Podtoid 194: Dick Pixels (with Danny Baranowsky) - Destructoid
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Podtoid 194: Dick Pixels (with Danny Baranowsky)

Jim Sterling, Reviews Editor
12:30 PM on 03.21.2012
Podtoid 194: Dick Pixels (with Danny Baranowsky) photo

This week, the derptastic duo is joined by none other than videogame music man Danny Baranowsky. We discuss his work on Hunger Games, the controversy surrounding The Binding of Isaac, and Danny's history as a composer. It also turns out that this tunesmith is more than capable of getting involved with Podtoid's less ... savory ... discussions. 

From atheism to Bill Cosby to sexual deviance and drug intake, there's plenty of ridiculous chatter on offer. It's pretty good stuff, even if Danny is certain his family can never, ever, hear this recording.

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[Original header image courtesy of SteezyXL!]

Legacy Comments (will be imported soon)

Thanks Dtoid! I now know to never buy any games this guy has been involved in.

This was the most unprofessional interviewee I have heard yet in a podcast. I couldn't even finish the whole thing. All he wants to do is make fun of other people, curse up a storm, and talk about things unrelated to video games. And yes, he comes across as unprofessional sitting across from Jim Sterling!

But actually, despite his behavior, Jim still comes across as very professional. You might take a few classes.

"I don't know how I got here." Yeah. Me neither. This guy sounds like someone took a random Warcraft guildie and gave him a job.

Internet girlfriend
His parents pay his taxes (really??)
Typical nerd lisp

I would feel bad for making fun of him if he weren't such an asshole. He just comes across as how any nerdy basement dweller would react if given a job in gaming. "My advice, don't be a dick." Yes, you should try using your own advice.

Also, you know that feeling you got as a little kid when you were watching a movie with your parents and some two or three people started fucking? Thats how I felt listening to this guy. I was embarrassed for him. It was like watching Eyes Wide Shut with my grandma. I am a progressive leftist and I found his comments embarrassing. You're really going to watch a ten minute video by a Pelosi and assume all people in the south are like that? Isn't that what we rail on the right for all the time? "Gamer did something bad, video games kill" sort of mentality you have there. Great example you are setting in the industry. Best of luck to you. The people higher up in the industry won't put up with that sort of shit because they aren't self hating basement dwellers that can't talk about one subject for ten seconds without making fun of someone. They are self respecting professionals that will see right through you.



Anyways, love you Jim and John.
Listening to it tonight, have been far too busy today.
I enjoyed it.
Danny is awesome, he should be a recurring guest. I don't think he should've been talking up his "hey guys" face, though, because I've got an Ehrgeiz face that'll make a dude shit his pants and I'll whip it out at the slightest provocation.
Great fuckin episode, Danny is definitely one of us.
I quite enjoyed it, even if allusions to politics have made me cringe.
"All he wants to do is make fun of other people, curse up a storm, and talk about things unrelated to video games."

To be fair, the latter two things are basically the essence of Podtoid.
Wow, dude. I've listened to a couple of podcasts with Danny before and he seemed like a very nice guy overall. So I don't know what he said that filled you with righteous anger, but you should chill.
If you're wondering, how he got where he is now, I'll help you out. He is good at making music for videogames. There, I sorted it out for ya.
I don't understand hating Danny for being on Podtoid and partaking in what happens on any episode of Podtoid.
A few friends and I had a lovely chat with Danny outside the Gameworks when that photo was taken. He's a super nice guy and very genuine. Man-crush: initiated.
Jim, this episode was fucking brilliant. Danny definitely fit in, and I'd love to hear him on the podcast again. One of the better episodes in recent history. Besides, professionalism is for fucking assholes.
Yes he fits in, that is not what I had an issue with. The difference is everything he was saying just seemed bitter, self hating, and snarky. Whereas you and John are light hearted even when you're pissed off.

Not the content so much as the execution. Although I think the content, as I stated above, WAS a bit off typical Dtoid.
I haven't had such a crazy-ass intense laughs listening to Podtoid since, probably "Dogsuit". Well done guys, Danny B was perfect.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to present an entire pillar of wrong: @SethT
I've currently arrived at the part where Jim and Jonathan are yelling truuuuuth and rectummmm into their mics. What a glorious moment.
I loved Danny B's music before, as well as his twitter feed. Now I can love his personality as well! Great Episode!
I'm so completely glad that Danny B appeared on podtoid, if only so SethT's post had a reason to exist. I don't think you can top that, Jim, in sheer ENTERTAINMENT value.
thanks everyone! also I think SethT is projecting up a storm here! i'll totally accept that sometimes my humor can come across as immature, but you're completely fabricating the content and tenor of the interview :) i work with industry professionals all the time, and I can tell you that many of them have even more off-color humor than I do. i hope some day you can grow up and take a dick joke! :)
Danny B was amazing! He made that one of the greatest podtoids ever.

