Sundays with Sagat: How about a shower? Sound good? - Destructoid
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Sundays with Sagat: How about a shower? Sound good?

Jonathan Holmes
3:00 PM on 08.11.2010

[Sundays with Sagat is a video series where a man named Sagat talks to you about videogames. This is serious business.]

Last week, Sagat promised to get out of his depression and start being productive again. First though, it's shower time.

There is also talk of a few of the ways that game developers and publishers screw themselves over in the pursuit of a quick buck. This is a topic that Sagat likely could have talked about for hours, maybe even days. He doesn't get that far this week, but when this show gets a totally professional reboot in a few weeks, maybe we'll get lucky. Instead, we get a little talk about how 3rd party developers have trained Wii owners to never buy their games within the first six months of release (lest they miss out on the inevitable price drop), some stuff about Street Fighter upgrades, the 3DS, Kinect, PS Move, and "the Pixar rule".

That leaves a lot out, doesn't it? There's no mention of shovelware, half-assed ports, liscensed games, off-brand games, mario-milking and numerous other examples of unimaginative money grabs that have become well-known problems to gamers over the years.

Which type of trend chasing mistake gets on your nerves the most? Which did you think that Sagat should or shouldn't have mentioned? Any desire for a Felicia and Sagat reality show, kind of like that one about the midgets?


Sundays with Sagat: What's a videogame for?

Sundays with Sagat: Mario 64 Vs. Mario Galaxy

Sundays with Sagat: The Hardcore/Comedy Conundrum

Sundays with Sagat: Uncharted 2

Sundays with Sagat: Redefining "Hardcore Vs. Casual"

Sundays with Sagat: Guest Starring Birdie

Sundays with Sagat: What's in a name?

Sundays with Sagat: Final Fantasy

Sundays with Sagat: Grand Theft Auto V Casting Call

Sundays with Sagat: Alan Wake, Depression, and Meows

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Meowsers, cat lady sure is foxy.
Nice use of MGS3 soundtrack. Subtle.
Great video! I still love these.
Felicia needs to work on her acting a bit. The meow gimmick is annoying as it is, but the way she delivers her lines in a complete disinterested monotone makes it worse.
The world is a brighter place because this exists.

Sidenote: Watching a woman floss and use the bathroom is usually the least attractive thing possible...yet this didn't bother me. It must be the tail.
You talk about ways you can fix their marketing techniques... but then how do we get visionaries? Everyone's trying to take the safe track because they're trying to make money and make more complex games.
Why do you a robe in the shower? It would just get wet.

Also, Felicia is very pretty.
Why do you have a robe in the shower? It would just get wet.

Also, Felicia is very pretty.
Uh... what? I wasn't really paying attention. There was some distracting foreground things going on.

... And the talk was kinda boring me to death.
Wednesday is the new Sunday.

I really like this series, and this episode is no exception.
It's really hard to concentrate on your points with that really cute girl in the shot. Good points man, but damn, is that your girl?
if you guys keep posting comments about jon's old lady, you're going to give her a big head. that could ruin the whole situation for the guy. "does that mean we can get rid of the giant litter box in the living room now?" lol
I agree that Wii games tend to drop rather quickly in price, but that's not exclusive to that console. If CAG has taught me anything it's that MOST games are discounted after a similar amount of time. It's only top-tier content like Mario games and Call of Duty that stay around their MSRP for a loooooong time.

Personally, I don't buy ANYTHING for MSRP anymore UNLESS it comes out for like $20 OR has a great pre-order incentive (site/store credit or non-MSRP inflating swag). Why bother spending $50/$60 now when I can get it for $20 later?
the backlash from a low intro price and a late jack up would defeat an value gained from word of mouth.

They keep making street fighter games because they know they have a big following that will buy each version. So they can make up the money+ by having 1 person buy 10 versions instead of 10 people buying 1 version. Even with R+D costs.

I just don't see the "screwing them selves over" part of their marketing strategies.

i DO see how those strategies might not make for the best games but they are getting theres.
serious conversation backdropped to felicia. amazing.
I DONT have Street Fighter IV, I DO HAVE Super Street Fighter IV.
I do agree with Gohan on the preorder incentive point though. I think that's why we're seeing so many more games with preorder incentives these days.

