

Where does the content on Zomobo come from?

The content on Zomobo comes from third party websites using their open source APIs. Our script pulls this data from third party websites in real time and organises them in an easy to use, fast browsing tabbed system. All of the content that is pulled is done so legally as these third party websites allow developers free access to their APIs to do this. We DOES NOT copy and paste information from other websites and claim it as our own. Below is a list of the sources of our material for each tab:
VIDEOS - www.youtube.com
COMMENTS - www.facebook.com
WIKIPEDIA - www.wikipedia.org
IMAGES - www.bing.com
FACEBOOK - www.facebook.com
TWITTER - www.twitter.com

Why would anybody use it?

Zomobo has made a name for itself among the Education community as a powerful research tool that can be used for school projects and research assignments. The "social" aspect of Zomobo comes into place by allowing live comments and discussions for each search topic. For example if you are researching "Hitler", you can switch over to the comments tab and post a comment to everyone else that is searching for "Hitler" and converse with them in real time!

What can I search for?

You can search for anything you like as long as your search query is not aimed at receiving potentially copyrighted material such as Music Videos, Movies, Games, Software, Adult Material etc. Searching for anything copyrighted on Zomobo is strictly prohibited and is a violation of our Terms of Service.

What happens if I find copyrighted material?

If you come across copyrighted material, it is your responsibility to notify Zomobo of the link via our DMCA form which can be found here.

Is Zomobo Free?

Zomobo is 100% free and always will be. Zomobo supports itself by running banner advertisements from third party Advertising Companies.

How many people use Zomobo?

Zomobo attracts around 3 million unique visitors per month, and is continuing to grow especially as more and more people in the educational departments discover its power. Check out the Zomobo Facebook Fan page.

How do I get in contact with the admin?

You can contact the administrator by going to the Contact page.