Ever, as before, does Madness remain a mysterious-terrific, altogether infernal boiling-up of the Nether Chaotic Deep, through this fair-painted Vision of Creation, which swims thereon, which we name the Real. - Carlyle

On type inference algorithms

Hoon is a higher-order typed functional language. Most languages in this class, Haskell and ML being prominent examples, use something called the Hindley-Milner unification algorithm. Hoon uses its own special sauce instead.

Why? There are two obvious problems with H-M as a functional type system, the main one being the wall of heavy-ass mathematics that greets you instantly when you google it. We have heard some claims that H-M is actually quite simple. We urge all such claimants to hie themselves to its Wikipedia page, which they'll surely be able to relieve of its present alarming resemblance to some string-theory paper in Physics Review D.

(Nor is this in any way an an anti-academic stance. Quite the contrary. Frankly, OS guys really quite seldom find themselves in the math-department lounge, cadging stray grants by shamelessly misrepresenting the CAP theorem as a result in mathematics. It doesn't seem too much to expect the mathematicians to reciprocate this basic academic courtesy - how about it, old chaps?)

Furthermore, besides the drawback that it reeks of math and programmers who love math are about as common as cats who love a bath - a problem, but really only a marketing problem - H-M has a genuine product problem as well. It's too powerful.

Specifically, H-M reasons both forward with evaluation, and backward from constraints. Pretty unavoidable in any sort of unification algorithm, obviously. But since the compiler has to think both forward and backward, and the programmer has to predict what the compiler will do, the programmer has to think backward as well.

Hoon's philosophy is that a language is a UI for programmers, and the basic test of a UI is to be, ya know, easy. It is impossible (for most programmers) to learn a language properly unless they know what the compiler is doing, which in practice means mentally stepping through the algorithms it uses (with the exception of semantically neutral optimizations). Haskell is a hard language to learn (for most programmers) because it's hard (for most programmers) to follow what the Haskell compiler is thinking.

It's true that some programmers have an effective mathematical intuition that let them "see" algorithms without working through them step by step. But this is a rare talent, we feel. And even those who have a talent don't always enjoy exercising it.

If a thorough understanding of any language demands high-grade mathematical intuition in its programmers, the language as a UI is like a doorway that makes you duck if you're over 6 feet tall. The only reason to build such a doorway in your castle is if you and all your friends are short, and only your enemies are tall. Is this really the case here?

Although an inference algorithm that reasons only forward must and does require a few more annotations from the programmer, the small extra burden on her fingers is more than offset by the lighter load on her hippocampus. Furthermore, programs also exist to be read. The modern code monkey is above all things a replaceable part, and some of these annotations (which a smarter algorithm might infer by steam) may annoy the actual author of the code but be a lifesaver for her replacement.

Low-powered type inference

Broadly speaking, type inference in Hoon has three general limitations as compared to H-M inference.

One, Hoon really does not think backwards. For instance, it cannot infer a function's argument type (or to use Hoonese, a gate's sample type) from its body.

Two, Hoon can infer through tail recursion, but not head recursion. It can check head recursion, however, given an annotation.

Three, the compiler catches most but not all divergent inference problems - ie, if you really screw up, you can put the compiler into an infinite loop or exponential equivalent. That's ok, because an interrupt will still show you your error location. Also, this never happens once you know what you're doing.

Our experience is that these limitations are minor annoyances at worst and prudent restrictions at best. Your mileage may vary.

A good basic test for the power of a type inference algorithm is whether, given a grammar for a complex AST, it can verify statically that the noun produced by an LL combinator parser for the grammar actually fits in the AST type. (It would be quite surprising to see any language solve this for an LR parser.)

Hoon indeed checks its own LL parser. Moreover, the core of the Hoon compiler - ++ut, which handles both type inference and Nock generation, is less than 2000 lines (and feels a bit bloated at that, since for obvious reasons it is relatively old code). Hoon is pretty expressive, but not that expressive.

