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International letters         
Ð          Ð (Ð latin capital letter eth)
ð          ð (ð latin small letter eth)
Þ          Þ (Þ latin capital letter thorn)
þ          þ (þ latin small letter thorn)
Latin ligatures         
Æ          Æ (Æ latin capital ligature ae)
æ          æ (æ latin small ligature ae)
ß          ß (ß latin small letter sharp s)
Œ          Œ (Œ latin capital ligature oe)
œ          œ (œ latin small ligature oe)
´          ´ (´ acute accent)
˜          ˜ (˜ small tilde)
ˆ          ˆ (ˆ circumflex accent)
¨          ¨ (¨ diaeresis)
¸          ¸ (¸ cedilla)
Accented Latin letters         
À          À (À capital letter a with grave)
Á          Á (Á capital letter a with acute)
           ( capital letter a with circumflex)
à          à (à capital letter a with tilde)
Ä          Ä (Ä capital letter a with diaeresis)
Å          Å (Å capital letter a with ring above)
Ç          Ç (Ç capital letter c with cedilla)
È          È (È capital letter e with grave)
É          É (É capital letter e with acute)
Ê          Ê (Ê capital letter e with circumflex)
Ë          Ë (Ë capital letter e with diaeresis)
Ì          Ì (Ì capital letter i with grave)
Í          Í (Í capital letter i with acute)
Î          Î (Î capital letter i with circumflex)
Ï          Ï (Ï capital letter i with diaeresis)
Ñ          Ñ (Ñ capital letter n with tilde)
Ò          Ò (Ò capital letter o with grave)
Ó          Ó (Ó capital letter o with acute)
Ô          Ô (Ô capital letter o with circumflex)
Õ          Õ (Õ capital letter o with tilde)
Ö          Ö (Ö capital letter o with diaeresis)
Ø          Ø (Ø capital letter o with stroke)
Š          Š (Š capital letter s with caron)
Ù          Ù (Ù capital letter u with grave)
Ú          Ú (Ú capital letter u with acute)
Û          Û (Û capital letter u with circumflex)
Ü          Ü (Ü capital letter u with diaeresis)
Ý          Ý (Ý capital letter y with acute)
Ÿ          Ÿ (Ÿ capital letter y with diaeresis)
à          à (à small letter a with grave)
á          á (á small letter a with acute)
â          â (â small letter a with circumflex)
ã          ã (ã small letter a with tilde)
ä          ä (ä small letter a with diaeresis)
å          å (å small letter a with ring above)
ç          ç (ç small letter c with cedilla)
è          è (è small letter e with grave)
é          é (é small letter e with acute)
ê          ê (ê small letter e with circumflex)
ë          ë (ë small letter e with diaeresis)
ì          ì (ì small letter i with grave)
í          í (í small letter i with acute)
î          î (î small letter i with circumflex)
ï          ï (ï small letter i with diaeresis)
ñ          ñ (ñ small letter n with tilde)
ò          ò (ò small letter o with grave)
ó          ó (ó small letter o with acute)
ô          ô (ô small letter o with circumflex)
õ          õ (õ small letter o with tilde)
ö          ö (ö small letter o with diaeresis)
ø          ø (ø small letter o with stroke)
š          š (š small letter s with caron)
ù          ù (ù small letter u with grave)
ú          ú (ú small letter u with acute)
û          û (û small letter u with circumflex)
ü          ü (ü small letter u with diaeresis)
ý          ý (ý small letter y with acute)
ÿ          ÿ (ÿ small letter y with diaeresis)
             (  thin space)
             (  non-breaking space)
             (  en space)
             (  em space)
‌          ‌ (‌ zero width non-joiner)
‍          ‍ (‍ zero width joiner)
‎          ‎ (‎ left-to-right mark)
‏          ‏ (‏ right-to-left mark)
¡          ¡ (¡ inverted exclamation mark)
¿          ¿ (¿ inverted question mark)
·          · (· middle dot)
