Now Playing - Halo 4 - Beat the Pros Community Live Stream

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  • Nov 9, 2012

Can GameSpot users take on Tom "Tsquared" Taylor and other pro gamers? Tune in to our first ever Beat the Pros community live stream to find out!

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dmblum1799 39 pts

Thing is, even the very best "esports" players don't look much different than other online players. Lebron James is 6 10, 260 pounds and runs really fast. You don't know anyone like that. 


So esports isn't really comparable.

EatShanna 67 pts

I'm just wondering how long it takes to master the auto-aim button and become a 1337 pr0 like this guy.

Diamondsoulz 75 pts

Just because some guy thinks he's a pro doesn't make him good. Oh this guy can Bead like a Mother doesn't mean he's good.

Diamondsoulz 75 pts

I'm ranked in the top 300 in Duke Nukem Forever......nobody plays the game anymore =)

TacticaI 130 pts

I haven't watched Pro Halo players in years, completely forgot about Nader, wow. A lot of the names that are still around surprise me actually. Wish I had caught this live, but I'm terrible at this game anyway.  

airshocker 120 pts

This was awesome. Going to have to get in on the next one they do for Halo 4.

nightcall14 61 pts

Nothing left to do except watch myself get killed from the other team's perspective.

Soldier235689 7 pts

if this is live than people on screen say chicken

Giancarlo 257 pts moderator

 Soldier235689 It was live. The stream is over.

Smallerss 5 pts

On my gap year doing a ski season in Canada and I just want to play halo 4 but no way of playing it its killing me


dragonite493 6 pts

Question: what do the colors they are yelling out mean

nightcall14 61 pts

I will definitly do better during the Black Ops Live stream if I get in than I did here.

dude_man123 5 pts

Will you guys be playing this again in the near future?

jayjay444 294 pts

 dude_man123 he sed there doing it next Fri with black opes 2.

dude_man123 5 pts

 jayjay444 I mean are they playing Halo 4 anytime soon?


jayjay444 294 pts

 dude_man123 he didnt say m8

Giancarlo 257 pts moderator

 dude_man123  jayjay444 We'll try to. 

jayjay444 294 pts

are u guys still sending invites? 


JodyR 88 pts moderator

 jayjay444 We're on our final match, sorry!

jayjay444 294 pts

 JodyR aww np m8 i would have loved a chance to get a dig at the pro's lol 

jayjay444 294 pts

dose any of u guys want to 1v1 me?


dragonite493 6 pts

has there ever been a game where the pros had a hard time

nightcall14 61 pts

Question - What do you think of the jetpack and its effectiveness?

lorider25 65 pts

looks like we got a good gamespot team this time  (if they are gamespot members that is)

nightcall14 61 pts

This group looks like actually competition compared to that pitiful first group.

un_turco 14 pts


LiiMiiTz 6 pts

Can we get INV again???????????


nightcall14 61 pts

What do you think of the Spartan Points system in Halo 4?

mediaprchsguide 6 pts

pro's at one game or more? a true pro is a jake of trades

halo117xbox 52 pts

i was thinking these "MLG PROS" would use BR's?

joSplicer 5 pts

 halo117xbox They are actual pros. They've been Halo pros since Halo 2. And DMR is better than BR all around.

halo117xbox 52 pts

 joSplicer well sense they are pros sense halo 2 why wouldn;t they want to use an OG weapon not a new gun created in halo reach. only thing i see is the DMR is a bit OP'd

gintstone 5 pts

do you guys think promethean  vision is too empowering, it seems like everyone uses it

Decoy71 5 pts

The invite to RARChevette got screwed up, he was supposed to get in the game but something happened an he never got in


UnloadedFrame 5 pts

UnloadedFrame is my gamer tag can i join in ?

un_turco 14 pts

Congrats men... happy b-day and thx for the streaming...

HamNChezz 5 pts

I got the invite but it was too late :( 

mediaprchsguide 6 pts

I think this needs some real gamers. turn 

joSplicer 5 pts

What control settings are the pros using? Bumper Jumper?

gintstone 5 pts

gt: timmygintstone      im' rdy


deadlyassmiteXx 5 pts

you guys hella need me! let me battle for glory!


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