The Secrets of Fez

Without ruining the joy of solving Fez's puzzles on your own, our mini-guide will show you the way. "Brawny gods just flocked up to quiz and vex him."

There are seemingly endless puzzles to crack in Fez, and the solutions are rarely obvious. Many of them revolve around deciphering glyphs and symbols that pop up in nearly every corner.

The solutions are in the game, but they are never spoon-fed to you or dropped in your lap. Fez is intended to make you think, consider, and wonder. That said, some people prefer to seek out help from others; that's where we come in! We aren't going to simply hand over the secrets though. Instead, we're going to show you how to locate the clues within the game, so you at least have a fighting chance. Without further ado, let's get to it!

This first video takes you all the way to a shady forest. There's not much going on, but what is present are strong clues to one of the largest secrets in Fez. "But clues to what?" you may ask. If you'd like a hint, make sure to analyze everything in the last part of the video, and see if you can find a connection to the elements in the scene.

Without giving too much away, let's just say that the clues in this video are related, but they don't share a direct connection with one another.

Last but not least! The room at the end of this video provides numerous hints, using different methods of comparing relationships and connections. Add it all up, and the message will ring true in no time.

We purposefully made these videos as vague as possible. Showing you the way to these hints is almost giving too much away as it is. No doubt, the joy of discovery will be that much sweeter if you can solve these riddles without help from others.

If you feel that you still have no clue what we're hinting at, or would rather solve the riddles and get on with your life, all I can say is that this page contains hints of its own outside of the videos we've provided. That's all I'll say for now. Happy hunting!


Peter Brown
By Peter Brown, Editor

Peter Brown has been writing about video games and hardware since 1999. He grew up with the NES and has an unwavering love for retro and arcade games. Though he's a New England native, he's called the Bay Area home since 2004.

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Bubble_Man 21 pts

That doesn't look like the foreign guy from the 70s show to me.

aminal85 49 pts

Im playing Fez right now, got 20 cubes so far as well as 5 anti cubes. I have to say, Gamespot only giving this game an 8/10 is a travesty. Its so captivating and original, a real gem of a game and only 800 msp! Oh yeah, nice article btw :p

Danymoon 5 pts

the second video is exactly the one secret i couldn't open yet......for the rest, i have enjoyed to unlock almost all of them (still some locked doors to open)......the blue cubes are those quite difficult to unlock....just like that one.......i don't know how, but sometimes i didn't have a clue, and i unlocked them, still im surprised to see what the human brain can do by itself, when you don't find the answer by yourself!

Solace427 82 pts

I 100% FEZ a few days ago. It is an amazing game. I would definitely start a new game from scratch just to do that puzzles all over again. My favorite puzzles were the tuning forks and the QR codes placed throughout the worlds. Best part is whenever the game "reboots" CLASSIC Also, anyone notice the throwback to classic NES games? XD

0ngar 9 pts

I downloaded this from Xbox live on a whim and to be honest it is probably one of THE best puzzle games I have ever played. The puzzles are challenging and require quite a great deal of thought. The game doesn't hold your hand for very long and quickly lets you learn and explore the world that they intricately designed. The cute graphics absorb you and you will find yourself quickly immersed in the cleverly created 2d world. I highly recommend this game for anyone who enjoys old school Zelda puzzles!

malfreds 14 pts

Yesterday I tried the demo, because I was interested on why this game is creating such good comments. The game mechanic is pretty good but honestly speaking, I didn't like at all the music. It seems like I was in a funeral.

ssorrekrab 109 pts

I like your style. Points the way but keeps the joy of discovery. Having said that I need all the help I can get with this :/

AndCarlsen 271 pts

Great initiative. It doesn't have spoilers and still manages to keep the discovery feeling for the player.

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