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Review: NFL Blitz

Samit Sarkar
11:30 AM on 01.27.2012
Review: NFL Blitz photo

The long-in-the-works high-definition revival of NFL Blitz has finally arrived, less than three months after EA officially announced it last fall. It’s an idea that gamers of all stripes could get behind; after all, you didn’t need to be a football fan to enjoy the original Blitz at the turn of the millennium.

Fans had just cause to be apprehensive, though. EA’s most recent downloadable arcade football game, 2009’s Madden NFL Arcade, was a mediocre offering that struggled to justify its $15 price tag. And the publisher’s previous arcade-classic revival, NBA Jam, didn’t exactly set the world on fire when it launched the following autumn. It’s difficult to recapture the magic of bygone years, but EA Tiburon might just have managed it this time.


NFL Blitz (PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade [reviewed])
Developer: EA Tiburon
Publisher: EA Sports
Released: January 3, 2012 (PSN) / January 4, 2012 (XBLA)
MSRP: $14.99 (PSN) / 1200 Microsoft Points (XBLA)

In almost every respect, the game plays like NFL Blitz as you remember it, for better and (sometimes) worse. Yes, it’s a shame that the NFL’s recent focus on the dangers of concussions has forced EA to excise the original Blitz’s post-play antics. But while you can’t perform elbow drops after tackles anymore, anything goes until the whistle blows -- and it’s still funny, over a decade later, to see a linebacker deliver a powerbomb to a wideout. It’s also as frustrating as ever to dive at someone from behind, or grab him and spin him around, subsequently flinging him forward for a few extra yards.

Almost all the old animations have returned, which unfortunately means that players still have no sideline logic -- you can’t manually step out of bounds before enabling a cheat code, but CPU receivers never go out of their way to keep their feet in-bounds. And the game still endows defenders with superhuman speed, even without turbo, so they can catch up to receivers who might otherwise have scampered into the end zone on a long passing play. (Really, Vince Wilfork shouldn’t be able to outrun Hakeem Nicks.)


In fact, there’s not a whole lot of player differentiation to speak of. EA didn’t even account for left-handed quarterbacks, so Michael Vick and Tim Tebow are both righties as far as Blitz is concerned. And while teams’ home and away jerseys exist, users have no control over them, so games will sometimes feature both teams in their home colors or road whites. Players do actually have ratings in four areas, but the only place you can view them is within the Elite League mode. And I didn’t have more trouble defeating supposedly better teams, or less against worse teams. I’m guessing that’s a function of the designers’ desire to ensure that games ultimately come down to the skill of the players holding the controllers, not the ones on the virtual gridiron. Balance always had paramount importance in Midway’s arcade classics, and this game is no different.

One welcome concession to modern football games is the inclusion of an option for icon passing, so you can throw to receivers with the face buttons instead of having to switch between them with the left stick. Today’s gamers also expect more out of an arcade title than exhibition games, and NFL Blitz is no slouch in that department. For a $15 downloadable release, this game is packed with content. The single-player Blitz Gauntlet mode lets you customize a team for a three-tier ladder. Each tier includes games with three NFL teams and a boss battle -- with power-ups scattered on the field -- against a squad of fantasy characters, like horses, hot dogs, or zombies. There are twelve different characters, so you’ll have to complete the Gauntlet four times if you want to unlock them all.

The online package is even more impressive. EA has included a trading-card mode, Elite League, which resembles the Ultimate Team setups in simulation franchises like Madden and FIFA. Here, you create a team and are given a smattering of cards featuring decent players. Completing online games earns you Blitz Bucks, which you can spend on a wide variety of content, such as card packs to improve your team, or power-ups and cheats to help yourself out online. (Thankfully, you earn Bucks even when you play poorly and lose.) Elite League also offers Risk and Reward games, in which you can lay cards on the line and try to take some from your opponent.


NFL Blitz’s online co-op offerings are similarly robust. You can simply jump into a co-op game with up to three different friends, including a guest on the couch with you. For those who want a deeper experience, there’s the Blitz Teams mode, in which you create a team -- with a custom name, logo, and banner -- and invite a buddy, whether local guest or online friend, to be the co-owner. Then it’s up to the two of you to take your Blitz Team to the top of local, regional, and national leaderboards. None of the games I played were lag-free, but the latency wasn’t so bad as to be a hindrance. EA has gone the extra yard online, with a feature set that rivals full retail games.

But Blitz was always meant to be played with friends in the same room, and by bringing back all of the fast-paced thrills of the old games, EA has not only evoked nostalgia, but rekindled ancient rivalries and their attendant arcane rules. Back in the day, my high-school buddies and I played NFL Blitz 2000 all the time, with an important twist: “no wimps.” That is, we always had to go for it on 4th down, and we always had to go for two after a touchdown. I played NFL Blitz with some of the same friends last week, and once I reminded them of “no wimps,” it was as if nothing had changed in a dozen years.


8.0 /10
Great: Impressive efforts with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash. Check out more reviews or the Destructoid score guide.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Sweet. Time to finally ditch the copy of Blitz 2002. Now if we can only get an NHL Hitz revival.
Thanks for the review Samit!
The new Blitz is cool. I kind of want to see MLB slugfest come back.
I love NFL Blitz; however, I bought Blitz: The League 2 for $10.

@Fugly Duckling
I will pray with you! NHL Hitz is awesome.
MLB Slugfest?

How about the best baseball game ever:

The first sports game I've been interested in, in over TWELVE years?!?! WHAT IS THIS WIZARDRY?! Also, wasn't there some kind of mutant league easter-egg/nod in there as well? Will have to pick this up once it goes on sale.
The rubber-banding is incredibly frustrating if you're ahead in a one or two possession game going into the fourth quarter and your opponent walks away with the win because Blitz decided you were going to fumble on consequent drives.
What fugly said. All I'm missing is my hockey fix. On fire was fantastic, this is good. Give me my hockey now EA!
@ramm: look closely at the zombies jersies (pretty sure I spelt that wrong buttfuckit), I'm hoping its more of a hint at something to come, than just a nod.
15$? They just rehashed a game and took away part of the fun
@Phil: I ask because my buddy is a diehard Mutant League Football fan but I never played it, though from his description, I'd like to see a new or even (HD)re-release.

@redrum331: Which is why I'm going to wait for a sale. It's definitely worth 400MSP, maybe 600MSP. But 1200? Nope.
No late hits = no buy.

For a corporation that prides itself on throwing giant he-men at eachother and breaking them before the age of 30 they sure are hypocritical.
No late hits?!?! Its NFL blitz, wuss version.
I find the visuals to be atrocious
Sports Sarkar sighting! SPORTS!
Fun game. Good price. No real complaints here...
Awesome. Now reskin it for Mutant League and we're gold. Just give the QB a jetpack and a few sticks of dynamite...
It's not Blitz unless it has late hits.

Now are we going to get a new NHL Hitz anytime soon? Hopefully it doesn't wuss out too.

Not only that, but how much bull do you actually do in an NFL Blitz game BESIDES the late hits? You can set your own head on fire in this game, and they don't have an issue with that.
If it getting an eight form you, I am going to buy it for my bf :)<a href="http://www.ukdissertations.com/study-aids/dissertation-help/dissertation-abstract.php" title="Abstract help">Abstract help</a>
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free online poker I've been interested in, in over TWELVE years?!?! WHAT IS THIS WIZARDRY?! Also, wasn't there some kind of mutant league easter-egg/nod in there as well? Will have to pick this up once it goes on sale.url=http://onlinepokergamesusa.com]online poker[/url]
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nice NFL game. Try this and you will be fun.berita

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