.
4 days after purchase; the price went down by 10 bucks =(
Despite the negatives, even @40 dollars you can't go wrong with this 3 season bag.
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22 of 23 people found the following review helpful
on November 24, 2014
When I saw the price and the temperature rating I was a bit suspicious. I decided to go with it regardless. I took this on a fall backpacking trip. It's a bit bigger than I'd like it to be. I bought a better compression sack for it, and I saved the compression sack that came with it, as it works great for storing my clothes and sleeping bag liner. I was able to fit it in my pack with plenty of room. The temperature got below freezing into the upper 20F's. I actually got warm enough to remove my liner and shed a layer. That said, I get cold easily.

Later this same fall I took this bag out into an early winter overnight trek. Temperatures dropped to near 0F in the frigid north country of Wisconsin. I was unsure how the bag would fare in such cold weather, as the temperature was below that of the rating. Mind you that in early November(when I was out) the temperature is typically 20F higher than it was this night. I put my fleece liner in my back, I slept with my undercoat, long johns, dry wool socks, and PJ pants. Throughout the night we read temperatures in the early negatives(down to -5F). It was definitely not a comfortable night, but the bag kept me warm enough to sleep a good 5 hours. My friend who had a 10F rated bag started developing frost-bite the next morning. His bag was $50 more expensive than this bag, and he's a larger fellow than myself.

Now with other bags I've owned I've noticed that the "rating" is not for comfort, its solely a "survival" rating. So in no way am I encouraging you to bring this out in 5F weather, you will not be warm and cozy, but if you end up in 5F weather you can be assured this bag may save your life, or your limbs from frost bite.

All in all this bag is dependable. The zipper is cheap, but the bag is effective, and shearly because of the circumstance I cannot deduct a "star" rating for the quality of the zipper. I'm gonna go out of a limb, but this bag may have saved my life.
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10 of 10 people found the following review helpful
on May 12, 2015
Actual weight of this bag is 4lbs and it is so bulky (even after compression) that it did not fit into my backpack (50L).
I will return it, might be good for car camping and I believe it is gonna keep you warm around 30Fs.
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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful
on March 2, 2015
Conclusion: If it's all you can afford, you could do worse. I have the LONG bag, and it is very long (which is awesome). I'm 6'1'', I'm sure 6'6" could fit in this easily. ACTUAL WEIGHT: 4 lbs. <--Heavy. Just get stronger :-). Regular is likely lighter.

My Experience;
Ok bag, I used it in 25-35 degree weather (there were conflicting reports), and I'm not very impressed. I used it with Stansport "Black Granite" Star-Light Tent with Rainfly, which is a summer tent. I thought with this bag I should be fine, I had a thick pad (you should always use a bad when cold weather camping). Was A bit chilly. I slept fine initially, (I drank hot tea and had a big meal before bed). But once I got up in the AM I couldn't warm again in the bag (may have been too much wind in the tent to be fair). So my test was not completely legit. But, if you are buying this bag, you too probably don't have the best gear... or you would get a better bag!

Update: Decided I wanted a higher quality bag and called for a return. No hassle refund, including shipping. Seriously, with the customer service, if you are considering this bag you have no reason not to give it go. You have nothing to lose. Best Choice Products has amazing customer service!!!!!
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19 of 25 people found the following review helpful
on May 14, 2013
It was cheap, but I've used on several cold nights and it has been great. I did use a liner one night, but I had it in the compression bag for weeks prior. The second night I didn't need the liner after the filling had time to fill back out. Nice features. Cell phone Velcro pouch. Velcro strap at top of zipper. Two draw strings,one at hood and one at shoulders inside. Double zipper for opening at bottom also. Very long, room to spare for a 6 foot guy.
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6 of 8 people found the following review helpful
on October 8, 2013
I got this for my son who is in the boy scouts. we have had it out into 40 degree weather. he says that hes very comfortable and confident in the bag enough to sleep on the ground when snow falls...we will see. im sure it will keep him warm. material is of good quality.
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful
on July 15, 2013
I bought this for my daughter after getting my son one and being impressed. It is comfortable, compact and warm.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
on January 10, 2014
I got this for my boyfriends Christmas present really early before Christmas and he hasn't slept without it since he got it. Its super warm and comfortable. He used it camping and I swear he loves the thing more than me now. haha.
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on May 8, 2015
The sleeping bag is quality, ESPECIALLY for the price. When it comes to bang for your buck (and temperature rating), I feel that you're getting a steal here. So why not five stars?

Well, the bag is not exactly what I'd call 'light-weight', as the description states. And It's bulky. I read the dimensions, but was still a little surprised when it came to me in person. I tried to repack it in its supplied compression sack as tight as I could and cinched it as tight as possible, but I saw the straps beginning to pull at the nylon stitching. I think if I continued it would have ripped. But that was on me, I was being overly aggressive to save space.

So, I figured I could buy a third party compression sack to really get it down to size, but the filling really doesn't give much (it is synthetic, of course). I could barely fit it into a large Sea-to-Summit Evac bag. But once inside, it compressed down a -little-. It's a great bag, just buy it for its proper use. A comfortable, warm, LARGE sleeping bag. I am 6 foot even and 200 pounds and I fit into it with ease.

But I cannot recommend this for putting IN a hiking back pack. Maybe, perhaps, you could attach it outside your pack, but even then it might be a bit bulky.
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