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Apple announces the iPhone 4S

Dale North, Editor-In-Chief
1:06 PM on 10.04.2011
Apple announces the iPhone 4S photo

You've heard plenty of rumors over the past few months, I'm sure. That's all over for awhile, as Apple has just announced the iPhone 4S at their Let's Talk About iPhone press conference today.

Here's the skinny: The 4S has the same design as the iPhone 4, but inside it has new parts. The new A5 processor and dual-core gfx hardware gives the 4S the power to produce graphics 7 times faster than its predecessor.  It also sports an improved antenna, faster download speeds, a 8MP camera, and greatly improved image processing.

Pre-orders start October 7, with the actual release date falling on October 14. It will be available through AT&T, Verizon, and now Sprint. Pricing is as follows, with a two-year contract: 16GB for $199, 32Gb for $299 and 64GB for $399.

Mike Capps from Epic Games showed off this graphical power with a new game, Infinity Blade 2. "We're going to show you visuals that you've never seen on a mobile device," said Capps.

This was announced alongside many new features of Apple's newest mobile operating system, iOS5, set to drop on all iOS devices on October 12. Other new products, like the iPod Nano and iPod Touch, were also updated today with new lines.

Are you going to get a new iPhone? 

[via ThisIsMyNext liveblog]

Apple announces the iPhone 4S photo
Apple announces the iPhone 4S photo

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Ill continue to stick with blackberry. So much more convenient for business purposes.
LOL @apple fanbois, look at that piece of crap, they won't even update the exterior.


I actually prefer it this way, but something needs to make it stand out from the 4G externally, such as a different color or something. Not having to make a whole new line of accessories really helps out third parties.

But I'm not buying an iPhone. I'm too hipster for iPhone.

That, and the carrier that my business plan is through is neither AT&T; nor Verizon.
Nope. I dislike Apple as a company more than I dislike EA and Activision combined.
"Infinity Blade 2"

Semen. So much semen.
Just wait a few months for the iPhone S2 Nano.

The rate that Apple updates their products leads me to believe they are deliberately producing their crap two generations behind just so they can sell you a new device twice as fast.

Yeah, I'm one of those guys who doesn't immediately jump on Apple's trendy bullshit marketing.
will it come to sprint?!
yeah I'll get it next month I guess.
@Hazurr, well then someone needs to come over here and spank me.

BTW, I have a butt that would make Lady Link jelly.

It jiggles like jelly.

Awwwww, yeah.
It's been over 2 years since I've updated (still using a 3GS). So yeah, probably. It's either stick with it, or lose some $$ from the app store and switch to Android. I'll play with them in store and decide later this month.
"The rate that Apple updates their products leads me to believe they are deliberately producing their crap two generations behind just so they can sell you a new device twice as fast. " Apple actaully refreshes yearly, blackberry, Android and windows phone 7 refresh 3 times a year, android even more so. So uhh, not sure where you're coming from.
I mainly don't like iOS. The UI is too dumbed-down. If we could TRULY hack it, I'd be game.
Still not going to persuade me to get rid of my n95 8gb.
I get the next modal next year.
So, no iPhone 5?....

Coming out with a new device with incremental upgrades and OS changes is not the same as large scale hardware upgrades every year. You can have a Blackberry or Windows 7 Phone from this year and it's largely identical to last years, runs the same software etc. Apple pulls these hardware updates seemingly from nowhere and splits the entire base by saying that this app only runs on the iWhatever 4S, the iPad 2, etc. Essentially forcing you to upgrade the damn thing to run some new application every single year.
"Yes, but does it read?"
...it doesn't even have one nub? Pass
I own both an iPad and iPod touch.... so I'm more excited about the iOS 5 release! Yay! Untethered from that AWFUL iTunes software on the computer! I'm also excited about the new email features and the IM system.
but can you talk on the phone with it?
*insert "for ass"-joke here*
It's powerful to hell, shame app developers won't take advantage of it. I'm going for a phone with a keyboard come January though, not this.

@Elsa: The wireless sync still needs iTunes running on your computer. Sorry :(
"I don't like Apple and that makes me smarter than anybody who does"
the S is for SUCKERS!!!!
If I can get a good plan from my carrier, I might upgrade when it gets here. My 4's battery is dying and it's getting bogged down by things. The 64GB option is tempting and if I see that the camera IS improved (because this thing takes god-awful pictures at less-than-optimal lighting and the flash is horrible) AND that performance is indeed better, I MIGHT get it.

