What do you want from the 'Xbox 720'? - Destructoid
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What do you want from the 'Xbox 720'?

Chad Concelmo
4:00 PM on 08.01.2012
What do you want from the 'Xbox 720'? photo

With recent news that the leaked "Xbox 720" dev kit pictures and specs may actually be -- gasp! -- genuine, what are your thoughts? Here are the facts: The console is codenamed "Durango," the dev kit allegedly has 8 GB of memory, is 64-bit, and supports DirectX 11. When all is said and done, documented rumors point to the next-gen console being around six times more powerful than the current Xbox 360.

Six times more powerful. That is one impressive machine!

But all these rumored specs aside, what do you want from the "Xbox 720"? We hear all these crazy rumors, but now it's time to talk about what you actually want to see. Do you want a super powerful PC-like machine with graphics that will melt your face like the Ark of the Covenant? Do you want a new and improved Kinect? Do you want a hybrid that is both cloud- and disc-based? Do you want always-on DRM? Do you want a console that doesn't play used games?

And what about the name? And the price? I think we can all agree that calling it the "Xbox 720" doesn't really make any sense and would not be a very logical final name. Any suggestions? How much money would you be willing to realistically spend on the console? News on this next-generation Xbox is heating up, so let's discuss! There is so much to talk about!

What do you want from the 'Xbox 720'? photo
What do you want from the 'Xbox 720'? photo
What do you want from the 'Xbox 720'? photo
What do you want from the 'Xbox 720'? photo

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Some kind of attention given games rather than social media and search engines, and no bullshit ads on the interface? Something of value for a paid subscription?
A resonable price... and reliability.

I think they wont do a Sony and charge an insain price. But i really really hope they learn from the 360 and make sure the damn circuts dosent melt.
Vidya gamesez?

Pfft nah... they wouldn't be that crazy.
>not to break
>multiplayer to be free
>ads to be gone
>possibility of free content instead of making publishers charge for DLC

This is all impossible of course because MS and most of the gaming industry are shit right now.
I've gone through 3 Xbox 360s in 4 years.

I would like to buy only 1 xbox 720
What I don't want is a subscription based service. Furthermore I'm tired of this auto-renewal bullshit. Actually come to think of it, the online network should be free! I'd really appreciate it if they system's power didn't usurp money from my energy bill as well. Lastly I'd like to carry all of the games I bought over Live Arcade over to it, which is something I can't even do now since when some games were removed it keeps asking me to buy a full version that doesn't exist anymore (so basically I'm stuck with demos of games I paid full price for).
I'd appreciate a console with an online service that doesn't hold my online gameplay and normally-free apps hostage.
In general, not just on the next xbox, I want video games to remember that there used to be a day where online connection was mandatory or integral to the industry.
- Video Games
- Launch systems that don't crap out shortly after purchase
- No more ads (at least not for gold subscribers)
- Free game distribution similar to PS+
- A new Mirror's Edge :D
no online fees. better first party games. no kinect.
i want it to pretty much just be a PC.

would solve a lot of problems.
All I want is a more powerful 360. DO NOT tie games to my account, DO NOT remove a physical disc drive, DO NOT block used games. It's simple.

The 360 has the best profile and data management systems I've EVER used. There's no reason to change anything but the internal specs.
Six times more powerful

Six times zero is zero.
I just want devs to use DirectX 11
I'd like the advertising the tack on top of the current XBL frame to go away, permanently, or for MS to offer a "freemium" model where you allow the advertisements for free access to XBL Gold.

Better yet, abolish that stupid silver/gold system and roll with the freemium one entire.
I want it to play games.

But that seems like a tall order for Microsoft these days.
I am still angry that the world has been moving so damn slowly and consoles aren't dead yet. Seriously, put every game ever made on Steam and 3 other digital distribution channels that are tied to one single account, that only allows one game to be played at a time. Put it on computers, let it steam to phones and TV sets, and get it pretty much error free with low prices for everything. I am not asking for the moon, just a couple rocks from it as some guy who has been playing consoles all his life.
I want some games.
I'd like to be able to root it to Unix and cluster them so I can run Destructoid off of console hardware
@Nicholas Patrick

You need to go onto Xbox.com and register your new Xbox to transfer those licenses over. If you don't do that, you have to be logged onto XBL to play those games because the game license is tied to your gamertag AND the original XBox it was downloaded on.

