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Reflexology is an increasingly popular holistic healing practice.  It may be defined as a healing art that is based on the premise that there are zones of energy that run vertically up and down the body, terminating in the toes and fingers. Any part of the body lying along these zone lines can be affected by pressure applied to its respective zone lines.  Thus, reflexologists are able to use the zone lines to trace, on the feet and hands, a map of all the glands, organs, body parts, and systems of the body.  Reflexology sessions are non-invasive procedures involving the careful application of pressure to these mapped “reflexive” areas.

Benefits of Reflexology

In general, reflexologists believe that the act of applying pressure to various reflex points results in a reduction of stress which, in turn, promotes positive physiological changes within the body.  Among other things, reflexology sessions are thought to improve the functioning of the circulatory system, allowing nutrients to flow throughout the body more efficiently.  As a result of reflexology procedures, the processes of elimination work better; constipation is relieved and excess waste in the system is eliminated.

A reflexology session is thought to improve the supply of blood the muscles, helping to relax the muscles and reduce tension.  At the same time, the stimulation of nerves that occurs as part of a reflexology session promotes improved muscle tone.  Because reflexology sessions are both stimulative and sedative to the nervous system, the application of reflexology procedures relieves pain and benefits many autoimmune problems.

Reflexology also decreases the pain associated with inflammation while reducing the swelling that may result from injury.  Stimulation of the lymphatic reflexes not only helps to reduce edema from an injury but also the edema that may arise from a defective kidney or circulatory problem.   The latter is an important point.  In the case of an injury, there is no need for the reflexologist to touch the injured area directly. Applying the appropriate stimulation to the lymphatic reflexes on the feet can shrink inflammation.  Working the referral area for the injured body part goes further, promoting pain relief and healing.

The majority of people who experience reflexology sessions find them to be pleasant, relaxing experiences.  Recipients often report that the sessions bring calm to the nervous system.  Reflexology recipients typically leave feeling both warm and exhilarated (see archived article by Bredee)



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