So we feel Hoon's approach to type inference offers, beneath its rich Corinthian leather, an unrivalled balance of simplicity and power. Still, don't take it out on the freeway till you're pretty sure you know how to drive it.

Facts to keep in mind

Type inference is a frightening problem, especially if you've been exposed to the wall of math. Your only real problem in learning Hoon is to learn not to fear it. Once you work past this reasonable but entirely unfounded fear of inference, your Hoon experience will be simple, refreshing and delightful. So first, let's talk through a few reassuring facts:

One, it's important to remember - having just read about tiles - that type inference in Hoon never sees a tile. It operates exclusively on twigs. All tiles and synthetic twigs are reduced to natural twigs for the inference engine's benefit.

Two, the semantics of Hoon are in ++ut in hoon.hoon, and nowhere else.

Three, within ++ut, all the semantics of Hoon are in the call graph of one arm - ++mint. ++mint has a case for every natural hoon. So do ++play and ++mull, but their semantics are redundant with ++mint.

Four, one leg in the sample of ++mint - gol - which looks for all the world like a mechanism for backward inference, is not. It is semantically irrelevant and only exists to get better localization on error reports.

Five, we've already explained what ++mint does, but let's repeat it one more time:

When we have a type that describes the subject for the formula we're trying to generate, as we generate that formula we want to also generate a type for the product of that formula on that subject. So our compiler computes:

[subject-type twig] => [product-type formula]

As long as subject-type is a correct description of some subject, you can take any twig and compile it against subject-type, producing a formula such that *(subject formula) is a product correctly described by product-type.

++mint is the gate that maps [type twig] to [type nock]. So, if you know ++mint, you know Hoon.

Six, most of the things ++mint does are obvious. For instance, let's quickly run through how ++mint handles a =+ (tislus) twig, [%tsls p=twig q=twig]. This is a synthetic twig:

++  open
  ^-  twig
  ?-  gen
    [%tsls *]  [%tsgr [p.gen [~ 1]] q.gen]

ie, =+(a b) is =>([a .] b). We thus turn to the %tsgr twig in ++mint. Simplifying broadly:

++  mint
  |=  [sut=type gen=twig]
  ^-  [p=type q=nock]
  ?-    gen
      [%tsgr *]
    =+  fid=$(gen p.gen)
    =+  dov=$(sut p.fid, gen q.gen)
    [p.dov (comb q.fid q.dov)]
++  comb
  |=  [mal=nock buz=nock]
  ^-  nock
  ?:  &(?=([0 *] mal) !=(0 p.mal))
    ?:  &(?=([0 *] buz) !=(0 p.buz))
      [%0 (peg p.mal p.buz)]
    ?:  ?=([2 [0 *] [0 *]] buz)
      [%2 [%0 (peg p.mal p.p.buz)] [%0 (peg p.mal p.q.buz)]]
    [%7 mal buz]
  ?:  ?=([^ [0 1]] mal)
    [%8 p.mal buz]
  ?:  =([0 1] buz)
  [%7 mal buz]

It may not be obvious what ++comb is doing, but we can guess that it's composing two Nock formulas, and in particular doing its best to get back the %8 shorthand that we might have otherwise thrown away by making =+ a synthetic hoon.

If you understand this, you understand the general problem that ++mint is solving. Now, let's dive into the details.

Pseudolazy evaluation: %hold

We'll start by introducing a new type stem, %hold (yes, we are bringing them in one by one like Gandalf's dwarves):

++  type  $|  ?(%noun %void)
          $%  [%atom p=term]
              [%cell p=type q=type]
              [%core p=type q=coil]
              [%cube p=* q=type]
              [%face p=term q=type]
              [%fork p=type q=type]
              [%hold p=(list ,[p=type q=twig])]

(There is now only one type stem that's missing - and a relatively frivolous and unimportant stem at that.)

%hold looks a little bit funky there. Let's indulge in a little more unlicensed simplifying, and pretend it was instead

[%hold p=type q=twig]

(The actual %hold, with its list, is just a big %fork; and can be adequately represented, at least semantically, by a nested %fork of simple holds like this one. The reasons it doesn't work this way are unimportant and we can forget them for now.)

