Other Music

怒髪天 (Dohatsuten)


By longhairmike (Apr 07, 2011) (#1)

i found some PVs of this band on youtube. they are really weird, but strangely entertaining and definitely addictive.
i can only describe it as drunken salaryman rock, but funny as hell, almost katamari-quality sounding.
shana thinks they might be comedians that just decided to get together and form a band. the facial expressions and goofy dancing is priceless.
I admit i like it. Can anyone chime in here if they know anything else about this band?


edit: finally found out the actual band name.. my god these guys have been around almost as long as Loudness.
this is good,, it means i have tons of their stuff to hear for the first time

Dohatsuten are a Japanese rock band from Hokkaido. They were formed in 1984 and debuted in 1991. The members include Naozumi Masuko (vocals), Tomoyasu Kamiharako (guitar), Yasuji Shimizu (bass) and Katsuhiko Sakazume (drums).

Last edited by longhairmike (Apr 07, 2011)

By Carl (Apr 07, 2011) (#2)

Here's their live band version of that same tune
(with 50% more rocking and 100% less twirling!!)

This one has some funny illustrations

Last edited by Carl (Apr 07, 2011)