Community explorer A quick look at some of the stuff you can get involved with as part of the Eurogamer community

  • Forums

    We have a thriving community who love to talk about games. Come join the fun!

  • Groups

    Join one of our many communities of like-minder gamers, or even start your own!

  • Friends

    Find friends old and new on Eurogamer to follow, chat to, and keep up to speed with what you're all playing.

  • Xbox Live

    Make use of our Xbox Live integration to find out the most popular games right now, and compare games and achievements with other Eurogamer users through your profile.

  • Giveaways

    We're always giving things away. Beta keys, free trials, discount codes, even full games!

  • Eurogamer Expo

    The Eurogamer Expo is the biggest and best gaming event in the UK. Brought to you by the team behind