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LEGO Batman 2 Trailer & Screens Arrive


Save LEGO Gotham!

Published: 16:15, 15/03/2012 by OriginalJonty (Aran Suddi).
Related stories:
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes Announced 11

Warner Bros have released a trailer and some screens for their upcoming LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes game.

The title, which is being developed by the usual team Traveller’s Tales, will see Batman & Robin team up with the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman and The Green Lantern to stop Lex Luthor and Joker from destroying Gotham.

LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes will release in the summer on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, Nintendo Wii, DS, 3DS and PS Vita.

Source: Press Release.

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  1. Lost interest in the LEGO series after arguably the best LEGO Batman. For those still interested I would say this looks like the new best!

  2. I admit the forumla is a bit stale now, but I still like them. I wouldn’t pay full price for one, in fact I don’t think I ever have, but around the £20 is justified. I like the idea of doing the DC characters, but perhaps a fully fledged one would’ve been better than tagging them onto Batman? We’ll have to wait and see.

  3. This’ll be another Lego game that me and my son play together, Lego games are great for younger kids (and older kids like me).

  4. Will ther be any Online co-op this time? I mean this is 2012 not 2002..

    Oh by the way is this the first lego game to have voices?

    • ‘there’

      • Yeah I was thinking that about the voices too.

        Really needs online coop, it’s by far the best way to play the lego games and my wife isn’t always on hand to take the second controller.

  5. How cool is this?

  6. Superman in decent game shock. O_O

  7. Lego game with voices? pics show Batman, Robin and Superman all in the same level, 3-4 player coop maybe?? fudge Supes wheres the Green Lantern footage?

  8. Looks awesome fun, looking forward to it.

  9. Cool me and my boy will be teaming up again looks good

  10. Don’t know why they just didn’t go with ‘Lego: DC’ & have done with it tbh!

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