I've also heard of people calling Microsoft up and getting a full refund for the points they spent in situations like these. Personally, I just transferred my licenses and it was fine.

On Topic:

I'd like to see hardware reliability this gen. I'm tired of having to replace my consoles several times over each gen since disc based consoles became a thing. My 25 year old NES works just as well as it did 20 years ago. Fix your shit, manufacturer's.

Also, I want FULL backwards compatibility. My gamerscore and all my avatar shit needs to transfer over as well as my XBLA games. I'll be beyond irritated if I "lose" all of those purchases. I shouldn't have to use my 360 to play digital format games.
i want it to make me grilled cheese sandwiches like a foreman grill.
I want to flail like an idiot and have to speak with all my games making it impossible to play at night while everyone else is asleep.
I also want that every game release only 50% of content, but at full price and make the experience whole with paid DLC and subscriptions
Yay a Chad post! Too few and far between. And Microsoft would have to prove that they are not evil because they effed me over with my 360 three times already and their attitude after said effing was along the lines of "well its your fault anyway," which it wasn't, "so either buy a new xbox or pay us $100 to fix something that we effed up on but won't admit to." I don't care if the next one is free, if their practices don't change and they don't stop charging for online activity thats not even impressive, no more xbox.
What kind of fucking moron would want always-on DRM?! Scrap the DRM, scrap the shit out of the kinect and make fucking games for goddamn gamers...I might actually buy the shitbox then!
What do I want from the new xbox?

>Basic multiplayer to be free / PSN+ system
>Basic apps like Netflix not hidden behind a subscription.
>Something that doesn't fail 40% of the time
>Stop putting so many commercials on my friggin dashboard
>Rechargeable controller batteries that don't suck.
>Make Kinect not suck, or abandon it all together
>Dont bind save data/downloaded games to a single account
>A power supply that isn't the size of a garage
>Real people money on the store, no more Silly Bill Fun Bucks.
-Backwards Compatibility (XBLA included).
-High-end DX11 graphics. Max Payne 3 on highest everything STANDARD.
-No ads for a paid service.
-No blocking of used games.

It's pretty simple.
The best guess for the name would be either Xbox 8 or just straight XBOX. And when you go down to the store to get your Xbox 8 it will only cost you 150$!! (plus 20$ a month for the next 3 years, but it comes with xbox live so you think it's a good deal).

Other then annoyances i would like to be gone (Ads, Paying for xbox live, being able to buy any game on a digital store) I can't think of anything that will make me go out and buy a new console anytime soon. I mean yea, they CAN just make uncharted 4 and Halo 5 with prettier graphics and that will sell enough units, but if that is all then im probably not going to be getting a new console anytime soon.
...Good games.

No sense in hoping for anything else since there's no chance that the majority of the 360's bullshit won't carry over along with some new "features", and specs will be a joke by the time this thing is done and ready to ship.
I'm more excited for the PS4 wish list.
I want it to turn on and greet with a witticism and picture from Occams. A new one everyday. Following that a motivational messagefrom Jimmyx.
I'll take oculus support, please and thank you.
I just want MS to give it a name so people will stop calling it 'Xbox 720'. An inexplicable wave of rage washes over me every time I hear it.

-New larger capacity optical disk format
-Day and date download of retail games
-New XBL perks to remain competitive with PSN
-True 1080p for all games
-Codecs for .mkv, divx, etc.
-Complete redesign of the D-pad
-Include a media remote standard
-All SKUs have a HDD
-4K TV support
-Gigabit Ethernet
-Allow XNA developers to make free, ad-supported games
My playstation 2 still works. My Super Nintendo still works. My NES still works.

