Constructoid: Helping the Xbox 360 to sell in Japan - Destructoid
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Constructoid: Helping the Xbox 360 to sell in Japan

Jonathan Holmes, Site Mascot
6:01 PM on 01.12.2011

Welcome everybody to Constructoid, a video series where a panel of videogame characters and myself engage in a (mostly) constructive critique of game developers, publishers, journalists, characters, and players. This is the first episode. It might be awesome.

In our glorious debut, Mr. Resetti, Parappa the Rapper, and myself try to identify why the Xbox 360 doesn't sell well in Japan, while coming up with ways that Microsoft could change that. The discussion goes just fine until Mr. Resetti does that thing that he does.

Let me stress right now that the opinions of Mr. Resetti are his and his alone, and are not necessarily shared by myself and/or by Destructoid as a whole.

Sadly, there was one major point that I didn't get to address in this video: how the very different values of Japanese gamers regarding online play are a reason -- maybe the reason -- why the Xbox 360 sells so poorly in Japan. I'm going to tackle that issue in the text below, so read on if you're interested.

More importantly, I really hope you chime in on this topic yourself. Why do you think that the Xbox 360 doesn't sell in Japan?

I think it's fair to say that the main thing setting the Xbox 360 apart from its competition is Xbox Live. Xbox Live provides unprecedented levels of ease and convenience in connecting players to each other online. If you like to chat with your friends (or troll unsuspecting strangers) over the Internet while playing videogames on a home console, the Xbox 360 is undoubtedly your best bet.

All the features and perks that Xbox Live provides are a perfect fit for where Western gaming is right now. Realistic graphics, accurate motion controls, cinematic storytelling; they all fall short of the selling power of online competition and camaraderie. The way that each and every new Halo, Call of Duty, and Gears of War title of this generation has consistently outsold its direct competition is proof of that.

Online play is also a really big deal in Japan, as evinced by the stratospheric sales of the new Monster Hunter title. Still, I think that says a lot about the difference between what the Eastern and Western gaming audiences value. The online experience that Monster Hunter offers doesn't even vaguely resemble the experience of playing Gears of War or Halo online. To me, the difference between these two series speaks to the greater difference between what the Western and Eastern audiences as a whole care about.

Though I've played a fair bit of Monster Hunter Tri and online shooters, I can't claim to be an expert on either of them. That said, I think that the difference between the two series should be easy enough to point out.

The Monster Hunter games are strategic hunting simulators that don't emphasize a need for online chat. All the communication you need can be performed through actions, or some pre-set commands. The freedom to keep your mouth shut means that you can play Monster Hunter on the train, in the company of your family, or in any public place, and not disturb those around you. You also don't have to worry about saying the right thing, or being stuck in an awkward online conversation with acquaintances (let alone being insulted by strangers).

Instead of social intimacy, the Monster Hunter games allow the player to run free in beautiful environments, where they can either work in a small team, or independently, to catch or kill a variety of awesome-looking monsters. Perhaps most importantly, it's all done in total anonymity. That experience is a great fit for Japanese gamers (for more reasons than I have time to list here). Monster Hunter allows players to connect with people, competitively or cooperatively, without having to be social in the process. That's what gamers in Japan are looking for in an online experience, at least right now.

Gamers in the West are also looking for anonymity, but for different reasons. Online shooters give players the opportunity to say and do things that they wouldn't (and probably shouldn't) do in real life. Strap on your headset, shut the door to your room, and fire up your 360, and you can really dig into your most primitive, mean-spirited instincts -- all in a safe and semi-private environment. As fun as that sounds, it's just not something that seems to appeal to the Japanese audience.

Understatement of the year: I think it would make a huge difference for Microsoft's next console if, in Japan, Microsoft secured an exclusive on the next Monster Hunter game. That may sound like it's asking a lot, but we all know that Microsoft could make it happen if they wanted to. To Microsoft's credit, they tried something like that with their deal with Mistwalker, but new IPs aren't the answer. New IP doesn't sell in Japan right now, particularly on home consoles.

