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Other Site Blogs

  • The Weekly Report Happy Hat Month!

    • Posted Jul 1, 2011 8:14 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires


    Start/Select Now Daily
    Good news GameSpotters, our good friends over at GameSpot UK are kicking it up a notch and are now having Start/Select episodes DAILY! Yep, you heard right, As of June 27, those jolly ol' chaps will be updating on a daily basis! That not enough for you? Well on top of that, Start/Select also has a BONUS day added: Saturday Super Start/Select. Go check out what they've been up to.

    Union of the Week Border Contest
    Phase one of GameSpot's Union of the Week Border Contest has come to a close. Now we are on to phase two: the voting. Sure GameSpot could have picked the winner for you, but we here in the community thought it would be a better idea to let the union followers of GameSpot help make the call! By going to this thread here, you too can help make GameSpot Union history by helping select the new border for the featured Union of the Week.

    Games' Day in Court: VICTORY!
    The six-year debate on violent video games finally comes to a close this week. The bill sought to ban the sale or rental of "violent video games" was overturned with a 7-2 vote in favor of the industry. For more information about the bill, the battle, and the win, check out this detailed report.

    Pretty in Pink Activity, Last Call
    Last week, in honor of Pink Day, we featured a community activity known as "Who Looks Pretty in Pink?" where we pushed many GameSpotters' knowledge of games. Some felt it was easy, some would disagree with that statement, others needed a hint or two to finish their entry. But no matter what category they fell into, one thing is for sure. If you were able to impress the community managers by answering enough correctly, you would be awarded the new "Pretty in Pink" emblem! This activity will be going on until July 7, so if you haven't had a crack at this trivia, it is not too late! Head here for your chance to earn this spiffy new emblem and prove that you know who's pretty in pink.

    The Council of Unions
    A new union has surfaced in the community this week. One that is centered on the union system itself. The Council of Unions stands for the union community and focuses on providing union support, posting union features and events, and discussing union-related topics. Its long-term goal is to be the base from which unions may grow. It believes that unions need to express their needs for a revamp, and those who are interested can discuss unions and what can be done to improve them.

    Member Spotlight

    This week's Member Spotlight shines on Gelugon_baat for his wise-cracking though extremely insightful take on how to argue in a civil manner here at GameSpot.

    Union of the Week

    Today, we feature a union that practically needs no introduction, but we'll give one anyway! The HeadCrab Union has been around since early 2005, and while it took a short break, it is back with force, featuring a plethora of new content. The HeadCrab Union covers games developed by Valve Software and its Steam platform. Let's hear it for the HeadCrab Union!

    Staff Fingerprints

    - Sophia shares yet another chapter in the "Things I Put on My Dog's Head" photo series.
    - Lozzica talks about a contest for X-MEN First Class.
    - JusticeCovert answers users questions about reviewing longer games.

    Blog Bunker

    - AK_the_Twilight explains how he became a gamer and says "Happy 20th, Sonic."
    - Asagea_888 talks about Final Fantasy VI -- A Fantasy Forgotten.
    - DarkLink77 asks "Remember that little barmaid in Lima?"
    - biggest_loser rakes the time to sit down and review Bridesmaids.
    - AlmightyMax talks about MMO madness or, possibly, a celebration.
    - charizard1605 shares a plea to all gamers (and RPG fans in particular).
    - Aberinkulas offers his part in Operation Rainfall.
    - Pierst179 talks about Pixar's flat tire.


    - Fable III Azghouls

    - Castlevania: Lords of Shadow gdw0908
    - inFamous c_rake
    - L.A. Noire PSFreak1
    - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Maluigi
    - Dead Nation akhorahill
    - Hyperdimension Neptunia ZanarkandTidus

    - Dragon Quest IX Aberinkulas

    - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D GeekyDad

    - Legend of Mana Asagea_888

    - ilomilo JustPlainLucas


    Tip of the Week

    Have you been having issues with logging in? Is your password not working properly? Do you have problems with your email when using Fuse or other community features? In today's tip, we are pointing out that if these problems apply to you, then creating a new account will not solve your problem.
    What you should do is go to GameSpot Support and use the moderation drop-down menu to contact the community managers directly. While this might not be a moderation issue, it will still flag your case to the proper staff to handle the situation.

  • Journey Beta Keys (PSN)

    Hey everyone! We have a limited number of Journey beta keys. If you have a PlayStation Network account, drop by the giveaway page for details about this upcoming game, which is being developed by the creators of flOw and Flower.

  • Weekly Report: Summer Style

    • Posted Jun 24, 2011 5:11 pm GMT
    • By Jody Robinson & Synthia Weires


    Uncharted 3 Beta Giveaway

    So you've likely been itching to get your hands on Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. Well, we've got something that might hold you over until its release on November 1. There will be multiple ways you can get the multiplayer beta starting June 28.
    Each code provided unlocks the "Creepy Crawler Kickback," allowing players to turn into a pack of creepy little critters to attack enemies! We have hundreds of codes we'll be passing out around our communities through the Internet, so keep your eyes peeled on GameSpot Fuse, Twitter, Facebook, Facebook, and maybe other shows we have!
    On Thursday, we gave away some beta codes during On the Spot trivia, and more will be given away in next week's GameSpot Sync episode. If you need any additional information about the Uncharted 3 beta, drop by the official PlayStation blog.

    Spanking New Weekly Featured Union Border
    A returning feature to the Weekly Report is featured unions! But we can't let them go on stage looking like some kind of plane Jane now, can we? We need a way to make them sparkle and shine with a special flare all their own. What do we have in mind for this new feature? Well, we thought what better way to primp the featured union than by letting your fellow unionists show their stuff! We will be running a contest for the next few weeks in a hunt for the perfect border to place perfect unions in. For more details check out this link here!

    How to Better Video Games Update
    Well, after pouring through nearly hundreds of pages of blogs, picking a winner, re-picking a winner, and getting second, third, and fourth options, a decision was finally made in regards to the winner of the "How to Better Video Games Blog Activity" Bozanimal was selected for the thought-provoking concept of giving away consoles. It wasn't easy and many blogs came close. The following users had some pretty stellar ideas, so feel free to give them a look as well. Oh, and don't forget to give three cheers to Bozanimal who is now the proud owner of matching sidewinder keyboard and gaming mouse! Well played. The following users had some fantastic entries so feel free to check out what they had to say about making history: chicknfeet | phazer | bugbag | -Saigo- | gbrading

    Pretty in Pink Image Guessing Activity
    National Pink Day was on Thursday June 23, and in celebration of that day, we posted an activity in our General Games Discussion board featuring some of our favorite pink ladies (and a few gentlemen). Do you have the superior gaming knowledge to decipher the gaming character that is oh so pretty in pink? Well if you do, you can be the proud new owner of the "Pretty in Pink" emblem. Click here to learn more about this activity!

    Cars 2 Game Night
    If you'd like to get in some super spy car action in multiplayer, this game offers extensive mods for multiplayer, so it's a good choice for a game night. We're trying to determine if the following Wednesday will work better, so feel free to vote on when you play to pick up the game.

