Frequently Asked Questions

We've written a tool to clean your computer.
It will remove all the registry keys, the start menu shortcuts and the installed files concerning WinSplit.
But it won't remove your settings files (so you'll be able to make a new install using them).
You'll find this tool on the download page.
The best way to ensure that your settings are saved is to close and restart WinSplit after the modifications.
It seems there are some "application ending" cases that we have not taken into account : we apologize for this and we'll try to resolve this in the future.
For a standard installation, settings are written in a sub folder of your "Documents and Settings" folder. For example, in a classic installation of Windows, they are written in "%APPDATA%\WinSplit Revolution".
They are actually saved in 4 xml files that you just have to backup where you want.
To restore them, just close WinSplit, restore these files, and restart WinSplit.
For a portable installation, settings files are writtent in the folder containing the application itself.
Notice that from the version 9.02, the "General" tab of the options dialog box has 2 buttons to import and export your settings.
For some windows (like Google Chrome), this is due to the window style used. This limitation will be removed in the next release.
For other windows (like Putty), this is due to the window comportment. For example, depending on its settings, a Putty Window does not allow real resizing : only "steps" sizes are allowed.
Of course you can !
The actual licence's "non-commercial" term just means that you can't directly make benefits with WinSplit Revolution.
For example, you can't include it in a commercial package of software that you would sell.
But as it is a freeware, you can distibute it freely as often as you want.
We don't really know why this appens, but sometimes, some anti-virus softwares say WinSplit Revolution contains a trojan.
It it the reason for witch we've added a analysis link for each of the downloads that we provide.
We actually don't know how to avoid this. The only thing we can do is telling you that there is no malicious code in WinSplit and in its installer.
When this appends, just wait a few days, and the alert will sometimes be disabled.
Don't forget to report us such an alert so that we can contact the anti-virus softawre team, to try to correct this.
Well, this is a great question : WinSplit Revolution does not actually support 64bits processes.
It does work on 64bits systems, but only for 32bits applications windows.
We are sorry, but we actually don't have the ability to develop and test it for 64bits applications.
Update : We are now prouds to says that since version 11.02, WinSplit supports 64 bits applications.
If your language is not yet supported (or uncomplete, or contains errors), you can contact us. We will give you the needed file(s) and some links to help you.
And if you want, you will be added in the "credits" page as an official translator.