In closing, a home console that has no Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, or Metal Gear games, and a bunch of ultra-violent shooters in their place, will never sell in Japan, regardless of if it's Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo whose name is on the box. That's not racism. That's just the values of a different culture taking their toll on an otherwise fantastic console.

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

I would say Microsoft isn't big in Japan because they're not a Japanese company. The only way to break into that market is to acknowledge you don't understand the culture, and find someone to work for you who does.

But I think Europe is the more important and lucrative market for them to impact. I think they're also much more likely to have a bigger success there than Japan.
AMAZING!!!!! Holmes, you have outdone yourself!!! I'll try and find a comment that goes with the context later; for now, I'm just going to roll on the floor for a while, peeing myself, and giggling like a little girl.
Hmmm, that gives me some things to think about. Good work, Holmes!
They can play online for free on WII and PS3 and PC, and play via ad-hoc on DS and PSP, why pay for XBL?
What happened to the website? Are you trying to squeeze in as much info into one page as possible? What the heck!? Same shit that Kotaku did!
Interesting idea, to get a Monster Hunt exclusive. Take a social game they're familiar with, combine with the system they're not so much familiar with...
I'll even repeat what has been mentioned before. Why would you want to help sell a console that is poorly done and breaks while the rest of the world enjoys a PS3 ? Yes, it is also mind boggling that Americans support a console that is prone to break at any moment. Glad I got rid of my 360 for a PS3 and yes I'm American. I prefer good products for my money not half-baked ones.
@Netnavi - it's to increase speed, which people apparently have a need for.

Also, there's a button *way* at the top of the site you can use to revert back to the normal blog style.
Such a sony gamer to rule out other region of 360 gamers.

Now let's contradict everything you say.

Statement 1: have you even looked at the exclusive Japanese games in Japan for 360? The majority of those games aren't FPSes.

Statement 2: this is the card every sonytard pulls. OMG THE WED WIIIIING. Maybe if you wouldn't think 'itsgonnaredringitsgonnaredring23!!!' Then maybe the negative karma owuldnt take effect, no?
3:Shitty D-Pad
4:your butthurt streak made ya brain fart over how much you couldntn come up with a snappy comeback, no?

Now, here's a few factors why Japanese gamers put up with 360, despite its average unappeal.

1:reliable servers. That gold money goes to p2p/dedicated server costs. And that explains my buttery games of SSF4 I've played.
2:they're immune to american dudebros on xbox. THEY DON'T KNOW ENGLISH!
3:Monster Hunter Frontier sells japanese 360s, along with other things (NMH 1/2 Heroes Paradise)
4:its not a popular system, but it puts rice cakes on MS' table.
As I talk to a few of my japanese xbros (with my osaka style japanese) I just asked them that free vs paid question. They said they're used to playing a lot of pay 2 play games, so paying for gold isn't a big deal. They also own ps3s as well, they said that the p2p servers on ps3 aren't very reliable on their long (and trust me, LOOONG) ENDLESS BATTLE games and MAG matches on PS3.
Eh, this whole "be more Japanese" mentality is annoying me. Although I guess many Japanese devs have the same problem, usually spewing out shit games whenever they try to appeal to a western audience.

tbh when I think "be more Japanese" I think "dating" sims and the exact same rpg formula that's been around for 20 years. I like my crazy Japanese stuff but in limited quantities thanks.
Don't bother. He'll never listen. Anywhoo, i think the Playstation and Nintendo branding is still strong in Japan. I'm in Singapore and when the 360 was out for 2 years, theres gamers who refuse to buy it because they're waiting for the PS3 or they claim the 360 will not be as good as the PS3. Even when there were good games already out for it.


*retaliation fistbump*

Oh so let's see what primary games japanese players play and compare em to wat control style they use.

RPGs= Controllers, only primary use for D-Pad is hot swapping
MMOs= most japanese mmos on xbox support keyboard+mouse.

Think I settled that thing.

