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Monster Hunter 4 is a fast and ferocious beast

Elliot Gay
1:30 PM on 09.25.2012
Monster Hunter 4 is a fast and ferocious beast photo

It's hard to describe just how popular Capcom's Monster Hunter series really is over here in Japan. It's no small feat considering how hardcore the games actually are. I find it fascinating that they've managed to find such mainstream success despite the difficult controls, huge learning curve, and the hours of dedication required to get good.

Monster Hunter 4 for the Nintendo 3DS is the latest in the series and the first numbered entry to debut on a portable system. It was playable for the first time at Tokyo Game Show this past week and after a mad dash to Capcom's booth, I was one of the first people to get a chance at slaying some monsters.

Together with three other companions, I chose my weapon and dove onto the battlefield.

The Tokyo Game Show demo had a preset character for every weapon in the game, so I decided to roll with the brand new bug stick. Granting the player the ability to launch a bug at enemy monsters, it's also surprisingly versatile as a staff weapon. Unfortunately, you can't block with it, but a dodge roll is still available. The hit radius on the bug stick is also extremely wide and reminded me and several others of Kilik from the SoulCalibur series. Even better, you can actually use the staff to launch yourself up into the air, opening you up to attack monsters in midair. It's not as simple a weapon to pick up as the traditional set of swords, but I can see veteran players really taking to it. 

After fiddling with my new weapon in the opening area, me and the others entered the actual field proper and were met with bright, yellow fields. I played the demo with the 3D slider set to maximum and it was a thing of beauty. The textures didn't seem to be a drastic step up over Monster Hunter Tri G, but the shadows and overall lighting are a huge improvement. Likewise, the actual areas are much larger and much more varied. As seen in the initial Monster Hunter 4 trailer, the terrain is now vertical in a way that changes the game significantly. Unlike previous entries in the series, when facing off against a giant monster, you now have to be super aware of your surroundings.

When my comrades and I stumbled across our target, it fled into a huge area with a lower section covered in some kind of web-like substance. Jumping down revealed an entirely new environment, much smaller and harder to maneuver around than the first. Suddenly, I was thinking about things that never once crossed my mind in previous Monster Hunter games. For a series where combat strategy is everything, having to consider your environment adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay.

Also new to Monster Hunter 4 is the ability to climb on the backs of your prey and attack them while clinging to their bodies. In some ways, it reminded me a lot of Dragon's Dogma and I wouldn't be surprised if the idea was shared between the two development teams.

The prevailing thought after finishing the demo was that this is a much faster game than its brethren. Character movement, monster animations, and combat as a whole seem to have been given a subtle but not insignificant boost of speed, making for a much more visceral experience than fans might be used to. The graphics haven't seen a huge bump, but the fantastic art style and lighting make up for it. I didn't get a chance to see any of the environmental damage that Capcom has been talking about in Japanese magazines, but I'd imagine that's part of the reason for the lower-resolution textures.

If the demo is any indication, there's more than enough new here to warrant being a numbered title. With true four-person online multiplayer confirmed, there's no doubt in my mind that Monster Hunter 4 is going to sell gangbusters in Japan. It remains to be seen whether it'll get a western release, though with Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate heading over the pond, I'd say the chances are pretty good. 

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

i want it
I'm going to bend over, just slip that cart right up there. Blow on it first... No not the cart moron! My ass.
"managed to find such mainstream success despite the difficult controls, huge learning curve, and the hours of dedication required to get good."

I'd like to think that the game found mainstream success [b]because[/i] of all those qualities. They are a big part of what make MoHun special, a long with the pacing between quite moments communing with nature and battling giant dino-dragons, the sense of humor, the deep and mult-layered crafting system, and the excellent craftmanship all around.

Also, good to see you posting on the Dtoid front page, Ryoga!
[capcom shows off a monster hunter game]

Bitch, please.
I can't wait to try out that new weapon type. Always loved Monster Hunter with a burning passion. Gonna get balls deep into this one.
i think they pretty much implemented elements from Dragon's Dogma which is awesome :)

very hype for this game, definitely need to get Monster Hunter Ultimate 3 :P
fucking shit man, im guessing im buying a wii U after all :(
Why are you buying a WiiU to play a 3DS game?
This should be on the vita... i guess i'll have to buy a USED 3ds
Wedge: there'll be a Wii U version of the game with which you can transfer your 3DS save data to and vice versa.

BMkeys: The Vita isn't very successful in either Japan or the US (or any region, for that matter.) and they're releasing it on a system that already has a good handhold in the market. Plus it's cheaper for them to make it for the 3DS. Risk reward and all.

it should be on whatever gaming device the developer/publisher wants it on. :-P

Really, REALLY looking forward to this...I had been wondering where the Dtoid TGS preview was...

Can't wait. 0[]0//
Squishi3: That's for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, not Monster Hunter 4
Havenīt played a single game of this series, but I need to give it a shot !
I can wait on this more easily now that ultimate is releasing here. Thank Jebus!
Now we just need people to buy ultimate and maybe we will get 4.
Holy shit the new polearm looks awesome. The game looks amazing from a distance, hard to believe its a 3DS game. But then you get a close up of the textures and yeah.... its a 3DS game alright. It looks fun though.
VERY tempting. I skipped over MonHun 3 after getting lost in God Eater, but this entry might pull me back. My DSlite has been slowly dying and I'm currently waiting for the 3DS to drop below $150. Hopefully it'll last that long.
Spider boss? Count me in.
It should be on the Commodore 64.

I am going to own the shit out of that Bug Stick

More like "I wish the Vita had such awesome looking games with such a low polygon count!"

Sorry, but I don't even think I can go back to HD games after watching that trailer!
FFS i don't want a 3DS?!?!

I'm not gonna buy one for only this one fucking game, but maaaaan do i want to play it.

Fucking hell.

Vita FFS, get it on the fucking Vita!
I want to make sweet sweet love to this game.
okay, i love monster hunter(and nintendo), but man do those graphics look shitty.
I'm sure the game looks fine, but that screenshot actually looks like vomit.
I have watched playthroughs and guides on a lot of this series games.
I love the look, origanality, and gameplay of all of em.
But i dont want to buy a whole new system just to play one game!
When will they release one for all consoles?
Never played a MH game and that needs to change, soon!
lost planet and Dragons dogma are both based mostly on monster hunter.

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