I wonder if my carrier will retain their "Fastest iPhone Network in the World" title with the 4S.
So... A dual-core 1Ghz Processor from the middle of this year, a (nice) Sony camera, HD Video recording, still the same tiny screen, non-crappy antenna (finally), slightly different look and voice search?

Am I missing something or are those things features that are already getting old on Android? :P Okay, aside from the voice search thing maybe, that seems a lot more complex than on android... On the other hand, I usually don't talk to my phone when I'm on the go. That's just creepy.

As someone who works for one of Canada's leading providers, I have to say your complaint about iDevices is equally valid to all other smartphones.

Blackberry OS6, which released this year, isn't compatible with any device under the 9000 model. Even on models it is compatible, there are performance issues for the older models. OS7 which JUST released (again this year) isn't compatible with any model under 9900. RIM has already announced plans for another OS coming next year. Two completely new OSes in one year is ridiculous, announcing a third is sheer insanity. They're segmenting their userbase worse than anyone.

On Android phones, they eventually stop updating too. I'm not as well educated on this topic, however. I have a few friends who's Android model won't accept new updates. More Android devices release on a yearly basis than any other smartphone. They segment their userbase with wildly varying hardware models. There are plenty of Android devices that are now completely out of date and cannot be updated anymore.

Please check your facts. The amount of irrational hatred for iDevices in this community is appalling.
Still 3G? How pointless. I'm buying the 4G LTE Droid Prime.
HA! I knew it wasn't going to be the iphone 5!

Stills seems good though, and I already know a couple people salivating over that 64mb model. I'm still holding out for a Droid4 with 4g speed and keyboard or an iphone 5 (or whatever they call it) with 4g speed (w/ keyboard would be preferred). I'm done with 3g speed.
Seeing as the iDevices like to consider themselves gaming devices now does anyone actually think releasing new hardware every year is a good thing? How upset would people be if Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft released a new console every year.
care-o-meter: 0%
Let me know when apple starts a rental plan that allows me to just get a new phone as they release them, instead of having to buy a new one every six months.
Haha this is the beginning, we are so totally going to take over the world bitches!
Apple seems to really want to give away market share this year as they've become lazy adding 3 WHOLE FEATURES. Every other android phone has pretty much every feature + more than this. Their iPod line was even worse being unchanged other than a new color. Gaming device my ass, they don't even give a shit about it.
Apple shares are trading 3.6% down after the conference, ouch.
I chuckled when they compared the phone's performance to old Android phones, and not the Galaxy S II and other new powerhouse Android phones. I hope Samsung's lawyers took note of them stating that no one has been able to copy the iphone!

That said, I'll be replacing my Galaxy S with a Galaxy S II in the near future!
The point that everyone seems to miss is that apple only updates their hardware yearly so they never have to drop the price.
Since I'm still rocking a 3G, yes I will be getting one. I can't wait!
hah just how long do apple think they can keep this up
How much are the new iPhones without a contract?
Don't care, just give me my Episode 3 damn it!
@Hasney... iOS 5 is being advertised as not needing a computer at all. Syncing is to be done through Apple's cloud service that launches with iOS 5. Back ups, restores, syncing... all done through the cloud.

Itunes will still be useful for some things (especially apps that use iTunes to load a movie or whatever), but for the most part people won't need a computer to use their iOS device.

I use 3 devices with iTunes... and not being familiar with iTunes it's a pain in the butt to keep each of the devices entirely separate. I'm hoping that being untethered from the computer will make life easier for me.
Cool. I've thought about getting an iPad or iTouch, just for convenience and the apps. But I'm extremely satisfied with my Evo 3D so far, and I do my portable gaming on my 3DS (and Vita soon, possibly). Still, good for them I guess.
Apple decided they didn't want my business because of their weird rules and regulations on buying an iPhone. I pretty much So I've abandoned them like they abandoned me. There are times where I miss mommy Apple, but my adoptive family Microsoft is taking good care of me.
Its another "in-between year" for apple hardware. I was looking forward to a new iPod Touch but all they introduced is a new color. WTF. The Sprint iPhone is crap since it doesn't have 4G. This year is a fail for Apple.
I would hate to be an Apple fan with a new product coming out every week, and all.
welcome to 2009, Apple.

@Dale North- when they said it's 7x faster than its predecessor, they were talking about the original iPhone, not the iPhone 4.

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