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Review: Civilization V

Sean Carey
11:00 AM on 09.17.2010
Review: Civilization V photo

In any medium, it’s an almost insurmountable challenge to produce a product that stands the test of time. The majority of bands fade into obscurity, movies are forgotten in the wake of the latest pretty face, and all but the most iconic artists and authors get lost in the shuffle of the staggering volume of options the information age has provided us. This is only amplified in the case of video games, where increases in design complexity and rate of technological advance are exponentially unfolding.

With this perspective, the achievements of the Civilization series become acutely mind-boggling. Spanning nearly 20 years of digital iteration (and a decade in board game form prior to that), the IP that brought gamers the invention of the tech-tree has managed to not only survive, but evolve, entertain, educate, and perform in the marketplace. That’s pretty damned impressive for a game that’s basically about world history.

With Civilization V, the developers at Firaxis are rolling the dice yet again and making some sweeping alterations to the series’ DNA. Keeping a game with so much tradition fresh and fun without alienating a deeply loyal fanbase is a Herculean labor, to be sure. However, despite the barriers, Civ V manages to make an overwhelmingly strong case for investing in one more turn of “just one more turn”.

Civilization V (PC)
Developer: Firaxis
Publisher: 2K Games
Release Date: September 21, 2010
MSRP: $49.99

For those unfamiliar with the series, Civilization V is a PC turn-based strategy game that tasks the player with growing a single group of settlers in the Stone Age into a sprawling empire that outshines all others. Victory can be accomplished through a variety of means: military conquest, diplomatic maneuvering, cultural output, winning the space race through superior technology, or simply having the best overall score when the game ends in AD 2050. 

If this sounds incredibly complex and daunting, that’s because it is. There’s good news though -- Civ V does more to ease new players through the learning curve than any previous Civ game. Those that haven’t experienced the series before will likely find themselves eras deep in an engrossing strategy experience before they know it.

As to the changes in Civ V from previous titles, we’ll tackle the cosmetic issues first. The most noticeable change to the presentation is the conversion from a square grid to a hexagonal one. The world takes on a much more organic appearance without having to rely on right angles to render curvy natural features like mountain ranges or coastlines. There are many more strategic implications to the hex grid as well, but we’ll come back to those a bit later. 

Graphically, the game looks fabulous; smooth unit animations and lots of detail in the unit and city designs make it a delight to zoom in on the map. Sound design is also strong -- each civilization has unique music that is both pleasing and unobtrusive. The loss of Leonard Nimoy as a narrator will bum some fans out, but Morgan Sheppard fills in admirably. He’s got an Ian McKellen-like quality to his voice that’s perfect for the tone of the game.

While Civilization Revolution was a divisive game for most Civ fans, it really can’t be argued that it did well in streamlining the user interface. Civ V brought back the same UI talent, and their work is immediately obvious. Where previous games were a Byzantine labyrinth of menus, sub-menus, and advisor screens, nearly every major function in Civ V can be accessed without leaving the main map view. The only time I ever left it was for talking with leaders or to view the extended tech-tree on occasion to plan long-term research strategy.

Where Civ V’s user interface really shines is the notification system. Any time an important event occurs or units and cities require your attention, an icon will drift down along the right side of the screen. Where in the past a tiny text description would appear and force you to hunt around the map to find what you need, simply left-clicking on the icon will center the map over the related object. 

The icons also act as a to-do list, which becomes doubly helpful in the later stages of the game when you’ll have much more to manage. I can’t overstate how much time and frustration this saves -- it lets you focus on planning rather than uninteresting minutia. Things like this are what help to make the full Civ experience more accessible to newer players.

Diplomacy sees some subtle tweaks and upgrades; AI personalities for all the leaders are distinct and varied. They will have different approaches to their development, expansionist tendencies, and propensity for military aggression. These values will even shift slightly for the same leader from game to game, ensuring that you’ll always have a fresh puzzle to solve in how you plan your approach to every match.

Trade is much more realistic this time around. Unless you’re greatly in or out of favor with another civ, you won’t find the other leaders to be unreasonably stingy or spineless pushovers -- all reasonable offers will be considered. It’s also smarter; when I offered an oil resource to a civ that didn’t have the technology to utilize it, they flatly refused my offer of mysterious black sludge even though it was vastly more valuable than what I was asking for in return.

