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Storm's Adventure with Skyward Sword

Storm Dain
4:15 PM on 01.13.2012

Oh my God. How could I neglect my Destructoid homies?! Especially after spending so much time on those f-ing annotations. I put the annoying links in the video so I didn't have to put the annoying links in the post. See? I DO care!

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is in a situation similar to Super Mario Sunshine. It's a really good game, but an embarrassment to the franchise. I had fun, and I recognized the epic nature of Skyward Sword...but those damn Bokolins (sp?) ruined a good portion of the experience.

The response to this video from the YouTube audience has been a revolve.  All the 11 to 14 year olds are throwing their Capi-Sun packets at me, saying I'm wrong, wrong, wrong.  I expect the Destructoid response to be a little more mature...such as beer bottles thrown at me. Maybe even Metamucil crackers.

Also, I kind of referenced my video of Indigo Prophecy in the previous paragraph. You can see the link h...no. I promised no annoying links in this post.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Skyward Sword is definitely not an embarassment to the franchise. To even think so is, to put it mildly, silly. It's a fun game, with some really interesting characters. Well, except for a few.

Spirit Tracks is closer to being an embarassment than Skyward Sword. There are problems, yes, but most felt minor to me. The controls take some getting used to, but are responsive if you aren't moving too fast like a spaz.

Also, your vid was kinda dull. The skits were unfunny, and the jokes felt old. Just review a game, don't try to make it funny. That's my two cents.
I'm 20 hours into the game, and so far this is the best Zelda game I've ever played, Wii-waggle be damned. I've loved the franchise for over 25 years, from my original gold-cart NES game to my newest gold-covered Wii-mote version. I own every game, played every game, and beaten every game (except Skyward Sword... 'cause I'm working on it right now...). This is, so far, the best game in the franchise, and the first time I've genuinely felt a burning desire to go through hell itself to reunite Link and Zelda and save the world.

Maybe I'm a minority, maybe some people still hate the Wii and all that it stands for in general, but every corner I turn offers me a new reward, every character I meet is memorable and quirky, every puzzle I solve makes me feel smart, and every battle I triumph in feels rewarding. This is the best Zelda game I've ever played, and I've played them all.

Guys like you ruin gaming. Hipster dipshits with Look At Me frames with no ability to enjoy something unless your peer group gives you a Thumbs UP. If there is any question of something being "cool", you will safely retreat to cynicism and snark.

Gaming media for the most part is this sort of negative slant on anything that isn't wholly accepted by the faceless masses of lowest common denominator tards.

Skyward Sword is another great zelda game. Simple as that. The motion control in the game simply takes the player to adapt. If you sit there and swing around like a lobotomized monkey, than it probably won't work that well.

I had to adapt to how the controls worked, not how i expected them to work. There is a big difference. Too many modern day gamers think every game should wipe their ass and suck them off at every turn, and when it doesn't, and it requires that they use a few brain cells and drop the ego, they freak out and make fun of it.

Get lost.
I just finished Minish Cap and would rank it just below Link's Awakening for Zelda awesomeness. Link to the Past is just below those two. Wind Waker is a solid #4.
Wait so the day after I discover and subscribe to you you release a top 10 moments and post on destructoid? MAGIC :O
I kinda of agree with all of your issues with SS.

The fact that I had to fight that stupid Imprisoned boss 3 fucking times was annoying. And yeah, the motion controls were kind of poorly implemented. The entirety of the first fight with Ghirainim(sp?) was that fucking annoying switch the side you're swinging from mechanic.

It was very annoying.

Also, it didn't take very long at all for me to get sick of flying around on that god damn bird. Like they made the world-map large just for the sake of wasting time crossing it.
I just came in here to say get the fuck out. Skyward Sword is not an embarrassment, neither was Super Mario Sunshine.
To quote the glorious Jonathan Holmes when talking about controls:
"There's something wrong with this basketball. It wont go in the hoop."

Ghirahim had a trick to him, though. You could make his arm "set" in place, taking a lot of the challenge out of the fight. And the imprisoned does get changes to his fight after every battle, to be fair.

Whether the controls work or not is entirely based on your experience, but I'm having a lot of fun with them. The sword moves where I move the remote, and the slashes come out when they should. There are a few times I had to recenter the cursor, but it's been a great experience overall.