What are the semantics of a %hold? Simple - this type delegates to the value, also of course a type, p:(mint p q). (Once again, in the real hoon.hoon, the ++mint interface is also slightly different from our caricature here.)

Here we see how infinite types, such as a linked list, can be constructed. Hoon, of course, is a strict language (ie, one without lazy evaluation, like Haskell) and cannot construct an infinitely long linked list. We certainly can describe, as a ++type, the infinite set which contains all linked lists - or all lists of a given item type, eg, [p=type q=twig]. But this infinite set must be defined in a very finite noun.

When we traverse this finite noun by expanding %hold stems, we implicitly produce the illusion of an infinite type - for instance, one that in the case of a linked list of @tas, was

[ %fork
  [%cube 0 %atom %n]
  [ %cell
    [%atom %tas]
    [ %fork
      [%cube 0 %atom %n]
      [ %cell
        [%atom %tas]
        [ %fork
          [%cube 0 %atom %n]

and it's turtles all the way down. ([%cube 0 %atom %n] is of course the null terminator, ~).

Infinite state is not required to produce this sequence ad infinitum. In any language, this is essentially what an infinite list is - an indefinite pattern generated from finite state.. But in Hoon, the illusion is produced at the user level, not hidden in the language semantics.

Perhaps it's not clear why this is superior...

Again, you want to define an infinite list. But your physical computer is finite. So, your infinite list must consist of some kind of generated pattern. Lots of ways to do this.

What is the right way to manage this finite state? State of this kind can be expressed in three forms: (a) the actual data structure that the pattern contains; (b) a core, which takes this payload and wraps a pattern generator around it; (c) an abstraction, which makes the generator indistinguishable from simple list data.

It seems clear that since (a) can be converted into (b), and (b) into (c), the best representation is (a). For instance, (a) is easy to send over a network, (b) is clunky at best (we really try to never send nock over the network), (c) is a research project. In short, lazy evaluation is inherently a leaky abstraction.

How we use %hold

There is one advantage of explicit over implicit laziness which would leave us no choice but to use explicit laziness in ++ut, even if we expressed the same semantics in a language with built-in implicit laziness (like Haskell).

The advantage is that the explicit pattern state makes a good search key for an associative array, ie, ++map in Hoon. The problem of using an infinite expansion as a search key in a lazy language is one I'd be surprised to see solved, and even more surprised to see solved well.

Consider the function computed by ++nest. Again simplifying the interesting core structure of ++ut, (nest sut ref) is yes if it can verify that every noun which is a member of type ref is also a member of type sut. In other words, ++nest is a conservative algorithm - it sometimes busts the innocent, it always nails the guilty.

(++nest and everything else in the Hoon type system practice a policy of pure "structural equivalence." Even %face is ignored for compatibility purposes; only noun geometry is considered. If it walks like a duck, etc.)

(You can look at ++nest yourself. It is a big function for Hoon: 150 lines, though arranged quite loosely (it should be more like 120) with a complex internal core.)

If you look again at ++type above and forget about %hold, it is probably not hard to imagine building a ++nest for finite type nouns. (The problem is not even equivalent to SAT, because there is a unification stem but no intersection stem.)

But for (logically) infinite types? Yes - actually, the problem is straightforward. But the solution requires us to use %hold types as search keys.

Essentially, ++nest can begin by assuming that every ref is a sut, then traverse the parallel trees searching for any case of a ref that might conceal a non-sut. In this traverse, we can simply keep a set of the [sut ref] problems we are solving:

=+  gil=*(set ,[p=type q=type])

Again, gil is just the ++nest stack as a live problem set.

If we descend into another instance of the search tree we're actually in, ie, currently searching for exceptions to the compatibility assumption, there is no reason to restart our search. So, we can prune and ignore these recurrences. And so, we can write a decent ++nest.

Every nontrivial algorithm that traverses types keeps one of these recurrence sets to detect repeating patterns.