The introduction of city-states adds an extra layer of intrigue to Civ V. These standalone cities can be conquered or offer unique benefits like military units and culture if you befriend them. They will often request help if their safety is threatened by barbarians or other civs, which gives isolationist players (like myself) compelling reasons to get involved in world events. City-states also play into voting for diplomatic victories when the United Nations is built, so spending the time to interact with them is central to the game.

On the research front, Civ V’s tech-tree is well balanced. Where many versions of Civ have allowed players to race to a key military tech like Gunpowder or Combustion and then steamroll the board, the prerequisites required to reach them in Civ V make focusing solely on those objectives a risky proposition. Some specializing can be beneficial, but a player who ignores the other branches of the tech-tree will find themselves deficient in production capacity, research or culture generation, gold output, etc., which will nullify their military edge in other ways. For a solo player who wants more of a challenge than the average comp stomp, this is a great thing.

My one gripe with the tech-tree this time around is that even with all the research buffing structures built in all your cities, it can be difficult to reach the required techs to win the space race before 2050. In every match I’ve played so far, I’ve always reached the cultural victory conditions far before I could start building my spaceship. I tend to play smaller, focused empires (3-5 cities max), so this might be mitigated by pushing to expand your civ. However, that’s difficult if you play on a normal or small map size -- you’ll be forced to fight other civs early on to clear space for the needed cities to research faster.

The government system of Civ IV is abandoned this time in favor of building a unique style for your empire through the adoption of social policies. Accumulating enough culture points will allow you to unlock different branches of policy and abilities within them; think of it as a sociological tech-tree. While certain branches can’t be activated simultaneously (ex. Piety and Rationalism can’t both be active), the benefits from each branch you have unlocked are cumulative. This is much less restrictive than the systems of previous games that force you to abandon all the buffs from one form of government in order to pursue another.

Gone from Civ V is the religion system of the last game, and I’m happy to see it go. While it was interesting, it was also convoluted and drew too much focus away from other aspects of the game. You can still take over cities by surrounding them with your cultural influence, so there’s really nothing substantively lost by excising it. Also gone is the espionage element, which was an adequate sub-system, but I didn’t find myself missing it here.

Civilization games have always excelled when played at the macro level -- managing the direction of your empire has always been interesting and fun. Where the blotches have always shown is at the micro level. Managing workers and land development has historically been a tedious and necessary evil to complete macro level goals. Additionally, combat has been less an issue of strategic usage of units and more a matter of outproducing your opponents or having superior military technology. 

Two major changes to the game take Civ V to a whole new level in terms of combat depth and enjoyment. The first (the adoption of the hex grid) does many things for combat. With movement reduced to six directions from eight, the number of choke points on the map increase, along with their strategic value. If you are facing a smart opponent who protects their strongest ranged attackers with footsoldiers, it’s tougher to get around and knock out siege units by flanking with your own footsoldiers. This makes mounted units like cavalry much more useful than in past games, as the additional movement capacity is vital for breaking an enemy formation from behind.

The biggest and most welcome change to combat in Civ V, though, is that military units are no longer stackable. With one unit per hex, the days of racing to Combustion and then tanking up a stack of doom to just march across the map are over. This reduces the amount of overall units on the board, and makes each unit more valuable than ever before. This gives you incentive to plan your attack strategies and army make-up much more carefully.

In Civ IV, individual units could earn experience to gain promotions, but it wasn’t impactful because a stack of units would always take down even the most experienced single unit. Now, unit promotions can give you the needed edge to win a battle, by allowing you to specialize for terrain or siege bonuses. This also increases the value of military structures like barracks that provide XP for your troops.

Enhancing this is the adoption of hit points for military units. When two units clash, they both do damage to one another based on their strength values. Where in the past every fight resulted in one of the units being destroyed, this rarely happens in Civ V. Clashes take multiple rounds to resolve, allowing time for retreat or reinforcement. This creates much more strategic play, in addition to eliminating the often mocked “archer beats tank” anomaly from past games.

The defensive side of the equation is also dramatically altered by the exclusion of stacking. Instead of garrisoning stacks of units in your cities, you are forced to meet your enemies in the field. Cities can also defend themselves; they have a strength and hit point rating based on their population that is buffed by building walls and other defensive structures. They can also bombard incoming attackers, making for a protracted siege-style warfare that is extremely enjoyable and deep.