Again, you pull the RROD card? Oh boo hoo, looks like japanese gamers must go to ps3 and--WAIT? PS3 HAS HACKING NOW? UNFAIR ADVANTAGES ON HACKERS? ABUSING THE SYSTEMS? MADNESS BECAUSE SONY IS A GOD IN JAYSON'S EYES!!!cpas.

*retaliation ended*
Umad, bro?
Plus... good old Japanese xenophobia kind of dooms Microsoft from the start.
@Jayson we all know you are a Ps3 Fanboy so plz just go somewhere

Basic Problems with 360

1)Lack of diverse exclusives (or support for diverse games (ya know games that aren't just action or whatever)
2)Having to pay for online
3)err lack of blu~ray...if you really care bout that.
4)Red ring (if your unluck enough to make it over heat o_o)
---> FANBOYS~! but this is really a problem for all forms of gaming.
6)Lack of Japanese support {MS Needs to reach out to eastern companies and get the console a little more variety)
7) Surprising amount of Indie support {yeah it's surprising how many good indie games are actually on XBLA}
->> Xbox Haters {Hater gonna hate but I think if anyone really feels that much resentment toward a simple machine they really need help}
----> No Official Sex Simulator on Kinect {I want my ingame sex life to be like my real one imaginary and fictional -__-}
---> Sausage Fest {Not Many Girls online -__- (I guess someone has to make the sammiches jk)}
----> Tara Long only has a wii -__- I Think

Where the 360 shines
1)Action games/shooters
2)Community (meaning being able to keep in touch and join games easily Also if you don't like 12 year old yelling and crap just mute them Durr)
3)Xbox Live Arcade Games {I Really like xbla it's become one of the main reasons I actually still care about my 360 even though I still appriciate it for allowing me to play next gen games <3 }
4}Pac~Man Championship Edition DX :D {I just wanted to put it on a list}
5)Xbox Live Gold {sure you have to pay for it but $45 a year (if your smart enough to take the deals they offer or just look online) Really isn't that bad :/ I know people who spend that much on fast food in a month I know it may seem like a lot since PSN is free but to some people with everything it offers over the 360 it may be worth the asking price( And no They aren't stealing your money you are giving it to them durr)}
6)Sex Simulator on Kinect :D
7}Kinect sure it's Eyetoy on 360 but some of the features that it has are pretty cool.
8}viva Piniata {I mean seriously that game is cool you should go play it}
9}Decent ppl online {yeah I met some really cool people online}
10}HALO AND GEars {Yeah they are action games but they are very good action games}

~JnR Teh Chipmunk~
@Jayson O_o I think you just got told
@Epic Guido's for Lyfe :D

@Ps3 Fanboys Don't hate on our Brotherly Love <3
MS Announces Exclusive Hatsune Miku game for the 360 in Japan.

Return Rate of PS3 Skyrockets.
:3 ohusomadboi. When I prove mah facts, you get butthurt and pull the "OMG REDRING! XBOX IS BAAAD" card. But know something? It doesn't work. So.....until you can prove to me that you can say all consoles are equal, then you're not allowed to call me a troll.

I read your comment history, cause it amuses me on how much human garbage you spew from your lies. You say i m a troll? Read my comments, I'm quite the dapper man, myself. Until then,u just gon be butthurt.

All consoles are equal campaign, go!

That was great! Neat concept, well executed. I look forward to more!


*gets out bag of troll-food, sprinkles a bit on the floor*

Here you go buddy. You sound crabby and hungry. I'm going to go play my 360 now with all my friends and have a lot of fun. Bye!
I'm sorry, I don't speak weeaboo. :p

Give me the return rate of all RROD xbox 360s in 2010 with a link, and ill consider your criticism 'constructive' other than that, you be trollin hard.
Text on the video was a little bit fast, but other than that it was great. Seems like it'll be a great new series.

Small nitpick: The 360 does have FF XIII, and I assume that version of the game came out in Japan.