3 of my 360s have stopped working. Make a reliable system.....especially when you know this console is going to be around for 6-10 years.
Kick ass 1080p high resolution eyes bleeding graphics and great games.
As far as hardware is concerned, I think it needs to have a ***** (yeah, 5 *s!) HUGE HDD with an SSD buffer and some dedicated VRAM. They should take a page from PSN and PS+ where their network is concerned. Heavily expanded online marketplace and emphasis on Digital Distro ( which is going to be super important in the next cycle.) Some deal with Valve for steam distro would be good too.

Also, regarding Kinect: fix it or nix it.
More focus on core gamers and disc based games.
Less focus on casuals and mostly download titles and also forcing Kinect into goddamn everything.
Howsabout this:

-If I buy a game that has 2 discs and I install them both, I don't have to swap them! Having to keep one of them in the drive is just fine.
-One of those Win 8 smiley faces when the console crashes :)
-Ability to connect to network shares.
-A prepaid shipping label in the box for returns.

I love my Xbox, please don't misunderstand <3
Six times as powerful? hm...360x6. I'd like to be able to turn it on, spin around six times, and enter into an alternate dimension where game sales are based on gameplay and enjoyment, rather than who can render the most accurate-looking AK-47.
Two hookers and an 8 ball.
Exclusives. If microsoft doesn't show interest in getting exclusives for the console, then I have no reason to get that console over any other. I also have a capable pc, so multimedia shit doesn't interest me, nor does kinect integration. Another thing is free online, I let it fly this gen because I used to get the family plan (which ends up with me only paying 25 dollars a year), but nonetheless I don't plan on wasting money on something that should be free anymore.

So games, games, games. If microsoft don't put out, I won't either, and just to be on the safe side, even if they did get some new IP's, I would wait until the 2nd year just to be sure it wasn't a form of bait and switch.
I wonder hows gonna be the new red circle of death
- No ads if I'm paying for XBL Gold
- Focus on games first, design the dashboard around games
- Kinect that either works or does not exist at all
- Keep XNA or an equivalent solution for the smaller devs
Call it "Xbox N" for "not bad".
At least 4GB of RAM, at least 3GB of VRAM w/ a video card that compares to a 6850/560, 2TB of HDD storage, Wireless-N and a free online system, cause paying for Xbox live is shit.
More power, especially for physics and 1080p. More ram especially. 512 was a huge bottleneck.

More importantly a completely fluid UI, an easier and perhaps slightly more open architecture to develop on, and more synnergy. What I like about the 360 most of all is that (especially compared to the PS3 and wii) it's really easy to interact with friends, browse the marketplace, etc. I want to see that kind of thing improved. I want features from steam like automatic background updating.

And a user upgradeable hard drive would be nice.
After reading the comments here, I think this post should be titled "What do you think is wrong with the current Xbox?"

On topic: I had 2 360's and they both broke so I said "fuck it" and bought a ps3. Now my ps3 starting to freeze up a lot (especially with battlefield 3 and red dead).

Hardware companies, get your shit together or I'm buying a baseball glove and going outside.
As many have said, reliability is key. I think the graphics look alright today. A lot more memory plus a killer processor to improve pop in, AI routines, and much more complex middleware are more important to me than a super high resolution. Oh, and remember it is a game system. One I might want to break out in 15 years to play the games on it I love. So always on DRM would make me just want a new pc instead.
To not melt itself.

To not cost a billion dollars. Though let's face it, it's probably going to go for at least $500, if we're lucky.
I'm afraid that if I tell you what I want it's going to be exactly what the Playstation 3 is now.

- No ads
- The ability and freedom to upgrade the hdd to my liking
- Free online
- Blu-ray
- A normal way of charging your controllers
- Quality hardware

So yes, that's a PS3.
Play Blu-rays please.
Other than not being expensive, I really have no clue. I'm at the point where I am fine with graphics where they're at, but not too keen on motion controls.

I want games to feel more "free" in the next generation. Don't quite know how to illuminate what I mean by that.

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