Borderlands 2 gets $30 DLC pass

Gearbox confirms four planned add-ons for new shooter will be bundled and available at discount; more information to be shared at later date.

Borderlands 2 will be the latest game to offer a downloadable content "season pass." Kotaku has confirmed with developer Gearbox Software that four planned add-ons for the new shooter will be bundled together for $30, a discount over the cost of combined individual purchases.

It was not mentioned what the four DLC offerings for Borderlands 2 would consist of, but Gearbox said additional details will be shared at a later date. The developer is holding an "Inside Gearbox Software" panel at PAX Prime this Sunday, where studio head Randy Pitchford and others will discuss Borderlands 2, as well as Aliens: Colonial Marines, and its other franchises.

Borderlands 2 will join a host of other big-name games in offering a DLC season pass. These include Max Payne 3, Gears of War 3, Saints Row: The Third, L.A. Noire, and UFC Undisputed 3.

Borderlands 2--due out September 18--is the sequel to 2009's well-received loot-based co-op shooter. A recent game guide writer's playthrough of the title took 58 hours, with Gearbox calling the game a "hobby." For more on the title, check out GameSpot's latest preview.

Eddie Makuch
By Eddie Makuch, News Editor

Eddie Makuch (Mack-ooh) is a News Editor at GameSpot. He lives in Connecticut, works out of the company's New York City office, and loves extra chunky peanut butter.

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Kingjames11 65 pts

It's stuff like this that will make me just wait for a cheaper, complete edition later on. The whole DLC, charge the player more money thing is a deterent to me buying the game day one when I know within a year or two I'll get the game and all DLC on a disc for a better price. The whole "gotta have it now" mentality of gamers is what makes this $90 for a game thing possible. 

donkeykong20 6 pts

I'll just wait til this game has a sale on it to pick it up.

rgrambo 134 pts

As long as the DLC is developed AFTER the game is PERFECTED. Any game that has "Error 37" or  "All 33 of us are working on it"  the corps got no business (pun) putting their devs to work on DLC.

Fembot_Eulogy 51 pts

Try this: Play the game through once, if you're still looking for a second play through and you want more, then there's no reason why you shouldn't buy this add on.

If you find yourself bored and don't want to waste your precious time and money on something more then don't and you'll have not wasted your breath and time making a post about how much you don't like to pay for DLC's.  


SoulEaterGrim 5 pts

i have never seen so many cheap people in my life 30 dollars for 4 DLC is a good deal and if you preorder the game you get the mechromancer and the golden guns plus moxxi rocket launcher and creature slaughter dome plus golden weapons and alien relic and a golden chest -_- thats the best deal ever so i dont want to hear people saying you hate when comapanies do this how about you stop being cheap and notice a good deal when you see one and if you dont have the money just shut up and stop complaining about how expensive it is its not at all

thrice00 22 pts

 SoulEaterGrim ....................................... ............................. ..................................... You don't even know the lentgh or quality and still no problem? It's because of people like you that those games finally cost near a 100$

cephas90 137 pts

I loved the first game, and I loved the DLC and thought it was worth it.  That being said, I will totally consider this as a viable option.  4 campaigns/expansions for 30 bucks or a few maps for 60 bucks?  Nuff said.

rann89 124 pts

$90 game? No thanks. There's another download.

TrueGB 487 pts

 rann89 At $1 per hour, given the amount of content from the previous game plus the amount of gameplay across all three DLC's...dude, it's worth it.

DarkSaber2k 528 pts

 TrueGB  rann89 Not even close if the first one is anything to go by.

teknic1200 24 pts

 DarkSaber2k  TrueGB  rann89 that's all "four" DLCs..even better.

teknic1200 24 pts

 rann89 you are not forced to purchase the DLC, it's optional.


the fact that the bundle saves some $$ is great for those of us who know we will be getting all of them.  Boarderlands' DLC was great, 3-4 hour romps at the minimum.    I'll be purchasing them, and I won't be playing much else for 5+ months.   


Most games don't last 20 hours, I got about 600 out of Boarderlands.


