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Now Playing: Kinect Star Wars

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  • Apr 4, 2012
  • 18,191 (Views)

Caro and Ryan flail and dance around in Kinect Star Wars!


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samy531 5 pts

i cant blieve this there are some guys flying helicoptors automaticly and some guys creating a talking eye for the blind with this device and this useless crap on this game

XboxGuy1537 92 pts

Why is this video still at the bottom of the page of Gamespot?

P13R7UC 5 pts

bbbooooooorrrinnnnnngggg.....this game look like crap

JimmyJimJim 14 pts

Two gay guys playing a childish kinect game... oooo the satire.

tgwolf 6 pts

...of course the same could be said with most games and their console's technologies, look at how many DS games utilize coop over wifi for even their best rpg or action rpgs. The same for Wii. The same for action titles, and so on. There again, the number of games that are just a few lines of code and a few measly hours of game that are otherwise good games in terms of features and would epic if they just had some more replay...They just don't make games like they used to, and it is a rotten shame. But that is what will happen when developers push the graphics and the ratings, their minds funnel away and their efforts are merely to get money.

XboxGuy1537 92 pts

Shameful game. Kinect has a lot of potential with its technology, but most of the games on Kinect so far are just mediocre at best besides Gunslinger.

d3nyd 5 pts

I feel sorry for these guys having to play this.

cloud7570 15 pts

show us a minecraft now playing

Jshaw71 9 pts

How wrong is it that the dance mode, may have stolen the show from the main champgain? oh well, it all looks like fun, thanks for the upload guys

SpyderWeiss 8 pts

I'm not sure if I'm sad or happy that they didn't identify Stronger as a Britney Spears song after they first asked if it was the Kanye West song.

Stufy 5 pts

this is not the game you're looking for!

RyanM 5 pts

@adamotti20 The top 10 is based on site traffic generated by user activity, so likely just mass curiosity.

theshonen8899 28 pts

It's just as Mark said in the review, my childhood memories will never live through these atrocities.

Getbacktogaming 100 pts

@Gelugon_baat Well said. Hopefully Microsoft delaying Ryse until the next generation is released implies that they will indeed renew their allegiance to the adult gamers with an upgraded Kinect.

mehrdad19872010 13 pts

Looks like Carolyn is into kinect. So, now I have a theory about why the hotspot is on hiatus. In fear of being embarrassed about adimitting to like kinect in front of Tom McShea on the hotspot, sly Petit devised an elaborate plan to gradually get rid of Magrino and the Hotspot, prior to the game's launch. Now that the plan has worked, she can openly admire kinect. Obviously kidding. @carolynmichelle good job on this video and the ninja gaiden one. I actually realy liked your inputs on the hotspot. Hope to see you again. :)

Scorchstar 10 pts

@1:19 Pull it dude, Pull much hardeeeeerrr!!!!!

adamotti20 7 pts

Please someone tell me why this game is number one in the top ten on gamespots home page?????

TroubleMaker411 13 pts

I NEED the soundtrack to this game! ITunes, here I come.

Cruisemissile 23 pts

This abomination of a game should never have been released, I found it hard to watch even a few minuets of this, its just that bad!

oldschoolvandal 53 pts

Another lame kinect game....even worst as it has the Star Wars brand...

Gelugon_baat 765 pts

If you ask me, . This is the main weakness of this game, a weakness that started during development itself and messed up the game all the way.

dark_rising76 17 pts

The music sounds good when they're dancing but everything else...too embarrassing to watch.

Getbacktogaming 100 pts

@carolynmichelle Why are the users on this website so stuck up !!! DAMN IT! For what it promised, Star Wars Kinect was worth the horrible score it got... but of it's own, all hype set aside, it's still a quite complete package, obviously not addressed at the core gamers but gosh, what is it with those people? Why do all those "gamers" feel threathened if others are haveing "a little goofy fun". This is a video game. It doesn't have to be serious to be fun. I saw people having a blast playing Rayman Origins and then dissing the game as gay because of the goofy animations and soundtrack. Seriously nobody's manliness is at stake! I won't blame anyone for skipping the Han Solo dancing part, but you don't have to diss a whole package because of that... In all honesty, take any 10 year old kid and let 'em play this game, is it still a 5 / 10 when you put it next to the likes of great Kinect titles like Kinectimals??? Obviously I do realise that the average user of this website is not the 10 year old kid, i.e. I would not buy this game myself, but still I'm sure you get my point... Microsoft should have never marketed this game as adult oriented though.

Sepewrath 50 pts

The game looks unresponsive as hell, even with the mirror image.

neur0sis 32 pts

@moldyspud Actually, the players in the lower right corner are mirror imaged in the PiP. That's why they look like they are doing the opposite movements.

anthonycg 5 pts

The guys at gamespot are gonna edit the crap out of this. :D

moldyspud 37 pts

[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]

moldyspud 37 pts

[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]

mdboomer 43 pts

I can see family value out of this, especially the rampage minigame

moldyspud 37 pts

All I can say is this is the worst selling out of Star Wars I have ever seen... dance central added in?? You MUST be joking... this HAS to be April Fools... Pincess Leia and Han Solo dancing?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Horrible, awful, terrible, god awful rip offs of past games. So repetitive, weak, lame, waste of time and money... I feel embarassed for these developers, I hope they fail miserably at selling this game, it's horrible, horrible horrible!

carolynmichelle 70 pts moderator

@Sefrix Unfortunately most of my time with the game has been spent actually playing it, rather than watching other people play it. I'll try to force some of my friends to play it for my entertainment this weekend. ;)

Sefrix 27 pts

Okay finished watching it, @Carolynmichelle have you watched other people play it? I feel like I had more fun watching people play it, than I would actually playing it.

_Roo_ 42 pts

I'm embarrassed just watching this. What a POS.

anthonycg 5 pts

They'll never live this down LOL

moldyspud 37 pts

This game looks TERRIBLE! Why do they think making you look like an idiot is fun? This game is so dumb, what is wrong with developers? This is awful, super super dumb. The kinect has the worst developers ever.

endorbr 183 pts

Looks really janky to me... just sad. Cool idea, ridiculously terrible execution.

carolynmichelle 70 pts moderator

@DevilsaintKLS I don't think we need to act like we like it. I think it's got a number of problems and I'm not really in the audience for it--I'm not planning on buying it or anything--but it has a goofy sensibility that I appreciate, and for all its flaws, I find messing around with it for short periods of time kinda fun. I was just being honest about that.

DevilsaintKLS 5 pts

ah man...I'm so dissapointed. Too bad those guys needs to act like they like it...

carolynmichelle 70 pts moderator

@Sefrix Good! There's no reason Ryan and I should suffer in embarrassment alone! :P

Sefrix 27 pts

This is going to embarrass me and I'm not even playing it >.

vivaLAbostonia 10 pts

this could have been so great.. but obviously it didnt turn out that way. First person would have been cool.

stailcookie 29 pts

Can Lucas be slapped (REALLY hard) on the face while being filmed for allowing this game to be released?

FireDrake700 5 pts

Ya'll need to dance with Lando and Han XD

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