    Team Fortress 2 Game Night!
    Come and get your frag on! Now that TF2 is FREE TO PLAY we've decided to bump up the community game night from Wednesday July 6th to Wednesday June 29th. So make sure to practice and get your FREE TO PLAY VERSION from Steam for the PC for next weeks community game night!

    Quake Celebration Continues!
    The game night celebration on June 22 for Quake's 15th celebration went pretty well. Some people weren't able to install the nQuake freeware version, including myself, but majority of GameSpotters got it working in no time. We'd like to give you another chance to celebrate Quake's 15th birthday with a little activity in the game night union. To participate, you need to check out some Quake-related videos and answer some questions. That sounds easy enough, right? Jody is biased about Quake, but if it gives you another chance for an emblem, just go with it!

    Member Spotlight

    This week's member spotlight shines on Dan_Lero for taking the time and effort to create his Guess That Game Villain Activity! For more details check out his profile here

    GameSpot Spotlight Channel

    - L.A. Noire Video Review
    - E3 Song
    - Fate of World
    - DJ Hero - Tears for Fears - Shout!

    Union of the Week

    Final Fantasy Experience has been keeping its nose to the grind since 2005 making sure people are kept up to date on all things Final Fantasy. The community is bustling and constantly growing. It has a cool Game Coverage menu that provides information on a bunch of games in the Final Fantasy universe.

    Staff Fingerprints

    - Guy Cocker shares a "History of Gaming" video.
    - Kurtis Seid posted a comment in the Dungeon Siege III game guide page that the guide has been updated with a few side quests missed from the Raven's Rill.

    Blog Bunker

    - JustPlainLucas is now playing ilomilo.
    - kbaily shares some strong opinions on Pixar's latest feature, Cars 2.
    - Rottenwood's gives a Retro Recap of Final Fantasy IV.
    - Asagea_888 asks the age-old question, "Would you like to play again?"
    - yeah_write reminds us that it's in the little things.
    - edubuccaneer shares his E3-crazy, flu-ridden blog post.
    - Maluigi discusses his most anticipated game of 2012.
    - SuperfastSonic's shares a wish list for the future of Super Smash Bros.
    - phoenixgaiangel shares Trails in the Sky impressions.
    - biggest_loser reviews "The Hangover Part II."

    User Reviews

    - Venetica Azghouls
    - Terraria -Saigo-
    - F.E.A.R. 3 PeterDuck
    - Portal 2 mattsn22
    - Outland JustPlainLucas
    - Mass Effect 2 charlie_killer
    - Child of Eden gamefreak197
    - Dungeon Siege III OnyXerO
    - Duke Nukem Forever newkillerstar27
    - Batman: Arkham Asylum AzelKosMos
    - LittleBigPlanet Bamul
    - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children AK_the_Twilight
    - New Super Mario Bros. Wii xGlenn11x
    - MadWorld ZanarkandTidus
    - Starship Defense GeekyDad
    - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Asagea_888
    - Donkey Kong Country sequekhan

  • Tonight's Game Night - Quake

    The legendary Quake turns 15 years old today. This game pretty much goes back to some of the greatest first-person shooters out there. Did you know that modifications were some of the coolest things back then that have spun off games you have come to love and adore? If game developers didn't allow modifications, we probably wouldn't see games today like Team Fortress 2 and Counterstrike. So, let's remember this game for its rich community by playing tonight! We'll explore modifications if we can get them to still work, share memories, watch some machiima videos from way back then, and more. and much more. So tell us what you'd like to try out and we'll continue to play to our heart's content!

    We'll start playing around 4 p.m. Pacific time tonight. Fun times will be had with the free and full version of the game. If you'd like to get in some practice and download the freeware version early, drop by nQuake Here's the chatroom link, which requires the latest java to be installed.

    Share your experiences in the comments if you played before or if this will be your first time playing the game.

  • Weekly Report E3 Aftermath


    E3 Aftermath
    Wow, wasn't that exciting! E3 this year was awesome, and we have the footage to prove it. Also for those of you who might have missed out on a few goodies at E3 this year, we have dozens of hours and hundreds of photos stashed away for your viewing pleasure. Check out some of the highlights for E3 2011!

    Sophia's Sound Byte
    Sophia speaks with Tetsuya Mizuguchi and sound designer Yuki Ichiki about the project for the fantastic sounds of Child of Eden. Sophia will also be giving away a copy of Child of Eden, but you have only until Sunday, June 19, to find out how to win so click here for more details!

    Slither to the Spot
    I'm sure some of you noticed Chris Watters had a sneaky little guest on yesterday's On the Spot episode. Her name is Slithers, and she snuck her way onto the stage! If you can tell us where in the video you found Slither to the Spot, you can be the owner of a shiny new emblem! Send a message to telling us where you saw Slithers. Be sure to include in your e-mail the following phrase: "I saw Slithers on the Spot at…" and the time stamp of where you saw the sneaky snake!

    Who do you think the top reviewers are?
    We here in the community have decided that the time has come for some fresh new emblem holders! That's right. I said the E word: emblems! However, this one is a little trickier to come by because it requires craft, cunning, and a finesse for writing. We're asking you, our trusty GameSpotters, to nominate those you think are worthy of the top 500 reviewer emblem (or top 100 if they already own the top 500). Follow this link to the Site Enhancement forum to let your voices be heard, and tell us who you think is worthy of this super emblem.

    Member Spotlight

    This week's member spotlight shines on a rising star, AvatarMan96. He just reached his one-year anniversary here at GameSpot, and we're also excited to feature this user for his stunning works devoted to E3 2011, with not one, not two, but three fantastic blogs! Such detail, such passion, such bravado!

    All About E3

    - AK_the_Twilight blogs about his late E3 2011 impressions.
    - asian_pride69 has got the (late) post-E3 blues.
    - nintendoboy16 discusses the finer points of Sony and Nintendo's E3 2011.
    - 3116porter shares with us another great E3 blog.
    - mr_toffee blogs about Post-E3 bullet points.
    - IslandBros15 enlightens us with his comments about the end of E3.
    - c_rake shares his thoughts on the E3 press conferences.
    - JustPlainLucas discusses the Ubisoft E3 2011 press conference and his impressions.
    - Setho10 tells us why he thinks this is the most interesting E3 so far.
    - Pierst179 feels that this year for E3 2011 Sony means business.
    - Asagea_888 gives thoughts on E3 2011--the Wii U and the Vita.
    - carolynmichelle shares E3 2011 photos from the Videogame History Museum booth.

