The What If Machine - Violence in Video Games


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  • Nov 19, 2012

Does violence in video games lead to real world violence? Cam sets the What If Machine to 'investigation' mode, and goes in search of the answer.

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Great piece, and great shirt by the way. The only thing I would add is to that last point Cam made, making unsubstantiated claims not only muddies the reputation of video games and causes a moral panic while overlooking the real problems, but it also muddies the integrity of journalism.


well, it does have little bit of effect on human violent tendency in real world, especially when you are angry at something and you wanna fuck something up the epic violent way you do in the video games, yeh?! This is the only case that I know. And if someone is really that angry to lose their mind to conduct extreme violence, the person will be the most to blame, no the video games.


By God! I hear this same bullshit since the time of the Sega Genesis, it is much easier to blame video games, movies, books, anime, music and blah blah blah ... than take responsibility for own human stupidity.


Hopefully, sharing this video oughtta shut up my friends who can't stop blaming video games for violent behaviour.


Games are games...Games a form of entertainment, just like chess or backgammon, poker, snakes and ladders, scrabble, tennis, Final fight, Street fighter 1,2 and 3 they are all just a forms entertainment, folks who say computers games with violence can be bring about real world violence are close minded, and should try opening there minds to the joy of kicking an end of level boss up the in his or her tail feather. Hell after a stressful day in a call centre, I used to de-stress by taking down the hordes of hell in Doom 3, or keeping the peace with my Galaxy class Starship when the borg need a quantum torpedo telling off on star trek online. if it's not 24 drinking, bloomin' smoking in pubs, [just leave Brittney alon...ooops wrong website hehe] it's gaming, all you haters give it a rest, and if you son/ daughter/ person you know seems a little odd, maybe they have a genuine mental health problem, and you should look beyond the Xbox 360/PC/PS3/Wii/WiiU because if there's one thing any person stable or not they will tell you games are form of escapism, I can't tell you I'd love to have Bugatti EB 110, but I don't have the money, so having one on Forza 4 will do just fine...until I win the lottery that is!


 Sure you can get peed off if can't get passed a level on a game or stuck behind a drip on the road. You just don't act on it. But people who do imo have had bad upbringings.    


That is why we have age restriction because for the fact that when we get to that age those who set the age restriction expect people to use common sense and take responsibility for ourselves 


Honestly to me movies are alot worse then games. Movies are live action and they look real. Video games, although have very good graphics now that mimic real life, do not. If you showed someone a screenshot of a video game you could no doubt tell it wasnt real. however if you flip that and show a screenshot of a movie, you likely wouldn't know if it was a picture of a movie or real life unless you saw the movie. Look at the Auroa (Forget how to spell it) shooting Colorado. To me the degree of realism movies can portray is more dangerous then video games.

dissevered 5 Like

Here is all the evidence you need.  My parents let me watch rated R movies when I was just 4-5 years old.  Sex, violence, all the good stuff.  When Nintendo came out, it wasn't all that violent so I guess that doesn't matter.  Still, around the age of 9 or 10, genesis came out and you could see blood and fatalities in mortal kombat, I was allowed to play it. My parents never held back real world stuff.   Here is the kicker... They spent time with me and told me right from wrong.  They taught me that it was just entertainment and I should never treat others like they do in movies and games. 


Is it any surprise that I have grown up to be an extremely peaceful individual then?  The only chance that games will cause people to do dumb things are if the children are neglected by their parents.  And, guess what?  Neglected kids almost always grow up with issues, so games are not the culprit.  Parents are. 


this show has great music

The_GooBear 1 Like

Hate breeds violence. If we're old enough to play a violent games we should be far past the point of monkey see, monkey do


Very interesting subject of study. This is really, really, good. 


The subject of violence and its link towards human behaviour is an arguement that has been around since the time of printing press and as such, is nothing new. When researching my dissertation, this is the subject I chose to do. My research found that, just like this programme did, there's is no actual substantial evidence to support claims that violent behaviour is brought about because an individual is simulating an act of violence. My research found that the art of blame, and the need for simplistic answers to controversial questions leads to folk lores and demon hunts in which we have replaced unholy demons and the acts of the devil, with the risk of pedophiles and people becoming socially warped by their increased consumption of violent media.