I don't think we need you along anyways, not much fun playing with negative folks.

lordvulcan 39 pts

Not paying extra for DLC that has not yet been described and may not get released. 


You could be paying $30 for anything. For all we know gearbox might just add four more characters and that'll be your DLC pass content, wait till they announce something about what this DLC season pass will cover before spending money on it. {You could end up with the borderlands 2 equivalent of the saints row 3 night blade pack if you rush and buy the season pass before they indulge us as to what this DLC will actually be.}

TrueGB 487 pts

 lordvulcan Dude, that's the point of the panel. Read, man.

Guerrero_Son 5 pts

Does not appear to be Player vs. Skag * 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000. Looking forward to it.

codeman101360 230 pts

Damn it Gearbox, just shut up and take my money!!!

williamzamora 12 pts

i have the one hundred dollar version on preorder at best buy , also 58 hours man that is sick, dude if every game had 58 hours of  game  i would never leave the house lol , oh man cant wait!

inebriantia 27 pts


 Seriously, 58 hours isn't that long of a game to be honest. Most of your hardcore gamers can beat a game of that length in a week.

rann89 124 pts

 inebriantia  williamzamora 58 hours is a long time. The vast majority of people who will buy this game won't beat it in a week. Just because there are people who can run 15 miles, doesn't mean 15 miles isn't a long run.

TrueGB 487 pts

 williamzamora Keep in mind guide writers have to be very thorough. It's not like this game is coming out on Blu-ray discs. Chances are it will be just as long as the first, maybe 5-10 hours longer.

BlessTheMusic 33 pts

Also to the people talking about just buying a game of the year edition, that may be fine with you but I have been waiting a few years for this game to come out so im going to go ahead and not do that. Also, if your math is that you are going to pay 60 dollars for it now, and buy the GOTY edition a year from now with all DLC for another 60, try doing some simple math. They just finally finished up the game, and aren't even done with their other character. Be happy they are even planning on supporting this game all the way until next summer,because I know 98% of you bought all the DLC for Borderlands 1. And if they didn't come out with other content, it would be a rage fest.

zyxe 97 pts

here's a novel idea: why not just include it with the damn game???

BlessTheMusic 33 pts

 zyxe Maybe because I don't want to wait another year for this game to come out. Just be happy they are planning on doing more for this game for the people who want to keep playing it.

Hazmat963 19 pts

 zyxe Here's a novel idea: Try to understand the concept of release dates, and how products should generally be released at a reasonable time. We don't want another Diablo 3 debacle.

rann89 124 pts

 zyxe Because they make more money by taking content out then selling it back to you later.

ResidnetEvil777 11 pts

If you figure there's four add ons and you get them all for $30, that's less then $10 per dlc. That's pretty good considering the gaming world has turned into $15 a piece dlc.

demonic_85 174 pts

I love Borderlands and dont mind paying $60 for the game but i'll definitely wait until the DLC goes on sale to get it.

TTDog 166 pts

Despite having shelled out £100 for the Loot Chest Edition I'll hold fire here... with Borderlands only 3 of the 4 were worth bothering with.

Hurvl 186 pts

DLC season pass: Yay,  now you can preorder the game and the DLC, without knowing how good any of them will be! With Borderlands 2 looking good I'm willing to forgive them for doing this, but I don't like the concept. With my backlog I've got enough games to play until the goty edition releases and then I can probably get the whole game + all DLC for less than what they're asking for here.

CptRexKramer 268 pts

Actually, I did'nt think 30 bucks was that bad.  It's better than the 50 bucks other games have been charging for their DLC.  And if the dlc for the new Borderlands game is as  good as the last game, than it just might be worth it. 

g1rldraco7 244 pts

I hate it when they make you cough up more funds for add ons and such. I can't wait for a game of the year edition for this game :/

GamerDad420 10 pts

Ohh man I've been waiting for this game and I will buy it day 1 but why skeez me with a dlc pass. 60 $$ is one thing but 30 $$ extra to get the dlc come on gearbox I work hard for my $$

isshiah 175 pts

 GamerDad420 my countrymen regularly pay $100 for games, so 60 really isn't that much to complain about.


on topic, however, i couldn't be less surprised.