This leaves the onus on the programmer to design types that recur regularly. An infinite type cannot be traversed if the actual [%hold p=type q=twig] in it does not recur, with the exact same type and twig nouns. Indeed, doing anything significant with this type will cause the compiler to hang (requiring an interrupt, which will tell you where you made this mistake).

Fortunately, doing the right thing here is much easier than doing the wrong thing. Why would you roll your own list, anyway? Use the standard tools and everything will work.

Where we use %hold

Everywhere. But more specifically, every time a wing resolves to an arm, we don't trace into the callee; we make a %hold. Hence, in practice the type in a %hold is always a %core.

When other typed functional languages construct or define a gate, lambda, closure, function, etc, they generally compute a "type signature" for the function. Ie, it accepts this and produces that. You will see things in Hoon gates that look to all the world like type signatures. They aren't type signatures.

In Hoon, if the compiler wants to traverse the type a gate produces, it simply iterates a subject through the AST - the twig. In doing so, we start with the subject

[%hold gate-type gate-twig]

and iterate into it, reducing as needed, and checking wherever possible for logic loops, until we find what we want.

Logically this iteration is always the same as q:(mint p q), but in actual practice ++mint is making a formula we don't need. Also, we only need to actually verify correctness when we generate a formula - not when we traverse pseudolazy types. Hence, we have the lighter ++play gate for traversal.

Head and tail recursion

The ^- (kethep, %kthp) twig,

[%kthp p=tile q=twig]

produces the type p:(mint sub ~(bunt al p.gen)) and the formula q:(mint sub q.gen), checking that p:(mint sub q.gen) nests in p:(mint sub ~(bunt al p.gen)).

It is difficult to avoid the word "cast" when talking about %kthp, so we relent and use it. Essentially we are casting the product of twig q to the icon of tile p.

(Casting should not be confused with fishing. %kthp is a purely static operation with no runtime effect whatsoever.)

It's a good general principle to cast the product of every arm. First, because %face is ignored by ++nest, the cast is an opportunity to get the names right - for example, your arm can produce [foo bar] and cast it at the end to [p=foo q=bar]. The type produced by mere inference on practical code may be funky, duplicative, poorly named, etc, etc. Even if it's not, it's often good to remind the reader what just got made.

Furthermore, when an arm is used in head recursion, casting its product becomes essential. Our simplistic inference algorithm cannot follow head recursion; but it can check that every step in head recursion is correct, leaving no loophole.

A key point is that since ++play does not verify, it does not need to descend into twig q at all. Thus when we type-check head recursion, we check that any step is correct, assuming any further steps are correct - a positive answer is dispositive.

If you don't completely understand (or believe) this, or if you are not quite sure on the difference between head and tail recursion, just cast the product of every arm.

%kthp also has an irregular wide form. ^-(@tas foo) can also be written


For example, although Hoon is perfectly capable of inferring that decrement produces an atom, the decrement in hoon.hoon casts the product of the loop step anyway:

=+  b=0
|-  ^-  @
?:  =(a +(b))
$(b +(b))

Note that this is just a fancy modern arrangement of the classic Hoon

=+  b=0
^-  @
?:  =(a +(b))
$(b +(b))

Ie, it is only by casting within the loop that we can infer either head or tail recursion.

The idiom of "barhep kethep tile" is common enough that you should rarely see a |- without a ^-. Especially while still a beginning Hoon programmer - when in doubt, cast.

Branch analysis

Type inference wouldn't be very useful or interesting if we couldn't learn things about our nouns at runtime. Actually, we can't even really use most nouns without type inference.

For instance, let's make a list:

~waclux-tomwyc/try=> =foo `(list ,@)`[1 2 3 4 ~]
~waclux-tomwyc/try=> foo
~[1 2 3 4]
~waclux-tomwyc/try=> :type; foo
~[1 2 3 4]

Looks good. (Our prettyprinter has traversed the list type and matched it to its own list detection heuristic - which is the only way we can print a list as such, since ++list is just a gate and no trace of the word list remains in the type.)

So let's try to use it. What's the first item?