This is however not to say that the media has no effect on us at all. If the media real didn't affect people then companies would not spend £100,000,000 yearly on advertising. Again my research came to the conclusion that the media does in fact affect us, however only in the way in which we are already inclined. By this i mean that, a car commercial would only affect my decision making on car purchasing, if I was already in the frame of mind to purchase a car. To put it simply, we use media to create and form identities for ourselves so if we are already violently inclined, we would use this violent media to create and learn ways in which we can become violent, although saying this, most people in society tend to be normal, level headed individuals so we tend to create identities which are more commonly present within the normal social sphere.


Just thought I'd add my say to an otherwise well rounded and enjoyable programme. Keep up the good work Cam!

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 @DyspThe world is not a worse place.


"Governments acting violently towards its own citizens is rising." Is untrue as well. If you look at violence in gov't against people and just people as a whole it has gotten better over time.


They weren't talking about violence against nature or the eco-system, so you're reference to that doesn't make a lot of sense.  When it comes to nature people understand that we are crippling the planet and there is countless funds and and orginizations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) that are trying to help the planet. Just ordinary citizens are hugely aware of where the planet could be headed and they have the opportunity to help.


Technology has made us aware of violence and violence against nature and thats why it seems more prevalent.


You are looking at the world in a negative, upside-down view. People are working together now more than ever across the planet and thats why it is, and is becoming a better place.




Not unless you're a nut. Did westerns in the 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's lead to cowboysin Texas or Kansas shooting native Americans or jerks in saloons? (I Love Gunsmoke)  Did the Thin Man, or any hundreds of detective movies ontv shows cause a vigalanties to shoot bad guys in the streets of NY or the Windy?  How about Dirty Harry?


Get a grip. I walked away from Black OPs II complaining about too much money for a too short SP campaign. Maybe some game producers need to be punished, via the capitalistic  system for producing a great adventure that was only 2 or so hours gone.....heck a good 2 hour movie is only 8 bucks. I won't spend 60.00 on their mini games in the future..take that, bad guy !


Wait....The Walking Dead *did* make me want to behead ZOMBIES. Next time I see one..look out !


Alien face suckers too, I'll kill 'em if I see 'em.





Xbravo 1 Like

"Does violence in video games lead to real world violence?"

NO. NOt for well adjusted people.

Having to watch commercials all the time....hmmm....


the world needs to come together. while MURRICA is all for guns and blood. eu is all for nude beaches and bewbs.


when they say vidiya cause violence they're just looking for a scapegoat. anything would do if you're looking for an excuse

Stabba_The_Kutt 1 Like

Australia needs to watch this episode. Their idiot government are all stuck in the early 90's with their facist anti video game agenda. Now if only they had as little tolerance for racist ignorance that they do for video game gore.


Wow Mark had me until his asinine claim that this era is considered one of the most peaceful. That statement , not only terribly false, is an insult to anyone who has eyes and ears. Just as they blame media for overexaggerating it would be good of them to not to do the same. Simply put, AgentA-Mi6 hit the nail on the head.

greg0455 1 Like

 @Innocent_baby Since the end of WWII it has been and a simple survey of history is all you need to look at. Slavery? For the most part abolished. Wide scale war? It's now a localized event. Large portions of the world are now more peaceful then ever with ways to scale back violence through discussion. He never said the world ceased to be violent but as a whole, the world is substantially less violent than even 100 years ago. 


 @greg0455 Well I never said he claimed the world to be nonviolent and I'm sorry but you speak as one who has never left the comforts of the first world. The world is a far more violent place than you seem to realize. Slavery is still rampant, mass slaughters and genocide by extremists, governments and corporations are still happening. The biggest crime however is the apathy of people and lack of reporting by media. I encourage you to dig a little deep than "a simple survey of history" for as many know, it is only the victor who writes it and whatever they wish to omit will be erased or covered unless one has eyes to truly see what is plainly around them.