City and resource management sees some upgrades at the micro level, too. While advanced players will still want to manually select improvements for their workers to build, the worker AI in general is much more competent and is a viable option for lower difficulty levels or players who are working their way up the learning curve and focusing on other aspects. Roads now require gold to maintain, so the willy-nilly spaghetti network of roads from Civ IV is not a viable approach, and worker AIs are smart about only connecting cities to keep costs to a minimum. This also helps on the combat end by making it more difficult for enemies to approach your cities.

Where territory gained from cultural output was doled out fairly symmetrically in the past, your cities will make smarter decisions as to which specific hexes to annex next. You can accelerate the process by using gold to purchase land sooner, but left to its own devices the city AI will give priority to nabbing hexes with revealed resources and your workers will give priority to developing them.

The multiplayer component plays out much as it did in Civ IV, with the simultaneous turn-based system helping to ensure that the action doesn't get too bogged down in waiting. With this system, whoever enters their commands first will get them executed first; while the core gameplay is still the same, players who are quick on the draw can eke out an advantage in certain combat and exploration scenarios.

The connectivity varied in quality in the matches I played. However, switching hosts seemed to clear up any issues when they arose. Certain presentation frills were absent in some of the matches (like unit movement and combat animations), but this only served to speed up player turns and was not a drag on the enjoyment of playing. Up to 6 human players can be accommodated for any match, and turn timers can be set to keep slower players or griefers on point.

Civilization V makes huge advances to the series that do nothing but enhance the essential experience. Improvements to the user interface and AI at all levels result in it being more approachable for newcomers without losing any of the strategic depth that long-time fans crave. It vastly improves combat, making the micro-level gameplay both more complex and entertaining. It trims all the fat, leaving only decision-making, strategic planning, and the sheer joy of crushing your enemies. Civ V is the pinnacle of the franchise to date.

Score: 9.5 -- Superb (9s are a hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title.)


9.5 /10
Superb: A hallmark of excellence. There may be flaws, but they are negligible and won't cause massive damage to what is a supreme title. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Nice! My experience with Civ games is severely limited, but almost all my friends are hardcore Civ nerds. I'll be forwarding this onto them for sure.
I've always wanted to give one of these games a shot, but they just seem way too daunting for a n00b.
Yep, this game is going to destroy my life if I let it.
Well, there goes my life.
So, Sean and I played this on mutliplayer last night.

After 3 hours and Sean only having one city because he got destroyed by barbarians, he resigned to go write the review.

I kept playing alone for another hour and a half :(

Why did I have to read this? The next few weeks is already overstuffed with too many good games, and I will vouch for Civ as a timesink. I had a hotseat game with a friend that went on for 36 hours when all was said and done (not in one sitting, mind you, but still!)
I bought Civ IV when it was on sale for dirt cheap during that Steam Sale, but I couldn't get into it. It was just too complex for me. Guess I should have waited because it seems this iteration is a little more steamlined and less of a morass of menus and things to keep track of.
It's been preloaded and sitting in my library for days now hhhnnnnnnghhhh
Hot damn Sean, you know how to write one hell of a review.
I just started playing Civ games this summer when Steam had Civ IV and its expansions for a ridiculously low price. I enjoyed the hell out of it and considering buying Civ V.
I wish I had a PC capable of playing this. I have 3 year old laptop with no discrete graphics.

Great review by the way. Seems like you civered every aspect of the game thoroughly. I'm actually surprised that you didn't give it the 10 seeing as I didn't see any negative points.
I remember getting Civ IV because I wanted to try something new Holy crap was it it awesome. It's hands down one of my favorite games, and my friends and I will occasionally pop it in and play multiplayer. When it comes out, I am so buying it.
No stackable units! Hurray!

Anything changed about barbarians? I always hated how they would keep respawning randomly all over the map until your culture took over everything. I had a game where I killed off a rival nation early. But ended up having to fight the barbarians that kept respawning because I couldn't expand into the now open space; not being able to expand because I was being attacked by unlimited barbarians. So annoying, killed them, then found they rebuilt another city, killed it, then found they rebuilt somewhere else, killed it, repeat. It made me quit the match because I ended up fighting them...forever.
glad to hear its good
does anyone know if u can still save multiplayer games?
My brother and I were so excited we made this fan video for a Civilization contest:

Please vote for it!
I wish I had the time and money for this game. Your review made me wish I was a king for that one reason...

I hope to get it a little later no matter how much time it eats into my life I allow Civ to do anything it wants to me :P
I have no money for anything but I will not eat for Civ V. CIV V WILL FEED ME.