Basic typographical symbols         
‘          ‘ (‘ left single quotation mark)
’          ’ (’ right single quotation mark)
‚          ‚ (‚ single low-9 quotation mark)
"          " (" quotation mark)
“          “ (“ left double quotation mark)
”          ” (” right double quotation mark)
„          „ („ double low-9 quotation mark)
‹          ‹ (‹ single left-pointing angle quotation mark)
›          › (› single right-pointing angle quotation mark)
«          « (« left pointing guillemet)
»          » (» right pointing guillemet)
⟨          ⟨ (〈 left-pointing angle bracket)
⟩          ⟩ (〉 right-pointing angle bracket)
&          & (& ampersand)
­          ­ (­ soft hyphen)
–          – (– en dash)
—          — (— em dash)
Special typographical symbols         
¯          ¯ (¯ macron)
‾          ‾ (‾ overline)
¦          ¦ (¦ broken bar)
§          § (§ section sign)
¶          ¶ (¶ paragraph sign)
•          • (• bullet)
…          … (… horizontal ellipsis)
©          © (© copyright sign)
®          ® (® registered trade mark sign)
™          ™ (™ trade mark sign)
◊          ◊ (◊ lozenge)
†          † († dagger)
‡          ‡ (‡ double dagger)
⌈          ⌈ (⌈ left ceiling)
⌉          ⌉ (⌉ right ceiling)
⌊          ⌊ (⌊ left floor)
⌋          ⌋ (⌋ right floor)
Numbering characters         
¹          ¹ (¹ superscript one)
²          ² (² superscript two)
³          ³ (³ superscript three)
¼          ¼ (¼ fraction one quarter)
½          ½ (½ fraction one half)
¾          ¾ (¾ fraction three quarters)
ª          ª (ª feminine ordinal indicator)
º          º (º masculine ordinal indicator)
°          ° (° degree sign)
′          ′ (′ prime)
″          ″ (″ double prime)
Basic mathematical symbols         
×          × (× multiplication sign)
÷          ÷ (÷ division sign)
‰          ‰ (‰ per mille sign)
&lt;          < (&#60; less-than sign)
&gt;          > (&#62; greater-than sign)
&not;          ¬ (&#172; not sign)
&plusmn;          ± (&#177; plus-minus sign)
&frasl;          ⁄ (&#8260; fraction slash)
Advanced mathematical symbols         
&forall;          ∀ (&#8704; for all)
&part;          ∂ (&#8706; partial differential)
&exist;          ∃ (&#8707; there exists)
&empty;          ∅ (&#8709; empty set)
&nabla;          ∇ (&#8711; nabla)
&isin;          ∈ (&#8712; element of)
&notin;          ∉ (&#8713; not an element of)
&ni;          ∋ (&#8715; contains as member)
&prod;          ∏ (&#8719; n-ary product)
&sum;          ∑ (&#8721; n-ary sumation)
&minus;          − (&#8722; minus sign)
&lowast;          ∗ (&#8727; asterisk operator)
&radic;          √ (&#8730; radical sign)
&prop;          ∝ (&#8733; proportional to)
&infin;          ∞ (&#8734; infinity)
&ang;          ∠ (&#8736; angle)
&and;          ∧ (&#8743; logical and)
&or;          ∨ (&#8744; logical or)
&cap;          ∩ (&#8745; intersection)
&cup;          ∪ (&#8746; union)
&int;          ∫ (&#8747; integral)
&there4;          ∴ (&#8756; therefore)
&sim;          ∼ (&#8764; similar to)
&cong;          ≅ (&#8773; approximately equal to)
&asymp;          ≈ (&#8776; asymptotic to)
&ne;          ≠ (&#8800; not equal to)
&equiv;          ≡ (&#8801; identical to)
&le;          ≤ (&#8804; less-than or equal to)
&ge;          ≥ (&#8805; greater-than or equal to)
&sub;          ⊂ (&#8834; subset of)
&sup;          ⊃ (&#8835; superset of)
&nsub;          ⊄ (&#8836; not a subset of)
&sube;          ⊆ (&#8838; subset of or equal to)
&supe;          ⊇ (&#8839; superset of or equal to)
&oplus;          ⊕ (&#8853; direct sum)
&otimes;          ⊗ (&#8855; vector product)
&perp;          ⊥ (&#8869; perpendicular)
&sdot;          ⋅ (&#8901; dot operator)
Currency symbols         