 @Innocent_baby  @greg0455 It's certainly dangerous to assert a general downward secular trend in violence in history. It's worth noting that the two world wars of the 20th century were extraordinarily bloody affairs, and the lack of a conflagration on the scale of WW2 has at least as much to do with the existence of nuclear weaponry - ie, the *threat* of violence on a truly unimaginable scale - as the human race becoming somehow more enlightened. Local confrontations have in many cases been circumvented by the existence of strongarm regimes, which suppress ethnic tensions and so forth via real or potential violence against their own populations. Where that hasn't been enough, the resulting violence has been horrific (Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Algeria, Colombia, possibly Syria and the wider Middle East today). I would want serious evidence for the claim that the world is less violent today, not a throwaway comment, although I suppose that's not going to happen in a 13 minute video on the bloody internet.


All that said, none of this has anything to do with video games. Indeed, in the UK, violent crime has fallen consistently year on year in the same period that games (very much including unambiguously violent ones) have become a mass cultural phenomenon. 


Outright violence in a video game needs to have a context and moral justification for me to relate to it unless its cartoony and insignificant. In 15 plus years of gaming i havent had a single game that inspired violent thoughts on me except for God Of War III perhaps and I rationalized it, if someone cant rationalize any violent thought or impulse then they have a bigger problem that goes beyond their gaming habits and will likely manifest in other ways down the road, potentially being triggered by anything.

havocmerc 3 Like

Bla-bla-bla-bla.  Perole were NEVER violent before the creation of  violent video games.  Everyone ran around in throwing flowers at each other and scouting " Have a nice day, I love you all."

ail_taco 9 Like

Playing violent video games does not make people violent, stealing my tacos does


I have discovered certain benefits from playing certain types of games that translate into the real world.  When I play games like COD or Team fortress 2, I seem to be able to focus better.  Playing with a highly competitive mindset forces you to focus and really analyze situations in games which ultimately leads to situations that requires problem solving.  If you are in a situation where you and\or your team is losing, you will search for a way to win. My hand eye coordination is average at best, but I have found strength in developing and implementing strategic elements into my game which usually makes me one of the top players in most games matches I play.


Playing with a highly competitive mindset also allows you to  discover your limitations which is important for elevating your game.  You can adjust your strategy to compensate for your weaknesses. Understanding your weaknesses allows you to become more consistent  overall.  If you pwn in certain situations and then all of a sudden a new game starts and you are forced into a situation which places you at a disadvantage, you need to adapt to the current dynamics of the game.  Adapting is difficult at times but can completely swing momentum in your favor if done correctly.  Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses is key.  Once momentum is established, you need to apply maximum pressure to your opponent.  If you opponent tries to regain the advantage, do something completely unexpected.  Camp on a corner, charge straight down the middle, push from a new direction, set a trap. Vary your style until you can regain momentum.  If your team starts dominating in a big way, hit hard and never let up.  Be smart, but be very aggressive.


I play games on and off, I am either 100% committed to a game or not at all.  This is why I notice in the real world effects these games have one me.  When I have a challenging task ahead of me such as new courses for my trade, of troubleshooting a job, I perform better when my off time involves highly focus sessions of high paced strategic games action games.


bobbetybob 6 Like

Video games leading to violence is a dumb correlation that media draws in order to blame something for someone's unfortunate actions/death. The sad truth is that sometimes people just snap, and you generally can't single out one thing and just say "Yep that's what caused him to kill himself".


Obviously if a guys pregnant girlfriend just got murdered then yes, it would be fairly conclusive to say that incident was the major cause for whatever drastic action he might have taken. But if someone kills themselves unexpectedly one day, to then go "DAMN HE JUST PLAYED TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT, VIDEO GAMES, YOU'VE KILLED AGAAAAAINNNNN!!!" makes about as much sense as saying a guy who goes on a shooting spree and had a Big Mac earlier in the day was in some sort of beef induced rage.



BattleOfficer 8 Like

Religious "books" cause more violence than any violent games.Ban books!

jackson2415 2 Like

Humans were violent for thousands of years before video games (and movies). It is ridiculous to examine this subject when you actually think about the history of mankind.