~waclux-tomwyc/try=> i.foo
! -type.it(@)
! -find-limb.i
! find-fork
! exit

Doh! We got a find-fork because, with the cast, we threw away our knowledge that we had [1 2 3 4 ~] and replaced it with a repeating structure that is either ~ or [i=@ t=(list ,@)]. We cannot pull i from foo, because we don't know that foo is not ~.

Since we've lost that information, we need a way to test for it dynamically, and change the type of foo on either side of the branch. To wit:

~waclux-tomwyc/try=> ?~(foo 42 i.foo)

What is ?~ - wutsig, %wtsg? A simple synthetic that use our fishing hoon, ?= (wuttis):

~waclux-tomwyc/try=> ?:(?=(~ foo) 42 i.foo)

On the | side of the ?:, we know that foo is not ~ - and because it's not ~, it has to be a cell. We can see the type system learning this:

~waclux-tomwyc/try=> :type; ?~(foo !! foo)
[i=1 t=~[2 3 4]]
[i=@ t=it(@)]

Notice also the use of !!. !! always crashes - so it produces the type %void. We're essentially asserting that foo is a non-empty list. A branch that produces %void will never return a value (if taken, it will always crash), so its product can be ignored. If we changed that:

~waclux-tomwyc/try=> :type; ?~(foo %foobar foo)
[i=1 t=~[2 3 4]]
{ %foobar [i=@ t=it(@)] }

It's important to note that the only hoons recognized in branch analysis are ?= (wuttis, %wtts, fish), ?& (wutpam, %wtpm, logical and), and ?| (wutbar, %wtbr, logical or). (Boolean logic is fully understood within the test itself, so the second twig in a ?& can depend on the result of the first.)

Of course, synthetic hoons that reduce to these work as well. However, we don't learn from any other test, even if we could:

~waclux-tomwyc/try=> ?:(?=(~ foo) 42 i.foo)
~waclux-tomwyc/try=> ?:(=(~ foo) 42 i.foo)
! -type.it(@)
! -find-limb.i
! find-fork
! exit

Type inference in Hoon is anything but magic. It's a relatively simple algorithm, which you nonetheless need to understand if you're going to make it as a Hoon programmer. "It just works" and "do what I mean" are not in the building.

All branches (such as ?~) reduce to ?:. It would appear, for instance, that Hoon has (like many other functional languages) pattern-matching primitives, ?- (and ?+, which takes a default). Au contraire - these are just synthesized from ?: and ?=.

Finally, another thing that branch analysis can do is statically detect that branches aren't taken. For instance, with our little foo list, we cannot know statically whether or not it's null, but we can test it dynamically. Statically, however, we know one thing - foo cannot have the value %foobar.

So what happens if we fish for it?

~zod/try=> ?:(?=(%foobar foo) 42 i.foo)
! mint-vain
! exit

For lo, we fish in vain. We get this error whenever a branch is not taken. This is tremendously useful when, for example, ?- switches on a kelp - if we write a case for a stem that doesn't exist, or miss a stem that must be handled, the compiler knows.

Geometric and generic polymorphism

One interesting question in any language is what happens when you pass a function an argument more specialized than its declaration.

Consider a function that takes a pair [a b] and produces [b a]. Any noun will obviously do for b and a. So the sample tile is [a=* b=*]. But suppose the caller knows something more about a and b. What happens? Let's give it a try:

~zod/try=> :type; (|=([a=* b=*] [b a]) %foo %bar)
[7.496.034 7.303.014]
[* *]

With |= (bartis, %brts), the normal way of building a gate, we lost all our type information. Sometimes this is fine. Sometimes it's exactly what we want. But here's something else we can do:

~zod/try=> :type; (|*([a=* b=*] [b a]) %foo %bar)
[%bar %foo]
[%bar %foo]

By using |* (bartar, %brtr), we seem to have produced the same noun, but not lost any type information. Interesting!

The difference is that while both |= and |* are polymorphic, |= uses geometric polymorphism and |* uses generic. Which should you choose?

