Apple awarded $1.05 billion in Samsung infringement case - Destructoid
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Apple awarded $1.05 billion in Samsung infringement case

Dale North, Editor-In-Chief
6:42 PM on 08.24.2012
Apple awarded $1.05 billion in Samsung infringement case photo


After a short three days of deliberation, a California court has found that Samsung infringed on six of the seven Apple patents originally brought to the case. The result? Apple was awarded over $1 billion in damages. In most of the cases the jury found that the infringement was willful. Just about every Samsung device out there was found to infringe on Apple patents in some way.

On the flip side, the jury found that Apple did not infringe on any Samsung patents with the iPhone or iPad. 

Talk about a win. As you can imagine, Apple shares are up. 

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Samsung can afford it
You have won Apple. For now.
What is the percentage of apple products in i/phones/pads. Mostly LG, Samsung etc. LG should be suing over iphone looking too much like an iphone
Apple also caused all Motorola phones to be held at customs when coming into the United States to be checked to see if they look too much like iPhones. Apple is just one giant whining baby.
Seriously? They convinced a jury they own things like "rectangle" and "scrolling"? Talk about a win indeed.

Was Samsung just fined or will they have to stop selling their stuff? Does that mean Apple effectively won a near monopoly?
Wait, what? Didn't Samsung won it and Apple was forced to put something on their website?
@CaimDark: oh shit, circular phones.
Gotta say, not too happy about this...-_-;
Seriously apple needs to be raped hardcore.

Everyone on the board of directors need to be raped by huge black men with 12 inch cocks.
Well that's disappointing. I was hoping Apple would take some sort of damage for being little bitches. A sad day.
Mother fuck... The most valuable company is convincing juries they're the only one allowed to have incredibly basic and general concepts. That doesn't sound fishy at all.
Fuck the patent system.

I don't care if you like Apple or Samsung.

This is a terrible precedent for everybody.

I repeat: fuck the patent system.
Apple DID offer to license patents to Samsung, albeit for a large price of $30 for every phone sold, and $40 for every tablet sold. That was back in 2009, or 2010 I believe.

I do enjoy Apple's products, and it's nice that we won and all, but they really didn't need to sue.
Hey maybe they'll use that 1.05 billion to make a product that isn't a pretty paperweight. Oh wait this Apple we're talking about.
ALL the intellectual property.
Ridiculous decision.
I personally welcome our new black rectangle overlords.
@Script-br different country. This whole Samsung vs Apple thing is worldwide. It was a court in UK that decided Samsung was not infringing.

It's all a load of bullshit.
Not a big fan of Apples actions or this verdict as a whole. Of course Dale has to slide a corgi in there, so that balances out to me feeling completely indifferent to this post. Well played sir...
Why innovate when you can litigate?
Well that's depressing. As if Apple needed any more money.
corgis expression sums it up
Wild guess here, Texas?

......I'm seriously losing faith in the whole patent system when it comes down to simple concepts and product looks.

OMG suddenly erry phone copied the iPhone!!!!1!11!!11!1one!1!!one!!
I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that touch screen tech finally matured to the point that made buttons redundant. Then essentially claiming they copied the snap to grid icon system?

Yeah that's been in like every OS and anything resembling a smartphone/PDA for FREAKING EVER!
ermahgerd whats that you say their phones were black and rectangular too! ZOMGWTFBBQ!
Typing this on my Galaxy S3 because fuck Apple eat my sugary asshole you jew motherfuckers.
Don't forget they copied pinch zoom and gestures... Because those are totally unique concepts, amirite?
Samsung is just going to start appealing now. This whole ordeal is far from over. Apple, why can't you just contract cancer like Steve and die already?
god damn soo much monies O____O
I'm shocked and surprised.
Oh wait, no I'm not.
I'm just glad I never liked Apple. Microsoft looks like a nice company in stark contrast.

Oh and Bill Gates is actually a philanthropist.. what has Apple done to the world except make expensive toys and creating a cult of hipsters?
Holy fucking bullshit, I can't wait till this gets appealed and not handled by a bunch of morons.
Great pic, so it's okay for this time only.
Apple is being a real big dick. Samsung > Apple. Fuck Apple.
apple shout just fucking die, they are just as bad as edge.
What were the patents that Samsung was guilty of copying, out of curiosity?
Business. Greed is good.
Agreed. It's said that it's why the d-pad for a lot of controllers are ass.

As for this lawsuit I wonder how technically inclined those jurors were, and how many of them were just suckers for Apple. I am a Gnex owner, it's a fantastic phone. I don't hate Apple, but this seems pretty lopsided. Strangling out competition entirely is harmful to the consumer, the industry, innovation, and the economy. I wonder if there will be appeals.
Horrible, just horrible.
An American company beating a foreign corporation in the California court system...

What a SHOCK.
I don't see the problem, and nobody in these comments is convincing me there's a problem. "Fuck Apple!" seems to be the only coherent thing being said.
How does this hurt innovation?

Samsung wasn't innovating, it was replicating. And, as a result of Apple's victory, companies will think twice before borrowing ideas from the competition. Perhaps companies will come up with their own unique ideas from here on out (that's the definition of innovation).

Now imagine what the games industry would look like if developers stopped stealing ideas--I'm talking to you Playstation All Stars!
I don't want to live on this game earth anymore

What unique ideas the color scheme (read black/white) on a rectangular touchscreen device? Simple concepts on how to use a touchscreen?

Imagine if this sort of crap was acceptable decades ago, you could say good fucking bye to Ctrl+C or any other multi button shortcuts. Because some jackass would have patented and litigated over one of the most basic keyboard concepts.

I'm not saying all their claims are completely batshit insane .... just most of them. If they want to take it down to the code level and say "Look we have the pattent on this method of doing X and they copied us line for line" then I might be able to see this.... but instead we are getting "I thought of this vague concept first (and odds are they didn't think of it first they were just the first with an army of patent lawyers who bulldozed it through first) so no one else can EVER use it" Sorry that's fucking bullshit
They patented the f*cking rectangle. Half of my kindergarten drawings probably infringe on that. More evidence that this patent war garbage is moronic.
"Samsung wasn't innovating, it was replicating. And, as a result of Apple's victory, companies will think twice before borrowing ideas from the competition. Perhaps companies will come up with their own unique ideas from here on out (that's the definition of innovation).

Now imagine what the games industry would look like if developers stopped stealing ideas--I'm talking to you Playstation All Stars!"

It hurts innovation because it keeps product developers from improving on already-made concepts. It also farts all over the idea of competition and the benefits that creates for customers. They're a half a step away from a monopoly.
The idea of handheld rectangular screen was not apple's invention. Screen sliding lock idea is nothing new. apps and other ideas existed eons before iphones.

This really sets a dangerous precedent of Apple pulling the wool on ignorant masses.

Needless to say, I will balk at any Apple products from now on.

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