    Blog Bunker

    - Goyoshi12 blogs about Ezio, Duke, War…You're OnLive in 3, 2, 1….
    - Aberinkulas discusses Wii U Tech Speculation, 3DS comments, Radiant Historia.
    - JustPlainLucas wants to talk about the Wii U.
    - AlmightyMax mourns the death of a legend.
    - Uesugi-dono talks about the infamous Dork Star.
    - GeekyDad discusses the 3DS update and eShop impressions.
    - NBAmaster33 shares Halo: Reach, Black Ops, Fallout New Vegas, and L.A. Noire impressions.
    - GabuEx and the unsung greats of gaming, part 17: Rune Factory Frontier.
    - Asagea_888 proudly declares, "Dragon Age is mine!"
    - Cloud_765 What time is it? It's time to d-d-d-duel!!
    - kbaily and his Little Big Planet costume wish List.
    - biggest_loser and his Super 8 film review.

    Featured User Videos

    The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Easter Egg! - Rivboes

    User Reviews

    - Back to the Future: Episode I Domstercool
    - Dungeon Siege Gelugon_baat
    - Battlefield 2: Special Forces Bamul
    - Red Faction: Armageddon nutcrackr
    - L.A. Noire Bioshockraptor
    - Infamous Maluigi
    - Infamous 2 PSFreak1
    - 3D Classics: Excitebike GeekyDad
    - Hunted: The Demon's SemiMaster
    - Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy NBAmaster33
    - Demon's Souls ShadowLaguna
    - Duke Nukem Forever charlie_killer
    - GTAIV Ballad of Gay Tony JustPlainLucas
    - Resident Evil 5 gamefreak197
    - Kinect Sports Garrison_Ford
    - Alan Wake mattsn22
    - ToeJam & Earl 3KindgomsRandy

    Tip of the Week

    With project fuse nearing its final stages, we want those of you who are a part of the project to tell us what you think about it--your likes as well as your dislikes--by clicking here and filling out this brief survey.

  • Weekly Report: E3 Countdown

    • Posted Jun 3, 2011 6:52 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires


    GameSpot E3: Your Gateway to Gaming
    The Electronic Entertainment Expo is days away, and before you know it, GameSpot will be filled with a plethora of E3 opulence. If you just can't wait to experience some of the goodies at E3, has what you need until the event kicks off. Here you can find everything from rumors about things like Sony's new portable device and Harmonix's new game (Here's a hint: It's not Rockband 4). You can also fine the top 10 most followed games of E3 for 2011, countdown timers to press conferences, and so much more.

    GameSpot E3 Discussion Forum
    If you want to gab in the community about all things E3, we have just the place for you to go. The E3 2011 Discussion Forum has dozens of conversations to take part in, as well as access to our Best of, How to, Press Conferences, and Live Show coverage. We also have some awesome E3-themed wallpapers handcrafted by some of our super talented GameSpotters. Click here to check it out!

    Infamous Photo Capture Contest Winner!
    Last week, Jody became infamous when a picture was spread across the site of her with the Infamous 2 amp weapon. Poor Max is still recovering (he suffered a nasty paper cut, truly a tragedy). We wanted to know what GameSpotters thought was going through their minds, and we're here to tell you that it was a tough call, but we made it. MrGFaceless and his entry "He said he wanted more of a "spark" in our relationship!" Congratulations, you're the proud owner of the Infamous 2 amp weapon! But as we mentioned, it was a tough call, so here are some of the runner-up submissions.

    "A shocking twist in the Sports-section" - mjulstein

    "This is the last time that you hog the Cartoon Section of the paper." - KingCrow02

    "Aliens from planet Zargon have been sent to infiltrate planet Earth, disguised as women, to blend in with its inhabitants and dispose of them silently, one by one." - 3nany

    What Would You Do for a Klondike Bar Winners
    We extend a big congratulation to the "What would you do for a Klondike Bar at E3" winners! Here were the entries that were selected by the good people at Klondike.

    "I would dress like a booth babe (not a pretty sight) and flirt with game executives for a Klondike bar at E3." - B. St.Charles

    "I would do anything for a Klondike bar. I would probably chug a whole cup of ketchup. - R. Reseda

    These brave individuals will be performing their acts live on stage to be forever imprinted on the Internet. If you miss the event, don't worry. We will be posting the footage on our GameSpot Spotlight YouTube channel as soon as we get our ice-cream-covered fingers on it.

    Staying in Sync
    With Jody being in Los Angeles, some of you may be wondering "What about Sync?" Well, rest assured we will still be having daily episodes of Sync, though the location is different. As far as posting times, the episodes will turn into "wrap-ups" for each of the day's events, with a summary of the news from that day's E3. However, there will not be an episode on Friday June 10, but Jody will be ready to sync back up with everyone the following Monday.

    Member Spotlight

    This week's member spotlight goes to Darthkaiser for his 10 Tips you should NOT follow in order to make E3 more enjoyable.

    Featured User Video

    This week's featured video goes to Bioshockraptor for his latest video blog.

    Blog Bunker

    -tofu-lion91 Goes to a Video Game Themed Dress Party, Ooh la, la!
    -Maluigi Wants to know about the Most Disappointing Game You've EVER played…
    -nocoolnamejim Discusses Witcher 2 and some early thoughts.
    -Cloud_765 Offers his Top 100 Video Games - The Top 30 - PHASE ONE.
    -LiK Shares GAMES! So many games…
    -bugbag Discusses Most Anticipated: E3 2011.
    -Garrison_Ford Gets pumped about E3 for 2011.
    -verbtex Shows us a System Wars Survival Guide.
    -Rottenwood Lets us know about the 100 games he wants.
    --gdw0908Talks about the finer points of Dead Space 2.
    -Setho10 Discusses PlayStation Vita
    --Aberinkulas Reminisces about the hard choice between a DS and a 3DS.
    -GeekyDad Enjoys the life of a samurai.
    -TristanH12 Has completed his fifth Game of the Year: L.A. Noir.
    -Goyoshi12 Shares the mystery game to his three-part Game Diary. *SPOILER*
    -eiji1Talks about The Witcher 2: Battling for the Ballista.
    --kfjl" Discusses L.A. Noire, travel, and jawbreaking.
    -asian_pride69:Shares Birthdays, E3, and a so called "Pile of Shame."

    Staff Fingertips

    - Takeshi Hiraoka Takeshi shows us what actors from the upcoming Phoenix Write movie will look like.
    -Giancarlo: Giancarlo doesn't have to buy a new PC until Old Republic comes out; find out why.
    -Sophia Sophia continues with more humiliating things she puts on Bailey's Head.
    -Maxwell Maxwell shares an open letter to the people who also ride the bus.

    User Reviews

    -Freedom Force Gelugon_baat
    -Portal 2 Goyoshi12
    -Dead Space 2 gdw0908
    -Mortal Kombat smbius
    -Cursed Mountain akhorahill
    -ModNation Racers kbaily
    -L.A. Noire TristanH12
    -Uncharted: Drake's Fortune AK_the_Twilight
    Xbox 360
    -Call of Duty: Black Ops msudude211
    -GoldenEye 007 YearoftheSnake5
    -Sonic Colors ZanarkandTidus
    -Sonic and the Secret Rings gamefreak197
    -Pokemon Black Version asian_pride69
    -Pokemon White Version kerk12
    -Okamiden Pierst179
    -Final Fantasy X c_rake
    -Silent Hill Azghouls

    Tip of the Week

    This week, we're talking about five tips and tricks to help you better navigate GameSpot during E3 with this instructional video located on our "How to E3" page. The video includes information about games, chat rooms, achievements, Twitter, and our spiffy new video player.

