GSPG Journals are Specialized, Refereed and Indexed in International Scientific, Research & Corporate Databases
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Publication Proposal
Global Science PG publishes monographs and textbooks in any area of science and technology. Our standard is at least as high as that of the most prestigious academic presses. To ensure that only submissions of the highest quality are published, generally every book proposal will be peer reviewed by more than 5 experts.

Global Science Publication Group invites prospective authors to submit their proposal via email

A submission will only be considered where it has not already been published in English or offered for publication elsewhere. There is no word limit or limit in the number of images included in our books, and other materials, including additional text and visual images, can be added online if they would enhance the work.

Publication Process
Author Proof-reading: Once your submission has been accepted, we ask for a fully proof-read copy of your work, with an index and bibliography.

GSPG Proof-reading:
Once you submit your final manuscript we will check it for consistency and proof-read it in-house.

After last corrections have been approved, we send the manuscript to our typesetters, check their work and send you final proofs in PDF format.

We usually publish the title within three months (and no later than 6 months) from receiving approved final proofs from authors.

The individual researchers who want to publish their research papers, follow the respected journal guidelines.

Global Science Publishing Group
GSPG Journals are Specialized, Refereed and Indexed in International Scientific, Research & Corporate Databases
Our Journals offer “Fast Track Service” for Publication of articles/papers. This is unique service provided by GSPG, USA to encourage the new intruders in the field of Science
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