As for the world: Well, every landmass has a purpose. There's not a lot of empty space in the game, save for the sky. Even then, there are rewards for exploring. Besides, it takes all of 2 minutes to get to any place you need to in the Sky. Hardly that much time is wasted there.
Interesting, your first mistake was reading youtube comments, your second was the the points you bring in the video.

I'll get this out the way, the backtracking is what keeps Skyward sword from passing wind waker and alttp, it simply sucks, it should have been a great 30 hour game, instead they decided to add over a dozen hours of shit.

The dungeons were really well executed, showing the creativity of the nintendo team yet keeping a very zelda feel. The puzzles are more creative as well....well basically everything was creative. Also the bosses were so so, nothing out of the norm.

Your grips about the motion controls are something I had for about the first 6 hours of the game, the main thing you have to remember when fighting monsters is to never take your time positioning yourself, obviously they're not stupid thus ofcourse they would defend that way. Be quick, know patterns, and you are golden.

I seriously can't see myself playing another major zelda titles without motion controls, and this comes from somebody who would gladly join in on motion control hate.

You are also one of the first I met that didn't like the intro, I found it to be a great intro to the game and really set up the zelda and link relationship.

You do have some valid points, like your little side kick bitch who doesn't shut up or is much use, and ofcourse the backtracking. The items you collect and the upgrading system was to tacked on for my taste as well.

Overall, na, not good. You also rank twilight as the best, and didn't even give a nod at the end of the vid to alttp so it's a bit harder to take your opinion seriously (no offense).
Oh look BrainWasherAttendent is being a massive cunt again. What a surprise.

On topic, I personally rank Skyward Sword near the top of my list of favorite Zeldas, with Wind Waker and Ocarina of Time topping it. That being said, I can understand where you're coming from. While I thoroughly enjoyed Skyward Sword and rank it as one of my five favorite games of 2011, it would be stupid of me to ignore that there were a few....blemishes on an otherwise amazing game. The controls at times were obnoxious, and they screwed me over twice during the second to last boss fight. Also, Fi was absolutely annoying and did the impossible and made me miss Navi and Tatl.

All in all, I have a feeling that in a few years, Skyward Sword is going to be viewed a lot like Majora's Mask and Wind Waker: a game that is going to be loved by some, and hated by others, with both sides having legitimate reasons for their side of the argument.

You really need to stop calling everybody hipster when they do not share your like and or dislike of a certain game, I fucking swear it is the main word in your dictionary, one you constantly bring up to defend the more of niche titles, and one you use to to attack bigger titles. And of course your debates go no further then the word "hipster" instead of actually adding to a debate with meaningful contribution.
@Ckarasu: I'm well aware of how to beat him, I've put over 60 hours into the game. I've been playing with the Boss Rush mode (you'll know it when you get there, it's near the end). But even with that, I haven't touched the game in over a week.

Fi is abysmally unhelpful the majority of the time. Occasionally she will supply me with one of her vague hints and I manage to figure it out. But all in all, you're on your own.

My comments on the world were aimed directly at traversing the sky. There are quite a number of rocks out there that serve no purpose other than to plant some assholes to shoot shit at you on. Controlling that damn bird was NOT fun. It was boring and time consuming.

Mind you, I won't call it a bad game, or an embarrassment to the franchise. But I see its faults very well.

Shield durability didn't bother me though. Only lost a shield once and that was because it caught fire.
And I didn't enjoy the mini games either. Eff skydiving.
Easily the worst Zelda...

I like Fi, as a character. As a guide, not so much. The bird is fairly easy to control, but it's awkward ate first. It really took me some time to figure it out, but it's not that strange once you get used ot it. I takes me almost no time to get from one end of the map to the other.

As for the sky; yes it is rather large. Spotting the enemies is simple (I only had to look at the map to see exactly where everything is). It wasn't as bad as Wind Waker's ocean, and I find it a tad bit relaxing to just cruise around the sky.

I hate Skydiving, though.
I agree 100%. Spot on.
Man, when Skyward Sword gets called anything but the best anything in forever, people go on the defensive and get personal.

Well, I enjoyed your video, as always Storm. Keep up the good work.
"Man, when Skyward Sword gets called anything but the best anything in forever, people go on the defensive and get personal."