I have a feeling the disinterested thing was done on purpose. That kind of humor isn't very subtle and I'm confused as to how you missed it o_o
WHAT IS BETTAR? Darkstalkers or StreetFightans?
That video was amazing and so fucking distracting :D
I do enjoy the way the series is changing itself with every episode. Makes it a lot of fun to keep watching it every week.
What the hell was with Super Cat towards the end?
How in the hell did you get into my apartment to shoot this video? Seriously, that bathroom looks exactly like mine, freaky stuff man.
Best. Sund-- Tuesday with Sagat. Ever.

Basically yes, i don't get why so many people fall for the hype and run out to buy a game on day one, i mean your favorite series or one seldom time maybe but everything day one? madness or deep pockets. Also, this doesn't just happen on the Wii, X360/PS3 games also drop considerably after 6 months look at Bayonetta and Darksiders for example at 30$ currently on Amazon.


"I agree that Wii games tend to drop rather quickly in price, but that's not exclusive to that console. If CAG has taught me anything it's that MOST games are discounted after a similar amount of time. It's only top-tier content like Mario games and Call of Duty that stay around their MSRP for a loooooong time.

Personally, I don't buy ANYTHING for MSRP anymore UNLESS it comes out for like $20 OR has a great pre-order incentive (site/store credit or non-MSRP inflating swag). Why bother spending $50/$60 now when I can get it for $20 later?"

I'm struggling to understand the ending.
Thanks everybody! As usually, I wasn't sure how this one would go over. I actually had a puppet show planned for this week, but that got vetoed.

Anyway, yeah, absolutely, 3rd party Wii games aren't the only games to get price drops. Like EdgyDude and many others said, it happens with games on all consoles.

The difference on the Wii is, that's where the Nintendo games are, and Nintendo doesn't drop their games in price. That always makes 3rd parties look worse by comparison. Because Nintendo wont do price drops, people don't wait to buy their games until later. Unlike with 3rd party games, people don't think that Nintendo 1st party games "should cost $30", because they haven't been trained to think of them as being worth $30.

Same goes for so called "AAA" games on other consoles. People are trained to think of them as being worth more than "B" grade games, and part of that comes from the fact that "B" grade games always get price drops. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

Any time you launch a new IP (particularly on the Wii, where there aren't demos) I think it's safer to charge a low price for the first month of the games release, making it known that you wont drop the price again for a while, if ever. That's what they do with new DVDs and CDs. It gets get attention to your product, spread word of mouth, and get people to take a risk.

Sadly, I'm not so sure that game developers value their own products enough to take that risk. Unlike games, CDs and DVDs are considered "legitimate" entertainment by the mainstream, and therefore, they're thought to be worth something even years after they've seen release. Videogames are still seen as throw-away media to many, gamers and non-gamers alike.

There I go again, prattling on again. It's a wonder that the cat-people, and internet-people (meaning you), in my life can put with me at all.
Oh and @ DanlHaas- I want as much Seabreeze in my life as possible. It's in the first episode of Sundays with Sagat, and the first one with Birdie too.

While playing MGS4, I kept it on the in-game iPod pretty much the entire game. It makes every situation seem more interesting.
Oh man, you'll never get that cat smell out of that bathroom. And every time you take a hot shower you'll be reminded of it. :(
lmao , the last 15 seconds made me laugh so hard. Keep'em coming Mr Holmes!
Nice work, I do enjoy watching your videos. The end of e3 video was great :)
Great videos, keep going.
Johnathan Holmes... if that's your girlfriend you're a lucky guy... my girlfriend is hot and I probably couldn't get her into a Darkstalkers costume and say "meow meow meow meow meow meow"

i was loling
Holmes is my hero
Meow indeed!
meow, meoww
Can we meow more of the meow? Meow?
I'm putting my vote down for a Sagat and Felicia reality show. This was awesome!
@ BlackaneseNiNjA - I'll second that! Captivating, once again Mr. Holmes. : )
confused, or oppressed. What he did was accomplished with the ease and imitrex online

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