
SJASS Mission Statement

SJASS is Peer Reviewed and Open Access Scientific Journal!

The mission of the Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies (SJASS) is to publish empirical research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in the fields of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies.

The journal adopts a broad-ranging view of social studies, charting new questions and new research, and mapping the transformation of scientific studies in the years to come.

The journal is interdisciplinary bringing together articles from a textual, Aquaculture, Archaeology, philosophical, and social scientific background, as well as from cultural studies. It engages in critical discussions concerning gender, class, sexual preference, ethnicity and other macro or micro sites of political struggle.

Other major topics of emphasis are Anthropology, Behavioral Science, Biological Sciences, Business and Management, Antarctic Studies, Area studies, Astronomy, Economics, Education, Environmental Sciences, European Studies, Geography, Government Policy, Law, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Social Welfare, Sociology, Statistics, Women's Studies. However, research in all social science and pure science fields are welcome.