Hurvl 186 pts

 isshiah  100 dollars? Where do you live? In Sweden the going rate is usually 499 kr (75 dollars) for a new PC game and 699 (90 dollars) or 799 kr (120 dollars, but that's rare) for a new console game. With the Steam sales and buying old games of GoG I never have to pay that much.

isshiah 175 pts

 Hurvl in australia, where the price for new games is usually around 90 - 100 bucks. there are legitimate reasons for the higher price, as well as companies saying "because we can!".i have the $120 special edition of assassins creed III on preorder, but that price is rare. paying that much is something i do for only a select few games.

Hurvl 186 pts

 isshiah Lol, companies thinking "because we can", that's the answer to many things that irritate and anger gamers.


I'd be happy if the maximum price for a game was 60 dollars. 60 dollars is 20 % off the usual price, but even if games are more expensive in Sweden, there are other countries that are even worse. People rarely think about that.

isshiah 175 pts

 Hurvl true, there is always someone worse off. i guess i'm lucky, considering i'm single, can usually afford to buy several games a year and have the time to play them.

pound-u 99 pts

Get back to me when this game releases a game of the year edition.

ramcool789 104 pts

another dlc pass gets a "pass" from me.... -.-'

Jebril 168 pts

Should be 10 dollars or free, no one wants to pay 90 dollars for a game. I got the GOTY of Borderlands brand new for I believe 40 dollars and was very happy with it, well worth the money. If games were sold at reasonable prices the gaming market wouldn't be doing so terrible right now.

zyxe 97 pts

 Jebril i got the GOTY from steam for $7.49 during the summer sale. while i preordered BL2 with friends so it ended up being $40 a piece, no WAY am i going to shell out another $30 for DLC anytime soon after the game is released.

BlessTheMusic 33 pts

 zyxe  Jebril God forbid we support a game developer. Lets just buy their games when they are 3 years old and 80% off, that will help their company grow!

cephas90 137 pts

 BlessTheMusic  zyxe  Jebril I agree.  Support those worth supporting, I find 2k games to be worth the investment unlike some other juggernauts *cough* EA *cough*

BlessTheMusic 33 pts

 Jebril The 150 dollar edition and the 100 dollar edition are both sold out almost everywhere you go, so invalid point is invalid.

mogqwai 83 pts

That's funny.. I could have swore that read "Borderlands 2 gets *something something* a pass."


Well at least it does for me, I will give it a pass.. take your stupid money grubbing DLC's and go away! (without my money).

Maybe, later,  when they do some kind of cheaper "Gold" package deal I will take another look at it.

raahsnavj 97 pts

GOTY edition is now pre-ordered... oh you don't have one of those yet? Guess I'll have to wait until you get around to finishing the rest of the game before I buy. Thanks for the heads up gearbox. 

DarthLod 757 pts

So. I have officially cancelled my pre-order now after this news. I wont be nickle and dimed with DLC prices like this. I'll wait for a GOTY or Ultimate Edition like I did with BL1.

saucex4 139 pts

 DarthLod I simply don't understand the logic behind canceling a pre-order based on the fact that a DLC pass, which you completely have the option not to buy, has been introduced when you did not have that option to begin with. You are either just super cheap and using this as an excuse, or not thinking at all.


I think what your real reasoning, let's be frank, is that you do not find value in Borderlands beyond ~$30-$40 and do not want to pay even $60 for the base game. I do not think DLC has any factor in this because the introduction of the pass does not change your original pre-order position what so ever.


You are free of course to do what ever you want, as I've stated in other comments, but this is what I see.

pound-u 99 pts

 saucex4  DarthLod

 Well then you need to get glasses because you just don't see well at all. I too will wait for a game of the year edition, because not only will it be CHEAPER to get the game and all the DLC in one package, it will also be complete.


DLC does play a factor, and the fact that you pretend it doesn't is laughable. DLC is the reason I will not get this game anytime soon. I will not pay $90 just to have a complete game.

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