


About Us

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Actually, it's about you...

MCV, published by Intent Media, is the essential information resource for everyone at the very heart of the games business - and it's now reaching and influencing more readers than at any time since launch in 1998.

The weekly print edition of the magazine is read by 14,000 retailers and trade professionals every week, either via mailed copy, browser edition or on iPad.

Online, average monthly unique visitors to www.mcvuk.com in the six months to June 2011 has been over 350,000.

Direct contact and influence with the trade is also supported by leading business events, such as the MCV Industry Excellence Awards, Xbox 360 Industry Quiz, London Games Conference and the Games Media Awards.

Total monthly readership figures across MCV's print, online, digital, email, mobile, app and social channels is over 370,000.

In short, MCV is the most effective way to communicate new product messages, build new brands and find new staff, reaching every branch and buyer in the UK.

Print Magazine

Total circulation via mail and digital is 14,000 - including over 6,000 buyers, branch and store readers. Information and community create a dynamic bond with the market. Exclusive content includes ChartTrack sales data.


MCVuk.com is the dominant games site for trade readers and those with a professional interest in the games business.

The latest incarnation of the MCV website offers a whole host of content and services, including up-to-the-minute industry news, email digests, premium games industry research, official charts, comprehensive release schedules, jobs board, access to digital editions of the magazine and more.

Mobile & Apps

Mobile.mcvuk.com is custom-built for mobile phones and can be viewed on any device.

Then there's the free MCV iPhone app, which digests all of the news content from the website.

We also have a free MCV iPad app, which offers a fully interactive edition of the printed MCV magazine every week.


We know that you want to digest the content that's important to you in a way that's convenient, so you can now follow MCV on a variety of channels, including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

To find out how MCV can support your business year-round across its print, online, email, mobile, app and social channels, contact Lesley Blumson on +44 (0)1992 535 646.


MCV is at the heart of the games community. This provides our readers with fun and enriching industry events to enjoy, while also delivering value for sponsors and advertisers.

Our events include the MCV Industry Excellence Awards, Xbox 360 Industry Quiz, London Games Conference and Games Media Awards.

For more information on our events, contact Kathryn Humphrey or Hannah Short on +44 (0)1992 535 646.

Contract Publishing

MCV boasts a contract publishing division which can create bespoke digital and print solutions, whether you are targeting retail, media, corporate or consumer.

For more information on our contract publishing opportunities, contact Dave Roberts on +44 (0)1992 535 646.


Intent Media is the leading independent publisher of business publications and websites within entertainment, technology and leisure markets.

Our brand roster includes MCV, Develop, ToyNews, PCR, Mobile Entertainment, Licensing.biz, Musical Instrument Professional, Audio Pro International and BikeBiz.