What the fuck is SethT talking about?
Also, Danny doesn't have a lisp, SethT. What the heck?
danny is his own boss how he runs his own business is up to him. other than that i love the man and jim and holmes besides noone said this is an interview it is a special guest. love you guize! also listen to team meat do podcast those are the best as well.
Loved it, the guest was a perfect fit. He even seemed to make Holmes a bit uncomfortable^^
One of the best episodes of Podtoid ever recorded.

Danny B. is the Michelangelo of dick jokes.
Wow, that Danny-guy seemed like a nice person. Open and honest. And his name rhymes with fanny, which has different meanings in British and American English, making him the perfect bridge between Jim and Jonathan.
also, cocks.
I'm outraged that neither Jim nor Jon called their guest Danny BeVito.

I am the Jim Sterling of listening to podtoid.

@SethT: Be less wrong.
I found a bee in my soda pop can, I named it Danny.
Kind of ironic the guy who I'd say rightfully advocates mj and shrooms for it's mind expansive creative qualities, also touts himself as anti Ron Paul, whatever you think of his overall policies, is the one politician who doesn't think you should be kidnapped and and thrown into a cage for getting high.

lol @ the random Austrian school of economics call out, I'm sure he's just as well read on the subject as the pseudo intellectuals he argues with on twitter.

anyway like his music and the podcast as usual
This episode was AMAZING! You should definitely have him back again some time in the future!
it's not ironic. i agree with ron paul's drug and foreign policy views, and little else. pretty sure a ton of democrats share those views too! besides, it was jokes, not a substantive policy discussion. and thanks for assuming i'm ignorant because i made a joke about an economic philosophy!
I always enjoy Podtoid no matter the content but I really enjoyed this one like no other. Honestly I hadn't heard of Danny before but I'm delighted Jim had him come on the show, he fitted in perfectly and seems like a real nice genuine clever funny guy!

You can say it was unprofessional or whatever but I just love hearing 3 people with a common passion talking and just having great chemistry!

Great as always, I think having guests on Podtoid could really take of well here and I hope Danny comes back in the near future!
Holy shit. People don't know how to function on the internet... that is a brilliant point, actually. It explains so much.
I probably should have said "presidential candidate" rather than "politician". It was an assumption sure but I think a rational one considering most people, especially people on the left, have never heard of the Austrian school or just have cursory knowledge of it.
Love me some Danny B. He's always awesome on Man Vs Game, and I wouldn't be surprised to find he and Jim holding hands somewhere.

On a side note, I'd love to see Man on one of these casts.
i agree! MAN is one of my favorite people ever!
Best episode yet. Had me laughing like a twat on the train.

I need to somehow persuade my fiancee to listen but all I've got so far is "Hilarious videogame podcast with violent sexual imagery".
I wanna have dannyDoggystyle sex with dannyBstyle.
...Did you ask him whether or not Cutter's Revenge was pedophilia?
Podtoid live with Darren Aronofsky?.
What did Danny B. do to this guy? Has he ever listened to Podtoid before?
I probably looked mental laughing out loud several times on the street, great show.

Not all of us mind the political/other issues comments, you have some interesting views on these subjects, I'm pretty sure plenty of people do enjoy them, so please don't hesitate to bring them up or be so prompt to move on.
By far my favorite podtoid episode ever! Danny B is pure magic.
Hey Seth T go fuck ya self after hearing this guy on podtoid i want to give him more money

We need more of this guy on podtoid
fucking great episode. Get Danny back on sometime in the future. He fits in perfectly.

Also it was like hearing Jonathan Holmes getting double teamed by two jolly fat men.
I feel Danny would fit nicely in video on 'Sup Holmes. I'd watch that. Music is important.

Although you besmirched our wedding photo, it was pretty funny. 9/10
Podtoid is a little too hardcore for me these days, but I enjoyed this interview.
Stay gold.
Guest-star? More like regular! Bring this man back, this episode was fantastic!
I love how Danny utterly annihilated @SethT!

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