There's a simple rule for this, which is that unless you are a wizard doing wizardly things, you should use |=. Generic polymorphism is a way to build and use tools like containers (lists, etc), which in other, inferior languages might simply be built in to the language semantics. Especially as a new Hoon programmer, you are probably not building heavy machinery of this kind, and should probably make do with the standard components.

But you will be using containers, etc. So there's no shortcut for understanding both systems.

Geometric polymorphism

We've already met the fundamental function of geometric polymorphism, ++nest. The question (nest sut ref) asks is: can I take any noun in type ref, and use it as if it was within sut?

Consider the trivial example above - the question is, can we use our noun [%foo %bar] as if it was a [a=* b=*]?

When we use %= (centis, %cnts) to modify the sample in a core, we actually change the type of the core. (Of course we are not modifying the core per se, but creating a new one with the given changes.)

[ %core
  [ %cell 
    [%cell [%face %a %noun] [%face %b %noun]]
  (map term twig)


[ %core
  [ %cell 
    [%cell [%cube %foo [%atom %tas]] [%cube %bar [%atom %tas]]]
  (map term twig)

This poses a couple of problems. First, remember, when we infer into a gate call or any other use of a core arm, we infer lazily by creating a [%hold type twig] with the subject core and the arm body. When we want to find out what type the arm produces, we simply step through it.

But among other possible problems here, we've actually destroyed our argument names. If we try to step through the body of the function with this modified core, we can't possibly play [b a]. The names a and b simply won't resolve.

This is why a core is actually more complicated than our original explanation would suggest. The %core frond is actually:

++  type  $%  [%core p=type q=coil]
++  coil  $:  p=?(%gold %iron %lead %zinc)
              r=[p=?(~ ^) q=(map term foot)]
++  foot  $%  [%ash p=twig]
              [%elm p=twig]

Geeze, man, what is all this nonsense? Okay, fine. Let's explain the real %core.

First, q in the coil is the original payload type for use in a %hold. Hence geometric polymorphism. The question we have to answer whenever we use an arm is: is this core corrupt? As in: is the payload that's in it now geometrically compatible with the payload that its formulas were compiled with? Can we use the present payload as if it was the original, default payload?

It is actually not a type error of any kind to produce a modified core with the payload set to any kind of garbage at all. It's just a type error to use it - unless the payload is compatible. And when we use a geometric arm, we test this compatibility and then treat the present sample as if it was the original.

q.r in the coil is the map of arms. The polymorphism model is not an attribute of the core, but of the arm - %ash means geometric, %elm means generic.

p.r, if not null, is the actual generated battery of Nock formulas. Why do we need this at compile time? Remember %ktsg, which folds constants.

p.r is null while we are compiling the core's own arms, for obvious reasons (though we could get a little smarter about circularities), but once we complete this task we can put the battery in the type. The result is that, if we are building a reef of cores, we can fold arms of this core in the next one down.

For example, one of the main uses of %ktsg is simply to make default samples constant, so that we don't have to perform some simple but unnecessary computation every time we use a gate. Because we can only fold an arm in a completed core, a good general practice in building applications is to use a reef of at least two cores - inner for the tiles, outer for the functions.

All that remains is this mysterious p field. If you are an OO geek of a certain flavor who was once busted with a Sharpie for writing "BERTRAND MEYER IS GOD" on a Muni bus, you may be familiar with the broad language concept of variance.

Polymorphism in Hoon supports four kinds of variance: %gold (invariant), %lead (bivariant), %zinc (covariant), and %iron (contravariant).

The question of variance arises when we want to test whether one core is compatible with another. Hoon is a functional language, for example, so it would be nice to pass functions around. Gosh, even C can pass functions around.

For core A to nest within core B (any A can be used as a B), it seems clear that A should have the same set of arms as B (with formulas at exactly the same axes in the battery), and that any product of an A arm should nest within the product of the corresponding B arm.

But what about the payloads? Worse - what about the contexts? A simple rule might be that the payload of A must also nest within the payload of B. Unfortunately, this doesn't work.