That's not true, but it's #1A on my must buy list, and I'm glad to hear it's good, and will completely destroy my life.
Well, time to reschedule my day off from next Monday to Tuesday. Hot damn, I didn't think this would be out until October!
Awesome review!
I hope I have money for this... I'd hate to have to rob a bank.
Excellent. I loved Civ IV. Looks like I have another game to lose myself in.
Love CIV , ill buy this game as soon as it gets down here to Chile... ONE MORE TURN!!!
im gonna miss my life so much
Great review Sean!
Crap; I just started playing Sins of a Solar Empire again as well. With Civ 5, I'm not going to get any work done. Might as well just drop out of college now I guess.
Goodbye social life.

Oh wait, I didn't have one anyway.

Somehow you actually make micromanagement sound exciting.
Before I even clicked the link I knew this was a 9.5. I expect nothing but the best from Firaxis (Ok, Colonization was a bit phoned in).

So glad a game like this has to come along right as the school semester is really picking up steam. projects are due, etc. Fucking awesome. /s
Awesome review, Seanathan! I really can't wait for this game now.
Preloaded on steam. I cannot wait till next week.
Great review for what looks to be a great game! Tuesday cannot come soon enough.

Like Judo Porkchop, I'm also wondering about how barbarians play in this game, because I haven't heard anything about them in any of the previews I've read.
already pre-ordered and pre-loaded. can't wait :D

A lot of reviews are saying they should really be the minimum to play it anywhere near enjoyably :'(
Awesome. I'm so excited by this game that I already have this preloaded. I've played every game in the series, and I started with the original back on MS-DOS. Civilization 2 was amazing, just a perfection of the entire idea of Civilization 1. Civilization 3 went in a whole different way and kind of showed us where Civilization could go. Civilization 4 took these new concepts and did to them what Civilization 2 did to Civilization. Civ 4 with all of the expansions is just great. Civ Revolution, which I have on my iPhone, is a fantastic way to live Civ Lite without losing too much of the original experience. It's not a true Civ sequel, but it's great for non-PC and on-the-go play.

I'm a little scared of the hexagon and the lack of stacking, but I'm more excited than scared about the whole project. It's refreshing to see a good review, but I already had this preordered. My mind had been made up pretty much on announcement.

As a sidenote, the board game is -not- technically related to the PC game. Sid Meier kind of.. was inspired by some of the ideas in the board game. However, they are not related commercially, and the PC game actually has its own corresponding "Civilization" board game now. Also, the board game actually has its own non-Sid Meier Civilization PC game!
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_%28board_game%29#Computer_version - For more on all of these subjects.
Hmm...dont think I have the recommended specs.

Either way, still bought the Collectors Edition, I need this game. I'll upgrade eventually XD

Civ IV with Beyond the Sword was the greatest Civ I'd ever played, if this is better...so help me god.
Ahhhh, now I have to buy it...
I can wait for this game. Maybe a christmas preset for myself? :)

I have too many games to play at the moment.
This was a really good review, and you know what. I wanna buy this game having never played one before. I just don't wanna lose my life!
This is the kind of review I wanted to hear. Goodbye social life and career, as you are now destroyed when this game is released.
Hell of a write-up. Good show. I'm really excited for this game :D
I am well behind in tech requirements for my computer, and only upgrade when I have to. It really looks like Civ V is good enough for me to bite the bullet and cough out the cash for a next upgrade.

please take that as a compliment
Needs demo!

Because I've never played a Civ game before and I'd love to start with this one.

Sadly I don't think I have the time to invest fully in a new game at the moment.
^The demo for Civ V comes out the same day that the game is released.
Nice review! I really want this game but I'm worried about the specs. Thank goodness they're releasing a demo!
Oh god this sounds amazing. I never upgraded from Civilization 3 to Civilization 4 when it came out though. I have so much fun with civilization 3 that I dont feel the need to really upgrade, but this new game sounds pretty crazy with all the changes and I wish I could buy it. Too bad my pc is old and crappy. Oh well, I can buy civilization revolution on ps3 or ds to get a new civ experience still.
Woohoo!!!! The timer is slowly counting down to the release date...
I think I might lose both my businesses and wife, but hey, one must be willing to sacrifice to build an empire that can stand the test of time!
why didn't u give it a 10?
cause u asked
Salivating. Saliva is literally dripping out of mouth in anticipation of this game.

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