It's the same with any game, it also begs the question, if one wrights something negative and or positive, should they not receive any counter argument whatsoever? Let everything be, and are only allowed to watch and comment with positive feedback?

The game isn't perfect, far from it, there is always the kid in the block that goes "herp durp" when there game of choice doesn't receive infinite praise, but said kid shouldn't be used to generalize the entirety of the fanbase.
Disagree with your notions about Skyward Sword, its in contention for the best Zelda game ever in my eyes.
@Master Snake

"an embarrassment to the franchise"

That said, I didn't find the video itself to be very offensive at all. All of his complaints have been stated elsewhere before. With the Bokoblin thing, though, you just have to be quicker, to put it simply. It's not a problem with the controls.
Quicker doesn't solve the problem, moving faster is actually what causes the problem in the first place. Trying to move the wiimote from the left side of my body to the right WITHOUT it registering as a swing.

If you have a solution for that apart from "quicker" I'd be happy to hear it.
Storm is hot.
"If you have a solution for that apart from "quicker" I'd be happy to hear it."

But it is being quicker, I can easily stab from the right side and then right away stab from the left side, or even do a vertical hit or whatever, I'm not sure what you people are doing wrong but yeah, just be quick, I even played a little bit of the game right now in order to confirm it, and yeah just be quick, don't be sloppy. It doesn't register anything I don't want it to, well not every time considering it's still a motion control game and mistakes are made by ME.
I have to agree on just about everything but Twilight Princess being on top. That's where Windwaker goes.
Backtracking and fetchquests are really what killed it for me.

I'm 30 hous in and I'm having a difficult time trying to pick the game up again..

With kingdoms of amalur on the horizon, it might be a while before I finish ss.
Oh, and Mario Sunshine was fucking great. Also need to point out that despite agreeing with all the issues whole-heartedly I still love Skyward Sword. Just not as much as other Zelda games.
Morning coffee and some butthurt Zelda fanboys, what better way to start the day?
Loved it.
I could write an essay about how wrong you are, but since I don't really think I'll be able to change your awful and bitter opinion, I'll voice my disagreement with these two words : Fuck you.
Some of you are acting as if he raped your mother then sh*t in her mouth. CALM DOWN. Vidya games guys!
Seriously? I think you're doing it wrong. Consider this me lugging a Budweiser at your head.

And it's Bokoblin. At least spell something right if you're going to piss all over it.
Whenever I hear people get upset that trying to set up a follow-up attack after getting blocked only leads to getting blocked again, I think that maybe they shouldn't be taking so long to set up their attacks in the first place. Casually moving your arm in the right position will obviously telegraph your subsequent movements to your enemies. You have to learn to minimize your set up time...


Use the shield. When you hold up your shield, you can set up any sword attack you want and your opponent won't know which way you're coming from. When you swing, your shield immediately drops and the sword goes where you want it to go and the enemy can't react in time.
Skyward Sword is currently my favorite Zelda. Minish Cap comes in around #2 because it's the game that got me into the entire franchise.
Guys leave storm alone, he's balding.
Hah, you sir are the typical egotistical noob. Just because something is different (and awesome) you dislike it.

Nough said, go learn to play.
Great Zelda game, just hate the controls, so frustrating!!
The first problem with this video is that you claim that Twilight princess is the best Zelda game. It by far is the worst at best and an Oot clone. It's just too big of a land with not much to do in it sidequest-wise (an important experience for any Zelda game. It helps it feel more adventurous IMO). Also...being a wolf sucks.

Also, try pointing the controller at yourself and you can switch sides very quickly without swinging and then, point forward, and attack. Quick fix to your problems if you don't like taking your time.

I will agree with you on the annoying filler stuff towards the end, BUT no A Link to the Past in your Zelda rankings? Doesn't add up.
I've been watching the series of adventures storm puts out since he was a replacement to the kid, and I've got to say that you guys are really only proving him right. I agree with just about every point he has here, but I also find some points you guys are making valid, but in his text blurb he clearly expected some mud slinging from saying he didn't like this game. And guess what? He's right. Again.

Aside from the weird backlash, good video again. Hopefully life won't ensnare you too much before the next adventure.

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