    Where there's a magnet gun, there's a way.

  • Weekly Report: Activities Galore!

    • Posted May 27, 2011 5:37 pm GMT
    • By Jody Robinson & Synthia Weires

    Announcements Is Up!
    Are you as excited as we are? Of course you are! And to keep you updated on all of the E3 need-to-know, our page is now LIVE! Our E3 page features a counter to your next press conference, highlights, news previews, videos, images, and more! Click here for more.

    Sonic Celebration Tickets
    If you're a fan of Sonic and live near the Los Angeles area, we're giving away some tickets for those who'd like to celebrate Sonic's birthday with Sega! Check this news to find out more!

    Jody Gets Infamous
    We're sure some of you may have noticed that our own Jody R has been up to some mischievous behavior, and here we find her caught in the act of sneaking up behind our poor Maxwell McGee with a replica of the Infamous 2 AMP weapon. We will be having a photo caption contest from Thursday May 26 until Monday May 30 at 10 a.m. PT. Post your caption in the Comments section of the Thursday May 26 On the Spot episode for your chance to win the Infamous 2 AMP replica!

    GS Mr. Riddles Answers Activity Week 6
    It's the final showdown between you (our budding Answer Experts) and Mr. Riddles. That means that there is less than a week to get your rare Mr. Riddles emblem before it is locked away FOREVER! This week we're in part two of our Riddles Roulette. Will your answer be chosen this week? Click here for your last chance to get this emblem. For additional rules, go to the guidelines page here.

    Retro Blog Activity Reminder
    Last week we asked "How would you make video game history?" and shared with you our latest "How to Better Video Game" blog activity. But we here at GameSpot figured you all might want a little something to get those fingers typing and the creative juices flowing. So we are offering a Microsoft SideWinder X6 Wired Keyboard and a matching SideWinder x8 Mouse, valued at over $200! As a reminder, the contest will be ending June 3 at 5 p.m. PT. For more information, check this page here.

    Down Under Counter-Strike Game Night
    GameSpot Australia plans to get some Counter-Strike: Source on! Drop by during the date/time listed in the AU time zone, and check out the official announcement for more details on how to participate.

    GameFAQs Mobile!
    Looks like our sister site GameFAQs has a new mobile version of the site. Load up via your mobile phone and be sure to share your feedback on their site.

    Member Spotlight

    This week's Member Spotlight shines on Kravyn81 for his three-part blog about his top 11 most influential games and why these games make him a gamer.

    Featured Union

    It's high time that we here at GameSpot start featuring our beloved unions once more for their continued content and activities.

    This week's featured union is the Pokemon League. This perfect Poke-Paradise is great for finding information, meeting other fans, and taking part in fantastic activities. They have a beautiful navigation menu that is nothing short of fantastic!

    Blog Bunker

    - Rottenwood discusses games, Hollywood, and the great chase for credibility.
    - Ferrari2001 reviews The King's Speech staring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush.
    - ExoticAnimal shares his top favorite movies of all time 20-16.
    - Auron11022 wants to talk about how he has pretty much completed FFIII and EBA.
    - Uesugi-dono tells us about five surprisingly good games.
    - Artekus What does he want, Union Redesigns!
    - Juniorpower talks about gaming frustrations.
    - GeekyDad shares his impressions of Samurai Warriors Chronicles.
    - Sandpiper121PP picks up his guitar and talks about L.A. Noir and game trading!
    - Cloud_765 continues his blog series of Top 100 Video Games - Part 6.
    - Smbius gives us a quick insight into social gaming vs. "regular" gaming.
    - pokecharm shares thoughts on how to write a better blog.
    - biggest_looser gives us his impressions of the movie Insidious.
    - JustPlainLucas Xbox Live Demo Impressions #62.
    - Asagea_888 gives us a splendiferous multihit combo of excellent updates.
    - Pierst179 shares his E3 predictions in his "Dream a Dream Edition."
    - Sagacious_Tien tells us about the games that deserve sequels.
    - TwistedMetalFan E3 is coming, and here are his most anticipated games.

    User Reviews

    - Fallout: New Vegas gbrading
    - Disciples II: Dark Prophecy Gelugon_baat
    - The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles DraugenCP
    - The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings taxonomic
    - Magicka bowlingotter
    - L.A. Noire Maluigi
    - Brink ax_prime_basic
    - Breach Domstercool
    - Red Dead Redemption Setho10
    - Sonic Colors gamefreak197
    - Mario Kart ZanarkandTidus
    - Sonic Colors AK_the_Twilight
    - Super Mario Galaxy 2 Asagea_888
    - Samurai Warriors Chronicles (3DS) GeekyDad
    - Okamiden (DS) benleslie5
    - Galerians exber
    - Samurai Showdown II wiserat4


    This week , we brought on nine new volunteer moderators in our spring moderator draft. Our initiate moderators are in training over the next few months and will likely be found in certain areas of the community as outlined below.

    Haziqonfire and AdobeArtist are active contributors of System Wars. Atmanix, Amnesiac23, Darthkaiser frequent Off-Topic. riou7 is an active contributor of GS Asia's forum and platform boards. Artekus is an active contributor for platform boards. GeekyDad is someone we'd like to see as a review targeted moderator, but he also interacts in the platform forums.

    We also have some new GameSpot rangers worth welcoming aboard: deershadow, Exoticanimal, fabz_95, RealKilla_789, and dog64. What exactly are these mystical rangers we speak of? GameSpot rangers aren't to be confused with moderators. They will greet or help you find your destination. Whenever you're lonely, a ranger might also become your companion, but they mostly help to guide you around GameSpot. It's safe to say that they know how the site functions, and they can also help you understand the best methods for getting what you need. So, if you're lost, a ranger is there for you!

    Tip of the Week

    This week's tip lets you time-travel via our new video player and play the video in HD via a live webcast! The recent On the Spot episode gave our GameSpot members a chance to check out our new video player, and later today, those who watch the Now Playing retro episode of Tomb Raider will also have a chance to use this time-travel feature! This Tivo-like playback makes it easy to replay a video during live webcasts. For example, if you come in at the 10-minute mark, you can go backward and start from the beginning or just follow along in real time, all while the broadcast is still on the air. Check it out and leave your feedback in the Site Enhancements forum!

  • E3 Sonic Celebration

    • Posted May 27, 2011 1:31 am GMT
    • By Staff

    Hello Sonic fans!

    We have Sonic party tickets left for those of you who can get to the LA area during the week of the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Sega and GameSpot staff would like to meet you in person at the Sonic celebration party! While this isn't a free ticket to attend E3, this event is located in the city where E3 is happening! So, if you can travel to this area, contact with your real name. Once we have a solid list of names, we'll send the confirmation about RSVP registration. Don't forget, this is a pair of tickets. Once you receive confirmation of the pair of tickets via e-mail, don't forget to ask a friend to come with you!