Suppose, for instance, that I write a sort gate, one of whose arguments is a comparison gate producing a loobean. (This is generally a problem calling for generic polymorphism, but let's assume we're sorting lists of a fixed type.) Okay, great. We know the sample type of the comparator - but what about the context? The sort library cannot possibly have the same context as the application which is using the sort library. So, the cores will be incompatible and the invocation will fail.

This rule, which doesn't work in this case, is the rule for %gold (invariant) cores. Every core is created %gold, and remains %gold from the perspective of its own arms.

But the type of some arbitrary comparator, which is an argument to our sort function, cannot possibly be %gold. Rather, we need an %iron (contravariant) core. You can turn any %gold core into an %iron one with ^| (ketbar, %ktbr), but the transformation is not reversible.

The rules for using an %iron core are that (a) the context is opaque (can neither be read nor written), and (b) the sample is write-only. Why? Because it's absolutely okay to use as your comparator a gate which accepts a more general sample than you'll actually call it with. You can write a more specialized noun into this sample - but if you read the default value and treat it as more specialized, you have a type loophole.

A %zinc (covariant) core is the opposite - the context remains opaque, the sample is read-only. We don't use any %zinc at present, but this is only because we haven't yet gotten into inheritance and other fancy OO patterns. (Hoon 191 had inheritance, but it was removed as incompletely baked.) You make a %gold core %zinc with ^& (ketpam, %ktpm).

Finally, the entire payload of a %lead (bivariant) core is immune to reading or writing. So all that matters is the product of the arms. You make a lead core with ^? (ketwut, %ktwt).

Generic polymorphism

When the arm we're executing is %elm, not %ash, there is actually no check that the payload in the actual core, type p, nests in the original payload q.q.

Moreover, %elm arms (defined not with ++ or slus, which means %ash, but +- or shep) are actually not even type-checked when compiled. They have to generate valid nock, but all verification is disabled.

Why? How? Because there's another way of dealing with a core whose payload has been modified. In a sense, it's incredibly crude and hacky. But it's perfectly valid, and it lets Hoon provide the same basic feature set provided by generic features in other languages, such as Haskell's typeclasses.

Logically, when we use an %elm, generic or "wet" arm, we simply recompile the entire twig with the changed payload. If this recompilation, which is typechecked, succeeds - and if it produces exactly the same Nock formula - we know that we can use the modified core as if it was the original, without of course changing the static formula we generated once.

Why does this work out to the same thing as a typeclass? Because with a wet core, we are essentially just using the source code of the core as a giant macro in a sense. Our only restriction is that because the Nock formula that actually executes the code must be the same formula we generated statically for the battery.

In a sense this defines an implicit typeclass: the class of types that can be passed through the arm, emerging intact and with an identical formula. But no declaration of any sort is required. You could call it "duck typeclassing."

Of course, a lot of caching is required to make this compile with reasonable efficiency. But computers these days are pretty fast.

This description of how wet arms work is not quite correct, though it's the way ancient versions of Hoon worked. The problem is that there are some cases in which it's okay if the modified core generates a different battery - for example, if the original battery takes branches that are not taken in this specific call.

So we have a function ++mull which tests whether a twig compiled with one subject will work with another. But still, thinking of the wet call check as a simple comparison of the compiled code is the best intuitive test.

Again, your best bet as a novice Hoon programmer is to understand that this is how things like list and map work, that someone else who knows Hoon better than you wrote these tools, and that in general if you want to use generic polymorphism you're probably making a mistake. But if you wonder how list works - this is how it works.

Generic polymorphism action sequences

Let's deploy this boy! Here is ++list:

++  list  |*(a=_,* $|(~ [i=a t=(list a)]))

Don't worry. This is just grievously badass hardcore Hoon - as irregular as Marseilles street slang. As a novice Hoon monkey, you won't be writing ++list or anything like it, and you can stick to French as she is spoke in Paris.

On the other hand, at least this grizzled old baboon has no trouble parsing the apparent line noise above. Why so funky? Why, oh why, _,*? Because for various irrelevant reasons, the ++list here is trying as hard as possible to build itself out of tiles.