Proving a causal relationship isn't always straightforward. In some of the cases where a person played violent games then went on a shooting spree... well, did they shoot people because they played violent video games, or did they shoot people and play video games for the same reason: that they are simply violent people to begin with?


There is also humor in life, and usually makes for a better game. If you think a computer will ever gain consciousness without the added influence of those who program them, or think some organic kind of computer is ever coming out, then you missed life already in this Universe. Except life is more than such a narrow field of view.


GoldMineUK 3 Like

There is violence in movies and video games BECAUSE there is violence in real life, not the other way round


I would also like to add that publishers and distributors do have a responsibility to make sure the content within games is not actively encourage and support real world crimes and criminals whilst distributors make sure adult themed games don't end up in the hands of minors. 


I love computer games but in my honest opinion, yes I think games can lead to real world violence simply because of the nature of human beings however the vast majority of people can distinguish between the real life and simulated life. Those who are more susceptible to certain psychological traits are probably more likely to act out feelings of anger and aggression, these people could just as easily act-out through movies, books anything that they become addicted and obsessed with.


humans are already a violent and destructive creature, if your life is on the line you'll kill to protect it. If we need oil we kill for it. If our nation is attacked we'll attack back. Violence is already there!! Its everywheres! I personally think video games are a great port to keep violence out of the real world. Can some video games really push the subject, sure! But what about our troops dying over seas? Or young childern dying before there 6th birthday? Lets talk about them, who gives a flying f*ck if you get a 6 star wanted level before you finish up a game of Grand Theft? ITS A GAME! Real world violence with the younger generation is linked directly to the kids parents!

warhawk-geeby 3 Like

I grew up playing Command and Conquer and GTA mostly, which my dad bought for me when I was 10 years old.  A full 8 years before I should have legally been playing GTA..  To no effect.


I personally feel if you're a bit loose in the head (aka criminal material) then games will probably make matters worse, but the argument of gaming affects us all is likely nonsense.


One thing I will say however is thanks to video games my survival skills in general have no doubt been increased drastically.  Zombie Apocalypse, Hostage Situation.. Compared to someone that doesn't play games (and hasn't received training) i'd imagine we'd all have a better chance of survival?  I know games aren't real, but a lot of the information and tactics used in them is pretty soundly based.


They teach us things yes, but do they make us violent.. no.  You'd already have to have a violent personality.


why violence and sex in game(fps, rpg and action) is a tabu for many people, but when we play civ5, total war games, eur3/v2/ck2/hoi3 and exterminate millions people or starcraft were units live in dictatorship and fight to the death for the glory of the players


Violence in video games doesnt always lead to real world violence but it leaves a violent impression however great or small, on the character and subconscience, which has the potential to manifest into real world physical, verbal or behavioural violence. It depends on the indivual player's knowledge, understanding and temperment. If media had no effect on out actions and behaviour companys would not invest so much money in advertisment.


Pretty sure we were quite violent prior to the creation of video games. People are less violent these days, actually. So yeah...Pretty much a non-debatable issue.

wildamnesia 6 Like

In the 20th Century alone there were 2 World Wars.  Then video games were invented and the century ended peacefully.  Nuff said.


Just be content that one day in the future all these "problems" about video game violence will disappear (mostly) as we find ourselves with generations of parents that grew up playing games. People are quick to blame the new thing for the perceived sorry state of the world; that's the flip side of nostalgia. It's happened before with TV and movies and of course that devilish rock n roll *shakes cane at kids on lawn*, and it'll keep on happening. The more things change the more they stay the same.


If you take any video game and attempt to reply it to real world without thinking. THEN your too young to be playing those types of games.



 @k2theswiss if the child is to young to be playing the vido game then the parent who bought it for them should be the one to blame not the video game the parent could have prevented them from playing it.


MadGamerNanango 1 Like

Great story.  I so don't think that playing these games is a bad thing.  Parents should take responsiblitly for what games they are buying for their kids and letting them play.  I find it a great stress relief to get on these games and take out frustrations shooting people on there.  Surely I am not the only one who does that? lol.

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