  • GameSpot Answers Week 6 Challenge

    • Posted May 25, 2011 5:30 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires

    This is it folks--week six of the GameSpot Answers activity challenge. It has been an interesting time on the game boards, and we've learned a lot. But one thing that stood out was how awesome your answers have been. Below are this week's emblem winners from week five, as well as those who got awesome answers. This is the FINAL WEEK to get your Mr. Riddles emblem, and as we've said before, you must answer at least five questions across any of the GameSpot Answers pages to be eligible. If you have any questions about the rules, go to the guidelines page for additional rules.

    It is now time for part two of our Roulette Round, with various questions for categories such as trivia, items, levels, and other strategies.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops
    How do I get the Bank Shot medal?
    PC| PS3| Wii| X360|

    Fallout: New Vegas
    Where do I find Raul the ghoul?
    PC| PS3| X360|

    Dissidia 012: Duodecim
    Where do you find the empyrean rod?

    Dragon Age 2
    Are the enemy levels scaled to match your own?
    PC| PS3| X360| MAC|

    Pokemon Black/White
    What does a "dubious disk" item do?
    Pokemon Black| Pokemon White|

    Emblem Winners

    Awesome Answers

  • The Weekly Report Retro Style

    • Posted May 20, 2011 6:34 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires
    Retro Weekly Report


    GS Mr. Riddles Answers Activity Week 5
    We're getting closer to the end of the event, as we are now in week five of our GS Mr. Riddles Answers Activity. After this week, only one more week will remain before your chance to get the rare Mr. Riddles emblem is locked away--with the emblem NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN except by those few and proud who already have it, giving them eternal bragging rights over those who missed osut. If you have any questions about the rules, be sure to check out the guidelines page here.

    How to Make Better Video Games Blog Activity
    We've all had that moment when playing video games, that moment where you can't help but think to yourself: "Why would they do (blank) like that? They should have done (blank)." Well, now is the chance to speak your mind and be rewarded for your efforts to make games just a little better. In honor of Video Game History Month, we are asking our Spotters to blog about how they would make video game history by bettering the things we all know and love. For more details, go to the rules and guidelines page here.

    Half-Life Deathmatch Game Night Replay
    This week we decided to honor one of the greatest games of its time: Half-Life. We grabbed our guns and ran about the compound trying to take down Chris Watters, Jody Robinson, and Justin Calvert in an all-out battle. This is just the beginning of our regularly scheduled game nights, so be sure to check out the schedule on the Game Night page. We're also looking for some older games, so drop by the Game Night Union to share your suggestions!

    Member Spotlight

    This week's member spotlight goes to Legolas_Katarn for his fantastic blog titled "The five stages of dealing with trolls."

    Featured User Video

    GabuEx gives us a thesis on Portal 2's ending. **SPOILER WARNING**

    Blog Bunker

    - Asagea_888 explains why he's looking ahead toward a new PS3 (and other stuff).
    - gbrading says "Crisis? What Crisis?"
    - Pierst179 shares his E3 2011 Predictions: You Know It is Coming Edition.
    - Setho10 brags about playing Homefront and beating Homefront.
    - Aberinkulas talks about Nintendo Consoles: Then, Now, and Later.
    - Koi-Neon-X shares his first impressions of L.A Noire.
    - Wisebandit explains why arcade games are nice but unconventional.
    - DraugenCP gives us a sneak peek at his life as a PC snob.
    - Cloud_765 updates us with Part 5 of his blog called "My Top 100 Video Games."
    - YearoftheSnake5 shares thoughts on the Wii 2 and the next generation.
    - IslandBros15 talks about his beloved Pokemon: "It's like my Rattata is in the top percentage of Rattata!"
    - SuperfastSonic tells us which five Disney Worlds he'd like to see in the next Kingdom Hearts.
    - kfJl talks about anime and other stuff.
    - biggest_loser reviews Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
    - SaintLeonidas reviews the movie Bridesmaids.

    Staff Fingerprints

    - Sophia Tong and her puppy Baily are up to their same old tricks.
    - Tom McShea warns people that The Witcher 2 doesn't care about your feelings.
    - Maxwell McGee gets nostalgic as he takes a look back at Sonic the Hedgehog.
    - Takeshi Hiraoka shares why he's super-excited about One Piece Unlimited Cruse SP.

    User Reviews

    - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 NeonNinja
    - Soul Reaver 2 Gelugon_baat
    - Painkiller stevenscott14
    - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction loopy_101
    - Killzone 3 PSFreak1
    - Fighters Uncaged Garrison_Ford
    - Brink Raikoh_
    - Portal 2 Maluigi
    - Conduit 2 JustPlainLucas
    - Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors siberian142
    - Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire gamefreak197
    - Pikmin AK_the_Twilight
    - Silent Hill 2 exber

    Tip of the Week

    This week's tip is about the finer points of writing. Once upon a time Kevin VanOrd wrote a very thorough blog about what to consider when writing editorials. He claimed that you should take some of what he said lightly and some of it seriously because many points can be applied to other forms of written work.
    -- Know the rules of grammar and punctuation.
    -- Don't stick to a precise format.
    -- Avoid cliches.
    -- Remember that it's about the game.
    -- Think critically.

  • 'How to Better Video Games' Blog Activity

    • Posted May 20, 2011 5:25 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires
    "How to Better Video Games" Blog Activity Tell us how you would make video games better.

    We've all had that moment when playing video games. That moment where you can't help but think to yourself, "Why would they do (blank) like that? They should have done (blank)."
    Well, now you have the chance to speak your mind and be rewarded for your efforts in making games just a little better. GameSpot is having a blog-writing contest where you, our fellow GameSpotter, can make those voices heard! For your blog to be eligible, you should consider the following.

    1. Flag your blog as an "Editorial Blog," and in the title, be sure to have
    "This is How I Would Make Video Game History."
    2. While the blog will be our main focus, we are also looking for a title that will dazzle our judges.
    3. Of course, we want it to be free of grammar and spelling mistakes.
    4. Use a minimum of 500 words to sum up your thought-provoking ideas on gaming industries.
    5. Describe what the current trend is in the game genre that you are displeased with and what you would do to fix it if you had the power.
    6. Choose a game as your prime example of what you felt was lacking that "oh-so-special something."
    7.We will be considering the overall appearance of the blog that is submitted.

    Now you might be asking GameSpot, "Why would I want to do such a thing? What is in it for ME?"
    Well, I can answer that for you! Other than the personal joy you get from writing a witty and whimsical blog on how you would make history by making the world of gaming a better place, you will also be selected as one of 25 entries for a "Thanks for Playing" prize. And one, sparkling gem--a fantastic example of gaming know-how--will become the proud owner of a Microsoft SideWinder X6 Wired Keyboard and a matching SideWinder x8 Mouse valued at over $200!