For instance, in general in Hoon it is gauche for a gate to use its core's namespace to recurse back into itself, but tiles do not expose their own internals to the twigs they contain (otherwise, obviously, they could not be hygienic).

Tiles manipulate the subject such that it's not possible to loop properly. So in fact there is no alternative but to use (list a) within ++list - a normal usage in complex tiles, but only in complex tiles.

But a normal person wouldn't use tiles to prove a point. They'd do it like this - let's use the REPL to build a list replacement, without one single "obfuscated Hoon trick."

~zod/try=> =lust |*(a=$+(* *) |=(b=* ?@(b ~ [i=(a -.b) t=$(b +.b)])))
~zod/try=> ((lust ,@) 1 2 ~)
~[1 2]
~zod/try=> ((list ,@) 1 2 ~)
~[1 2]
~zod/try=> `(list ,@)``(lust ,@)`[1 2 ~]
~[1 2]

Note that list and lust do the same thing and are perfectly compatible. But sadly, lust still looks like line noise. Let's slip into something more comfortable:

|*  a=$+(* *)
|=  b=*
?@  b  ~
[i=(a -.b) t=$(b +.b)]

We haven't met $+ (buclus) yet. $+(p q) is a tile for a gate which accepts p and produces q. The spectre of function signatures once again rears its ugly head - but $+(p q) is no different from $_(|+(p _q)).

Otherwise, when we think of a wet gate (|*) as a macro, we see (list ,@) producing

|=  b=*
?@  b  ~
[i=(,@ -.b) t=$(b +.b)]

This function is easily recognized as a gate accepting a noun and producing a list of atoms - in short, perfectly formed for an herbaceous tile. Pass it some random noun off the Internet, and it will give you a list of atoms. In fact, we could define it on its own as:

++  atls
  |=  b=*
  ?@  b  ~
  [i=(,@ -.b) t=$(b +.b)]

and everywhere you write (list ,@), you could write atls. Which would work perfectly despite its self-evident lameness. Note in particular that the inner b gate is not wet, but rather dry - once we have done our substitution, there is no need to get funky.

Let's do some little fun thing with list - eg, gluing two lists together:

++  weld
  ~/  %weld
  |*  [a=(list) b=(list)]
  =>  .(a ^.(homo a), b ^.(homo b))
  |-  ^+  b
  ?~  a  b
  [i.a $(a t.a)]

What is this homo thing (meaning "homogenize", of course)? Exactly that - it homogenizes the type of a list, producing its sample noun unchanged:

    ++  homo
      |*  a=(list)
      ^+  =<  $
        |%  +-  $  ?:(_? ~ [i=(snag 0 a) t=$])

Here is more dark magic that should clearly be ignored. But essentially, to homogenize a list a, we are casting a to a deranged pseudo-loop that produces an infinite stream of the first item in a, selected via the ++snag function:

++  snag
  ~/  %snag
  |*  [a=@ b=(list)]
  ?~  b
    ~|('snag-fail' !!)
  ?:  =(0 a)
  $(b t.b, a (dec a))

++snag of course selects any item in the list; but if b has a type more complex than a homogeneous list (eg, the type system might well know the number of items, etc, etc), Hoon is nowhere near enough to see that the counter is always 0. So the type produced by ++snag is the union of all list elements, which is precisely the type we want for our homogenized list.

As for ^. (ketdot, %ktdt), we can see it in ++open:

  ++  open
    ^-  twig
    ?-  gen
      [%ktdt *]  [%ktls [%cnhp p.gen q.gen ~] q.gen]

Ie, ^.(a b) is ^+((a b) b) is ^-(_(a b) b).

++weld prudently casts its product to the type of the base list b. In future this ^+ will probably be removed, since we are perfectly capable of inferring that when you weld (list a) and (list b), you get a (list ?(a b)). But there's old code this change might confuse.

In short: generic polymorphism is cool but wacky. Leave it to the experts, please!