
Conditum Paradoxum – Ancient Roman Honey Wine


November 29, 2015

Conditum Paradoxum – Ancient Roman Honey Wine 4 5 0

We'll admit it - this ancient wine and honey mixture falls into a bit of a grey area when it comes to categorization, but in a pinch, it'll hit the same notes as a very sweet mead with much less fermentation time (actually, there's NO fermentation time). This recipe is adapted from the Apicius, a very early Roman cookbook from 4th or 5th century CE. This makes one glass, but could easily scale up in a very large pot for a party.

If nothing else, drinking like a Roman is a pretty high ambition, so enjoy yourself.

  • Yields: 1 Glass


1Add 1/2 of your wine (1/4 of the bottle) and honey to a saucepan. Allow it to boil until the honey has dissolved. Remove from heat.

2While wine is hot, add everything else.

3Once it's cooled, add the rest of the wine. Filter and adjust for sweetness, adding more wine or water. Serve cold or reheat to serve warm.

Via Pass the Garam


1/2 bottle of wine

150 g honey

1 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp fennel seeds (to replace the hard-to-find mastic)

A few strands of saffron

2 bay leaves

1 handful of raisins, dates, or both


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