    The contest begins on May 20, and the last day to submit your blog for the contest will be Friday, June 3. Runners-up will be chosen and announced in the following week's Spam Filter, as well as the Grand Prize Winners blog for all to see. So get to writing and may the best blog win!


  • GameSpot Answers Week 5 Challenge

    • Posted May 18, 2011 4:54 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires

    This week is week five of the GameSpot Answers activity challenge. Since there were so many fabulous answers this week, not only are the emblem winners from the previous week featured, but also those who had awesome answers. Just remember that after this week there will be only one chance left to get the rare Mr. Riddles emblem. Keep in mind that you must answer at least five questions across any of the GameSpot Answers pages to be eligible. If you have any questions about the rules, go to the guidelines page for additional details.

    This weeks is part one of our roulette round, with various questions from categories such as levels, strategies, maps, custom features, and trivia.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops
    How do you unlock all the zombie maps?
    PC| PS3| Wii| X360|

    Fallout: New Vegas
    What are the best ways to get good karma?
    PC| PS3| X360|

    Dissidia 012: Duodecim
    Is it possible to create an original rule??

    Dragon Age 2
    Where are the Varterral Hunting Grounds?
    PC| PS3| X360| MAC|

    Pokemon Black/White
    How many Pokemon are in Pokemon Black/White, total?
    Pokemon Black| Pokemon White|

    Emblem Winners

    Runner Ups

  • Weekly Report: yadirF eht htneetrihT


    Game Night 2011 Lineup
    After a bit of a vacation, we kicked off game nights with a bang. Portal Kombat was a success as we watched GameSpot staff show off some of the finer points of Mortal Kombat 9. As for Portal 2, well with PSN still being down, we didn't quite get to show off all the bells and whistles of its co-op mode, but we did what we could. Now, we ask you good GameSpotters, what games do YOU want to see during this year's lineup? We've started a few discussions in the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and General Game Discussion Boards in hopes of getting into your brains to find out what games you want to see and play. Feel free to also stop by the Game Night Union for more updates about future Game Nights here.

    Week Four Mr. Riddles Answers Activity
    We are entering week four of our GS-Riddles Answer Activity, and so far, things have been going well. Those who participated in the activity were awarded profile points, an immediate mention so they could brag to their friends, and a shiny rare and new emblem. After this week, only two weeks remain to become a proud owner of the Mr. Riddles emblem and be known throughout the land of GameSpot as an Answers Expert.

    Member Spotlight

    This week's member spotlight goes to 2ndWonder for his fantastic blog about the importance of Video Game History Month. Powerful stuff really, with an in-depth look at many of his favorite GameSpot contributions, really awesome job!

    Featured User Videos

    - dragon_king64 shares a video review on the PSP game: Infected.

    Blog Bunker

    - GeekyDad celebrates his 40th birthday with thoughts about the 3DS.
    - ExoticAnimal talks about his five favorite movies of all time of his top 25 list.
    - gamefreak197 looks back on Shadow the Hedgehog.
    - Uesugi-dono talks about games, TV, controllers, and… cannibals?
    - Cloud_765 is back again with the continuing list of his top 100 games.
    - DraugenCP gives us a preview of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2.
    - NeonNinja shares a rough review of Rockstar's latest game L.A. Noire.
    - AlmightyMax talks about some gaming diamonds in the rough.
    - ShootumUP26 reviews Winds of Plague, Asking Alexandria, and The Wonder Years.

    Staff Fingerprints

    - Tom Mc Shea talks about one of the finest games ever created.
    - Carolyn Petit shares her thoughts on how exclusive bonuses affect scoring between two versions of a game.
    - Dan Chiappini announces the names of the lucky few who won copies of Portal 2!

    User Reviews

    - Portal c_rake
    - Rift akhoralill
    - Mass Effect 2 ZanarkandTidus
    - Darksiders Cunhao
    - Assassin's Creed 2 VideoGamerNerd
    - Brink Dan_Lionheart
    - GoldenEye 007 JustPlainLucas
    - Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective Pierst179
    - Professor Layton and the Unwound Futuredapman418
    - Shin Megami Tensei: Personal 3 Portable Aberinkulas
    - Super Mario Land Gelugon_baat
    - Tomb Raider Azghouls
    - The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Out-Of-Ammo
    - FINAL FANTASY VI parkurtommo


    This week's shout-out goes to our Mod of the Month c_rake for all the fantastic work that he has done in our community.

    Tip of the Week

    This week's hot tip is about Reading and Posting Reviews, with our GameSpot game night quickly heating up, it's important to reflect the way we review our games here.

  • GameSpot Answers Week 4 Challenge

    • Posted May 11, 2011 5:31 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires

    We're back and ready for week four of the GameSpot Answers activity challenge. The winners from the previous week are featured, so they can show their friends and parents their spiffy new emblem. If your name isn't listed, don't worry--we still have two weeks remaining before the activity ends and Mr. Riddles is locked away forever. Don't forget that you must answer at least five questions across any of the GameSpot Answers pages to be eligible. If you have any questions, check out the guidelines page for more details.

    This week is about the best strategy for carrying out various video game skills, be it button mashing, character leveling, or general tricks for treats.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops
    Does using the Ghost Pro perk make the player invisible to all radar and scanning?
    PC| PS3| Wii| X360|

    Fallout: New Vegas
    What is the best way to increase my luck stat?
    PC| PS3| X360|

    Dissidia 012: Duodecim
    How do you get Tifa to teleport?

    Dragon Age 2
    Do all party members level at the same time?
    PC| PS3| X360| MAC|

    Pokemon Black/White
    How do I get Dark Pulse and Earth Power for my Deino?
    Pokemon Black| Pokemon White|

    Week 3 Answer Experts!
    Smoke Rulz

  • Weekly Report: Cha-Cha-Cha Changes

    • Posted May 6, 2011 12:04 am GMT
    • By Jody Robinson & Synthia Weires


    GameSpot Is All Shiny and New
    We've made a few simple navigation changes here at GameSpot, and there have been a few secret happenings. We hope that the new look will help GameSpotters navigate with a bit more ease than before. Feel free to check out this article for more details about the changes. We understand that the changes won't make everyone happy, and we are open to your constructive suggestions and feedback. Feel free to share what you would like to see via the Feedback buttons located on the site and platform pages where you can speak your mind.

    Win a Trip to Attend E3
    Want to attend the Electronic Entertainment Expo but never thought you'd have the chance? Well, thanks to the good people at Klondike, you have the chance. Klondike is giving away two trips to Los Angeles, California, where you and a buddy will be able to brag to all your friends that you were there. To be eligible to win, you must be 18 or older, as well as a US resident and a Twitter user that follows @gamespot. For more information, check the recent announcement.

    Riddle Me This: Week 3 GameSpot GS-MR_Riddles Activity
    We are entering week three of our GameSpot Mr. Riddles answers activity. We've been very impressed with the answers we've been given by you GameSpotters, and we look forward to your future submissions. This week is all about stuff--items, schwag, and gaming goodies. Remember those whose answers are chosen will receive the rare Answers Expert emblem. For more details on this activity, you can check out the rules page.