I don't have enough first-hand experience with Japanese gaming culture to provide anything constructive to the discussion, but I do play primarily Japanese games and for that reason I've never felt the need to get a 360. I've heard a lot about how great Lost Odyssey is, but I can't justify buying a console for a single game. I've got a backwards compatible PS3, and my backlog of jRPGs and new PS3 games are really all I need. Likely lots of Japanese gamers are in the same situation.
@Daxel Man LOL :D ur slow (in a good way)

@Jayson O__o I have seen you on more than one occasion Bash the 360 (yes i'm on D~toid that often} pointing out negatives is one thing but basically calling a console crap is another...maybe you aren't a Fanboy...But surely you are Teh Biazed againt teh Xbawks Plus everyone knows people with Assassins Creed Avatars Like Ps3 more. ;D

I think the only bad thing about the 360 controller is the Dpad I think the only thing good about the ps3 controller is pretty much the same things I thought about the Ps1 and ps2 controllers.

Anyway I like the Wii out of all 3 Of them :D my 360 doesn't get too much Play time since I "S~M'd" My Wii but I stll am curious about the ps3 but I think I would only end up playing it for Netflix,exclusives,and Blu~ray.
I don't really have any interest in FPS's, so I got rid of my 360 awhile back.
I think the same holds true in Japan. They see 360 as a FPS-delivery machine and nothing more (except for the Idol games, but the anime-body-pillow niche has the disposable income for all three systems).
Great job, Jon! I love Resetti both as a character and in this video.
@Cordoroy Turtle LMAO :D
The red ring was a bigger problem there as well, because all units had to be sent to microsofts main center, in Texas.

So what's a 2 to 8 week wait here is a 3 to 6 month wait there, that's a big freaking difference.

Also there console lacks any real value once you look past the hype. Whoever above said that that xbox live money goes to p2p severs ( and I say this.in the nicest way possible) is one deluded fool. I have copies of red dead, black ops , mw2, and virtually any other multi play releases for both systems( my brothers freinds were on xbox so I bought him a year card and a few games) and he has gotten the same kicks, the same drops, the same sign outs etc. etc. That I have gotten on psn.

That money is going twoards two things. A lining someones yatch with gold dust, and B buying exclusives , but it sure as hell hasn't gone to server performance because of what I've seen the only thing different between psn and xbox live is that your paying for one.

They need to add something to the service that's actually inticing, because all they have been doing is delaying games on the ps3 ( which if you think about it is probably why they get such hate from ps3 fans , your only allowed to be so much of a dick before someone hands you your ass be it verbally or physically) but that's not adding anything to the service, that's being a dick, anyone can do that.

MS have been relying on advertising and hype, which is all well and good but if you look past that, they don't really have many legs to stand on.

Of course you know not firing most of their first party studiosight have helped with that.
OK. Now that I'm "sort of" used to this new vehicle of communication Holmes has devised, I can speak my mind... Maybe... US-Japanese relations on the consumer electronics front is complex, to say the least. At first, I took the easy way out, and thought: Nationalism; but as so many more educated posters have pointed out: it's not that SIMPLE. Maybe it is somewhat nationalist/xenophobic, but that doesn't explain it completely. Perhaps we aren't offering enough material that appeals to the average Japanese consumer. Do "we" know what they want? Do "we" understand the consumer (ps: I hate that word)? Are our products reliable enough compared to the Japanese system? So many questions, right? Personally, I don't know. What I DO know is that the 360 is an amazing piece of hardware that has a lot to offer, and it's a pity that so many Japanese gamers aren't giving it the chance that it deserves.
@ Jordan Devore: Awesome! thanks
When Xbox first parachuted onto japanese soil, it mattered more to appeal to them. Since then, the industry game has changed. Japan is no longer the mecca that MS has to bow too.

I do agree that while Xbox has had its problems, overall a lott of anti-western cheese limits MS from the start. Can't do much about that.

If I were to want to market to the japanese gamers more I'd do so through indie and arcade games (push that development angle, through possible contests and such), along with a combination of montage trailers from various games, only on 360. Also if japanese gamers don't want to chat on Live, use that info and market the no voice chat option.

