Assassin's Creed III

Xbox 360
Release Date: October 30, 2012

Desmond in the Stadium

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Hold up, buddy.

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You are now back in present day as Desmond. It seems that there is another power source to be found, and it is in Brazil. Walk out of the train, and head up the stairs. Looks like you will need to sneak around security. Exit away from security out to the street. There are Abstergo guards out and about now, and they are hunting you down.


Follow the bushes around the court yard until you find another open door. Continue on through the stadium until you need another way to shake the guards. Move through the bathroom, then exit out the other side. Looks like there are a ton of guards. Duck into the generator room, and climb outside. Scale the wall to get over the fence. Continue on until you are back in the stadium. Move down the second floor hallway.


Watch out for the one guard on the second floor. Hide around the corner from him, and he'll walk right by you. Go into the private box, and walk out along the catwalk. Walk out over the MMA ring, and continue back up the side with all the cables on it. Once up into the other private box, go back out into the hallway and take a left. The next box on the left is the one you are looking for. It will trigger a cut scene when you get close.


It's Cross! Chase after him to get the power supply. Chase him until you get to a large open area where he will stop. At this point you will need to beat him up but several of the guards will be there as well. Best to take out the guards first before they all circle around you. Once that is done you can focus on Cross. He will counter fairly often so be sure to use guard break often.  Once you have the power supply, run away back to the Metro. Follow the signs. Once you get to the subway, a cut scene will happen.


Daddy Dearest achievement or trophy unlocked!

You can now plug in the power source. Find the stairs in front of you. Climb those. Follow the path around to the other set of stairs. Head up those. Jump up onto the beam to your left. Walk along that. Climb the wall at the end of the beam. Shimmy over to where you can pull yourself up.


Walk along this second beam, jumping over the gaps. Once you get to a platform, turn right and walk forward until you trigger a cut scene. This will open up a new door across the main area from you. Head over to the door, and climb all the way up the broken stairs. Now run all the way down the hallway in front of you. Once there, slide down the steep incline to your right, or take the stairs to your left.


Either way, get to the bottom level. Go into the door filled with rubble along the back wall. Climb up through the broken walls. Continue straight ahead to plug in the power source. This opens up a new set of stairs. More on that later.

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