    Portal Kombat Trivia!
    For those of you who missed our live game night where we showcased Mortal Kombat and a few sneak peeks at Portal 2 co-op, it was quite the event. Chris pleaded with the GameSpotter community to play with him, Jody force-fed Polybren a hotdog, and of course an awesome emblem! But if you missed the live show, don't worry, we didn't forget about you. We are having some game night trivia to give those of you who missed out a chance at an awesome emblem.

    GameSpot Asia Contest & Game Night
    Our friends over in Asia have a couple of activities worth considering. First, there's a special EA preview event this weekend, and they're giving away tickets! They are also hosting a Crysis 2 game night, which will start on May 6 (Friday) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SGT sharp. If you'd like to meet up with them, be sure to check the time zone converter! Drop by their announcement in the GameSpot Asia discussion forum

    Video Game History Month
    Legacy gamers! Starting today, GameSpot has launched our ongoing Video Games History Month feature. This week we'll have Tokyo Game Show, Sega Dreamcast, Duke Nukem, and Randy Pitchford featured. Also, every Friday this month we'll have a different game featured on GameSpot's Now Playing episode. This week's Now Playing episode features Mortal Kombat, but be sure to drop by each Friday to watch other Now Playing episodes with Twisted Metal, Duke Nukem, and Tomb Raider.

    Member Spotlight

    The member spotlight goes to Cloud_765 for making a new blog series about his Top 100 video games.

    YouTube Video Spotlight

    This week's Spotlight shines on Printul_Noptii for his eight-part video series on Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia and how to defeat the bosses while on hard mode taking no damage at all!

    Blog Bunker

    - biggest_looser has another fantastic movie review. This week he talks about Water for Elephants.
    - c_rake explains that while the Nintendo Wii sensor is still coming, it might be a little late.
    - Pierst179 tells us what he thinks about GoldenEye 007.
    - Setho10 talks about his most anticipated summer games.
    - ZanarkandTidus has been playing Mass Effect 2 and is sharing this thoughts.
    - yeah_write explains what he thinks about kids these days.
    - Uesugi_dono shares with us the game that just keeps on giving.
    - MudkipMaster30 thinks that post counts should be removed from GameSpot.
    - Hellfire-1 explains the finer points of building gate carriers in Starcraft 101.
    - TechnologoDoom: explains why he thinks puzzle games are best on portable gaming devices.
    - siberian142 shares his top five Final Fantasy characters.
    - ShootumUP26 shares his 10 best downloadable games.

    Staff Fingerprints

    - Brendan Sinclair shares his experience using the Roxio Game Capture device while recording WWE Smackdown.
    - Takeshi Hiraoka might not be doing any friendly import videos right now, but he did update his blog sharing a GameSpot Japan update about the Aquapazza trailer.
    - Tyler Winegarner has posted his thoughts about the mystery of the futbol in the Portal 2 forum, but be sure to avoid reading any spoilers!
    - James Kozanecki from GS AU talks about heading out to London for a Brink Tournament.
    - Carolyn Petit has a blog about vintage commercials.
    - Sophia Tong has more photos showing off her talented dog.
    - Dan Chiappini from GameSpot AU has announced the winners of their Infamous 2 preview event contest.

    User Reviews

    - LGTX Portal 2
    - Gelugon_baat Myth III: The Wolf Age
    - DraugenCP Crysis 2
    - asian_pride69 Hector: Badge of Carnage
    - TechnologoDoom Far Cry 2
    - VintAge68 Homefront
    -ZanarkandTidus Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel Reviews
    -ShadowLaguna Hyperdimension Neptunia
    3DS / DS
    -JustPlainLucas Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars
    - Garrison_Ford Kirby's Epic Yarn
    - Daavpuke Super Sidekicks
    - AlmightyMax Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
    - PAJ89 You Don't Know Jack
    - gamefreak197 Super Mario Bros. 3

    Tip of the Week

    This week's tip is about understanding netiquette. We share why you should be mindful of what you say or do on the Internet!

  • Tip of the Week: Netiquette

    This week's tip is about understanding the Internet! Once something has been posted, it shouldn't be considered something you can take back. We like to think of ourselves as careful posters, thinking about your e-reputation if you will. It is very easy, in the heat of a conversation on a thread or in a blog, to post something that at the time may seem like a witty remark to you but to someone else could make you seem like little more than a bully. Here are a few tips to better improve your netiquette.

    1. Remember that they are human.
    Remember the golden rule that you're told in kindergarten: Do unto others as you’d have others do unto you. Imagine how you would feel having these things said to you.

    2. Understand where you are.
    What is considered acceptable in SW may not be in another part of the forums. It's important to make sure you fully understand the rules before posting.

    3. Make yourself look good online.
    It's important to remember that it is likely you will be judged by the quality of your writing. Make sure that what you are writing about is fairly logical and is void of flame-like qualities.

  • Simple Navigation Changes to GameSpot!

    A couple of weeks ago many of you had a chance to participate in a beta test of our navigation menu. We also had a little secret happening behind the scenes--a new design! We hope the new design on's home page, platform pages, and other pages helps you navigate the website with ease. Gone are the old website days where you have so many options you have no idea where to start! You can now find everything based on its category on the front page, and the mouse-over navigation dropdowns should be quite handy. Drop by this article to view the changes.

    We would like to point out a couple of known issues we already have on our road map to have changed: the private message alerts currently go off when you have updates, and the list of games you're following shows only up to 20. These two areas will change for the better.

    We understand that not every change makes everyone happy, no matter how much we love change. Therefore, if you find that something isn't working out for you, we're open to your suggestions or any other feedback you have about the changes. Feel free to share what you'd like to see via the Feedback buttons located on the site and platform home pages. There, you can make a suggestion, and other GameSpot members can suggest that your idea rocks, which will likely grab our attention much sooner! Staff members also have been responding to you about whether or not your ideas might work, so be sure to let us know what you think!

  • Win a trip to attend E3!

    Hello GameSpotters! Have you ever wanted to attend the Electronic Entertainment Expo? Now is your chance! This year, GameSpot has teamed up with Klondike to give away two trips to Los Angeles. California, and each prize package includes an E3 pass for you and a friend.

    To be eligible, you must be age 18 or older, a US resident, and a Twitter user who follows @gamespot, and you must tweet a message with the below hash sign.

    Here is how you can participate for a chance to win one of the two prize packages we are giving away!

    1. Enter the Contest by responding with an @gamespot tweet or by sending a tweet answering the contest question "What would you do for a Klondike Bar at E3?" with the hash sign #tweetforglory.

    Note: As outlined in the official rules, your tweet must be accompanied by the hash sign "#tweetforglory" for your entry to be eligible.

    2. Patiently wait for GameSpot staff to judge the tweets after the contest expires at 8:59 p.m. PT/11:59 p.m. ET on May 12, 2011.

