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Volunteering: For volunteers

RT photo – Tina Berejnaya

Unlike in many countries of Europe, Asia and America where voluntary work is commonplace, it's having difficulty breaking ground in Russia. People have no standing in this kind of activity. Indeed, because of many social stereotypes, most Russians regard volunteer work as another form of fraud. That is why charitable organizations have been working hard to build a bridge of trust with the population over the past 12 months. People from all parts of Russia are gathering together under a motto: "Let's Do Good Things!"

And that is bringing results. Orphanages are being sponsored, nurseries for animals are being opened and nature conservation measures are being taken. But so far the volunteer movement in Russia has been small-scale. We are absolutely sure that things like aid are international, and there should be no boundaries for those who wish to do goods things.

On this page, we will tell you how to take part in the activities of Russian volunteers. Some people on this list may need your help.