&cent;          ¢ (&#162; cent sign)
&pound;          £ (&#163; pound sign)
&yen;          ¥ (&#165; yen sign)
&fnof;          ƒ (&#402; florin)
&euro;          € (&#8364; euro sign)
&curren;          ¤ (&#164; currency sign)
Greek letters         
&Alpha;          Α (&#913; capital letter alpha)
&Beta;          Β (&#914; capital letter beta)
&Gamma;          Γ (&#915; capital letter gamma)
&Delta;          Δ (&#916; capital letter delta)
&Epsilon;          Ε (&#917; capital letter epsilon)
&Zeta;          Ζ (&#918; capital letter zeta)
&Eta;          Η (&#919; capital letter eta)
&Theta;          Θ (&#920; capital letter theta)
&Iota;          Ι (&#921; capital letter iota)
&Kappa;          Κ (&#922; capital letter kappa)
&Lambda;          Λ (&#923; capital letter lambda)
&Mu;          Μ (&#924; capital letter mu)
&Nu;          Ν (&#925; capital letter nu)
&Xi;          Ξ (&#926; capital letter xi)
&Omicron;          Ο (&#927; capital letter omicron)
&Pi;          Π (&#928; capital letter pi)
&Rho;          Ρ (&#929; capital letter rho)
&Sigma;          Σ (&#931; capital letter sigma)
&Tau;          Τ (&#932; capital letter tau)
&Upsilon;          Υ (&#933; capital letter upsilon)
&Phi;          Φ (&#934; capital letter phi)
&Chi;          Χ (&#935; capital letter chi)
&Psi;          Ψ (&#936; capital letter psi)
&Omega;          Ω (&#937; capital letter omega)
&alpha;          α (&#945; small letter alpha)
&beta;          β (&#946; small letter beta)
&gamma;          γ (&#947; small letter gamma)
&delta;          δ (&#948; small letter delta)
&epsilon;          ε (&#949; small letter epsilon)
&zeta;          ζ (&#950; small letter zeta)
&eta;          η (&#951; small letter eta)
&theta;          θ (&#952; small letter theta)
&iota;          ι (&#953; small letter iota)
&kappa;          κ (&#954; small letter kappa)
&lambda;          λ (&#955; small letter lambda)
&mu;          μ (&#956; small letter mu)
&nu;          ν (&#957; small letter nu)
&xi;          ξ (&#958; small letter xi)
&omicron;          ο (&#959; small letter omicron)
&pi;          π (&#960; small letter pi)
&rho;          ρ (&#961; small letter rho)
&sigmaf;          ς (&#962; small letter final sigma)
&sigma;          σ (&#963; small letter sigma)
&tau;          τ (&#964; small letter tau)
&upsilon;          υ (&#965; small letter upsilon)
&phi;          φ (&#966; small letter phi)
&chi;          χ (&#967; small letter chi)
&psi;          ψ (&#968; small letter psi)
&omega;          ω (&#969; small letter omega)
Greek-like symbols         
&micro;          µ (&#181; micro sign)
&thetasym;          ϑ (&#977; small letter theta symbol)
&upsih;          ϒ (&#978; upsilon with hook symbol)
&piv;          ϖ (&#982; pi symbol)
&alefsym;          ℵ (&#8501; alef symbol)
Letter-like symbols         
&weierp;          ℘ (&#8472; Weierstrass p)
&image;          ℑ (&#8465; imaginary part)
&real;          ℜ (&#8476; real part symbol)
&larr;          ← (&#8592; leftwards arrow)
&uarr;          ↑ (&#8593; upwards arrow)
&rarr;          → (&#8594; rightwards arrow)
&darr;          ↓ (&#8595; downwards arrow)
&harr;          ↔ (&#8596; left right arrow)
&crarr;          ↵ (&#8629; carriage return)
&lArr;          ⇐ (&#8656; leftwards double arrow)
&uArr;          ⇑ (&#8657; upwards double arrow)
&rArr;          ⇒ (&#8658; rightwards double arrow)
&dArr;          ⇓ (&#8659; downwards double arrow)
&hArr;          ⇔ (&#8660; left right double arrow)
Miscellaneous Symbols         
&spades;          ♠ (&#9824; black spade suit)
&clubs;          ♣ (&#9827; black club suit)
&hearts;          ♥ (&#9829; black heart suit)
&diams;          ♦ (&#9830; black diamond suit)