    3. If you win, you will be contacted about the prize package, but keep in mind that you do need to say your Klondike statement at E3, which isn't such a bad trade-off!

  • GameSpot Answers Week 3 Challenge

    • Posted May 3, 2011 8:45 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires

    Welcome back to the third installment of our GameSpot Answers activity. The winners from the previous week have been featured below for immediate bragging rights, but don't worry if your name isn't listed, because you'll get another chance. Remember that you need to have answered at least five questions across any of the GameSpot Answers page to be eligible. Feel free to swing by the guidelines page for more details.

    This week we will be talking about stuff… Literally, this week is all about in-game items, goodies, loot, and schwag, and we want to hear your take on the best way to obtain these things.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops
    How do I get the Grim Reaper in multiplayer? | PC| PS3| Wii| X360|

    Fallout: New Vegas
    Where do I get the Ranger Sequoia?| PC| PS3| X360|

    Dissidia 012: Duodecim
    Where can I find the Chocobo summon? | PSP|

    Dragon Age 2
    How do I catch the flying book during the Night Terrors quest?| PC| PS3| X360| MAC|

    Pokemon Black/White
    Where do you find the Fly hidden machine?| Pokemon Black| Pokemon White|

    Week 2 Answer Experts!
    Keep up the great work everyone!

  • Weekly Report: Outage & Activities

    • Posted Apr 29, 2011 11:07 pm GMT
    • By Synthia Weires/Jody Robinson


    Account Login Downtime
    We plan to do some updates to the account login functionality starting at 10 p.m. Pacific Time on Saturday, April 30. We expect this downtime to continue until 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time on Sunday, May 1, at the latest. During this time you will not be able to log in, create an account, or edit your profile options. Think of this time as the only time you will enter the GameSpot edition of the Community Twilight Zone. The forum streets will have fewer people on them, and those contributions will be missed, but don't fret, the site will be back soon enough and you'll wake up from the dream. In the meantime, we suggest that you play some games, or you can mingle with other GameSpotters on Facebook or YouTube!

    JodyR UPDATE 4/30 at 11 a.m. PT: Drop by the technical support forum to get an update about how you can continue to use your community tools while the maintenance occurs.

    GameSpot MR_Riddles Activity
    Yep, he is back for week two of the GameSpot Answers Challenge. Last week we talked about all things bosses, and this week we're looking for answers to puzzles and quests. So grab your thinking caps and submit your answers! Remember, the lucky few whose answers we pick as prime puzzle-fighting power will receive the Answers Expert emblem. For more details on this activity, you can check out the rules page here.

    GameMarket Gets Updated!
    Games! We've got games here! We wanted to let you GameSpotters know that we recently launched an updated version of the GameMarket. We gave the old girl a little sprucing up, a new look, and a bit of a change to the primary GameMarket page. Also, you can now manage and monitor your activity. Drop by the GameMarket tab for more details.

    GameSpot Spotlight YouTube Community Channel
    We have a new YouTube channel that is dedicated to GameSpot members and YouTube Gamers. Drop by to check it out. If you're a creative video creator, check out this week's tip to learn how you can get noticed by staff. We might select you to be featured on the page and pass your video along to the video production staff to have a mention in a show like On the Spot!

    PSN Security Concerns
    With the recent news about a type of security breach to your PlayStation Network account information, we'd like to make sure you are also considering all of your accounts you have on the Web. Drop by GameSpot's PlayStation 3 forum to find out how you can protect yourself.

    Latest Trivia Winners
    GameSpot's trivia for Today On the Spot, On the Spot, and Now Playing over the past month has been so abundant that we figured it was time to catch you GameSpotters up on who exactly is winning all of these fabulous prizes. Check the latest Producer's Note blog for details.

    Member Spotlight

    This week's member spotlight goes to our GameSpotter of the Year, deershadow! We're finally getting a moment to announce who won the GameSpotter of 2010! Check out his submission in reference to this discussion.

    YouTube Video Spotlight

    As you might be able to tell from today's announcement, we've got this awesome new channel on YouTube that will give you all a chance to share your user videos with us to feature on the GameSpot Spotlight page. This week's shout-out goes to the following video:
    - tofu-lion91 posted her impressions of Portal 2 and believes that this game has many familiar highlights from the original game, while at the same time having enough additions to make it feel shiny and new, a perfect continuation of Portal.

    Blog Bunker

    - gbrading talks about how amazing Portal 2 can be: POSSIBLE SPOILERS!
    - Gelugon_baat talks about in-game collectibles.
    - yeah_write displays fantastic art for his future son.
    - Uesugi-dono gives a profound look at the PSN situation.
    - s_h_a_d_o shares an open letter to the Crytek Modding Community.
    - NColdhardt has a list of cherry-picked songs for April.
    - Pierst179 talks about the three roads of the virtual world.
    - SYdoggXxX has been a busy bee lately with reviews, reviews, and more reviews.
    - Cloud_765 talks about his favorite game genres.
    - NeonNinja rates a wide assortment of gaming titles.
    - The_Game21x talks about how "geek is the new cool."
    - JustPlainLucas shares with us his 3DS activity during the past month.

    Staff Fingerprints

    - Sophia Tong makes her dog do some funny tricks.
    - Justin Calvert remembers Paradroid
    - Tom McShea makes a Wii prediction in his blog.
    - Jon Leo from GameSpot Asia shares his Mortal Kombat impressions in a forum discussion.

    User Reviews

    - Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II akhorahill
    - Minecraft The_Game21x
    - Medal of Honor Domstercool
    - Dragon Age II Garrison_Ford
    - Dead Space 2 LGTX
    - Final Fantasy III Cloud_765
    - Rhythm Paradise SuperfastSonic
    - Super Mario Galaxy gamefreak197
    - Donkey Kong Country Returns Dracula_16
    - Mortal Kombat Asagea_888
    - Borderlands: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned AzellKosMos
    - Shank tennis12master
    - Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage c_rake
    - The Legend of Zelda Koi-Neon-X


    Thanks to the GameSpotters who voted for GameSpot during in the Webbys Peoples Voice award. We will be gathering your names early next week to grant you the participation points you so richly deserve for all your fantastic support, though be sure to keep in mind that the emblems and bonus points won't be granted until the Webbys has announced the game-related category winner! The results will be announced May 3, 2011.

    Tip of the Week

    As we mentioned before, GameSpot Spotlight is the new YouTube channel dedicated to you GameSpotters. But how do I submit my awesome video, you may wonder. Look no further! In order to get your video featured on the GameSpot Spotlight, you need to upload the video to a location we can access. We suggest

    - Go to and click on the big old Download Dropbox button at the bottom of the page.
    - Once Dropbox is installed, copy your video into your Public Folder.
    - Right-click [control-click in OSX] the video file in your Public Folder.
    - Choose the Dropbox submenu and select "Copy Public Link."
    - Compose an e-mail to with the subject line:
    - Paste the link into the body of the message.