As for game tastes, I think that's like a shifting island, where because japanese gamers are more PS3 users, they at times experience, western games on PS3, that might have otherwise not played like Uncharted, MAG, God of War etc. This in turn can lead them to investigating western games more, even on 360. The latest example of this will be Mass Effect 2, a previously 360 game, that will show japanese gamers what can really be done with an action rpg, beyond what they are used to, while being good.
Holy shit, Resetti isn't a regular in this series then he MUST become one, i MEAN that. Also for my 2 cents as to why the X360 doesn't do well in Japan:

- Don't ban pantsu in games in your system MS, in Japan that's the equivalent of a commercial suicide.

All in all great concept Holmes, it almost makes me forget that we still need new Bit Transmission eps... ALMOST, in any case i'm eagerly looking forward to more of this, keep'em coming.
Nice job on the video, but the pixel art looks like a bit of a rush job. I'll do some for free if you want. Message me if you're interested and I'll show you my portfolio.
Trying to make a constructive resp..I LOVE THIS
Gotta agree with resetti. If you like first person shooters that's fine, but if meathead games are the only ones you play, and you laugh at stupid crap like Bulletstorm which is nothing but cussing and shooting guys in the assholes, you need to grow up.
Huh fanboys now-and-days, i laugh whenever i see somebody bash on another console and then turn around look at my 360, Wii, and my new and first ps3, and just feel lucky to be able to enjoy all three systems; this is how i game: 360-multiplatform games, never experienced any lag online, and u gotta love that gamerscore, who doesn't,(PS: trophies suck), Ps3:exclusives, Wii:exclusives, recently anyways, though at the end of the day I am a little biased to the 360(first next gen console, and never got RROD or any problems)
@ Lunacy- I'll double check, but I'm 99% sure that FF XIII did not come out on the 360 in Japan.

@ Shane Gill- Sure! Show me what you got!
@llort het

1) Please, choose an avatar. You can't hide behind your newb picture anymore.
2) Bulletstorm is an awesomely fun game (cake) with lots of cussing and asshole-shooting on top (like icing). Don't hate.
3) Do you consider Gears of War to be a meathead game? It's cool if you do, just wondering.
@Johnny Holmes

Theres the 360 FF XIII international edition thats out here in Singapore, so im pretty sure its out in Japan too.
And i have to add. I like meathead games and im not American
@ Jonathan --


It did drop on the Japanese 360 about a year later (PS3 Exclusive?), AND I've read that it had an easy mode. Yeah, you read that right. ; )
The real question is, why does the 360 manage to sell at all in the US? Microsoft is awful and like to nickel-and-dime freaking everything and do questionable multi-million dollar ad campaigns and all that, and then theres the RRoD..
@ T3HMORROW- Thanks for the heads up! Looks like I need to bone up on my Final Fantasy facts.

@ Everyone dissing Meathead games- C'mon now, we all love at least one Meathead game. There's nothing wrong with it.

My top thee Meathead games are Contra, Doom, and Mortal Kombat II, but there are many more where that came from.
Oh u dick ridin him because you can't deliver CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM like black nexus.


Now let's retaliate!
1: shipping.
Oh. You're right on this one.
2: money not going to servers.
That's bullpoopenshire. MS is a smart company. They know not making sure that their bestsellers is at tip top shape to not make them money is a dumb move. Why'd you think that B. Ops got such a fast title update? Its because if they see that they're not going to play, they don't make dat monay. Some of that billion dollars does go to server quality. Comparison of server gameplay of psn/360 by just eyesight is....not a good idea.

3:enticing services.
Well, netflix EVERYONE HAS. And facebook has been making some dough. For xbox, and zune compatibility is somewhat.ESPN is a good service for spots fans, yet I agree on this as well. I honestly think that adding Hulu along with some exclusive service (idk, gamefly or something?) Will help. Or aprroach gamers with 1 vs 100 or something similar like that.

Good insight, sir.
Also: I'm with Corduroy Turtle on this one -- Meathead games have their place. No one should hate on that. It is FUN to be juvenile. Video Games are FUN. Being Juvenile is FUN. Get it? But, like all things, there is a time and a place; and most importantly: their is proportion to consider. If ALL US games were "meathead" shoot em up FPS, I could agree; but that is not so.
nice points, jonathan. as a person who has lived in japan (not visited, lived), i'd say that there is a spirit of ownership of videogames in the japanese public. what i mean is, the japanese people believe videogames are an inherently japanese art form. we americans know this to be false, but in japan, only japanese games sell well (or not at all in current times). back in the 90's and early 2000's, they'd be right, because american games were pretty much shlock until halfway through last gen (generally). now that the american producers dominate the market, the japanese still don't care for the american games, because (as you stated) americans are seen as rude pricks (because we are). furthermore, i don't think that the japanese people believe that an american can make an artistic game, and i'd say they aren't that far from the truth. with the 360 software being mostly bro shooters, i don't see why a person that likes classic japanese style games would ever want one (i include myself here). so basically, the only way the 360 can sell in japan is if it is seen as a console that plays japanese games. the only way that can happen is if they get a console exclusive that is a must have for the japanese market. exclusivity is the key, as the japanese market will swarm to ps3, even if the game is worse on the system.

really though, it doesn't take a rocket scientists to come up with that. i'm sure that m$ has done some work to make that happen, but then again, we're talking about a very american company, so i'm sure they've probably burned a few bridges over there. that, and the nickle and diming practices of m$ really don't fly in the japanese market, notice online is free on both nintendo and playstation. there's a reason for that.
Hello Kitty could puke a double rainbow on the 360 and it wouldn't sell in Japan.
@ Bobyoko- I bow to your superior experience on the matter.

What do you think of the idea that I put for thin the video -- that to Japan, there are two kinds of foreigners (the right kind and the wrong kind)? I was in Japan for a very brief period of time, but that was definitely the sense that I got.

It definitely seemed like Western stuff was acceptable in Japan. Like I said in these comments earlier, there were Halo commercials on TV, but that was far from the end of the American presence in the Japanese media. American models and actors were in tons of TV commercials, American movies were on every night, American actors were on billboards and magazine ads, There was a McDonalds and a T.G.I. Fridays right next to our train station, the list goes on and on.

Every time I saw an American in an add or something, they were always had four things in common. They were all fit, stylish, polite, and serious. I really got the sense that those ideals carried over to Japanese culture as a whole. Compared to being in Boston (where I'm from), everyone in Tokyo was fit, stylish, polite and serious.

Do any of those observations jive with your experience?
I was really looking forward to your next series, and this doesn't disappoint.

Although I can't claim to have any real knowledge of the Japanese culture, I do think your points sound pretty common-sensical, which means they're most likely accurate. The one thing that really stood out to me was the thing about Microsoft buying an eastern developer. I think that would make some huge jumps in their appeal overseas. It's definitely helped foreign devs/pubs to buy up western ones.
Awesome video, Holmes. Super cute style and your excellent comic timing did not go unnoticed. One word of caution, some of Resetti's text went by a tad too fast for me. More, please.

About the subject under discussion: I honestly don't know enough about Japanese culture to add anything that hasn't already been said. That being the case, most of the arguments laid out seem to fit with my preconceived notions about Japan. There's probably some more to it than the big bullet points laid out in the video, but, sure, that makes sense...I agree.
If Ms wants the 360 to do well in Japan, they should do this:

-announce that the company is "withdrawing" from the Japanese market.
-secretly form a front company in Japan that makes a console that is suspiciously 360-like.
-get into a battle of words with the front company and "sue" them.

The end result is that MS looks like the evil imperialist company trying to steal business from the humble Japanese company. Consumers will vote with their wallets, MS will withdrawal the suit, and fervent nationalist joy will continue to boost sales for the front company.

After that, all they need are a few Gundam/Monster Hunter/Final Fantasy games and they'll have a substantial hold on the market.

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