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Tuesday 29th November, 2011 - 10:00 GMT

Review: Mario Kart 7 (3DS)

Mario Kart 7 (3DS)

Seventh heaven

It's hard to believe that it's been almost two decades since Nintendo first unleashed the original Super Mario Kart on gamers back in 1992. Since then, we've seen a Mario Kart release on just about every game system Nintendo has released. Mario Kart 7 marks the debut of the series on Nintendo 3DS and while there are a host of new twists and features, at its core it's still very much..

96 comments | In Reviews.

Tuesday 29th November, 2011 - 18:00 GMT

Review: Rayman Origins (Wii)

Rayman Origins (Wii)

This platformer's got legs (even if Rayman doesn't)

As the gaming industry moves onwards and upwards and each genre evolves, it's interesting to observe how the platformer has come around full circle since its debut. Whereas the rest of the industry strives for more expansive and photorealistic environments or interactive storytelling, the platformer went from having players move from left to right..

82 comments | In Reviews.

Monday 28th November, 2011 - 13:30 GMT

Review: Come On! Heroes (DSiWare)

Come On! Heroes (DSiWare)


Hot on the heels of the similarly named Castle Conqueror - Heroes comes CIRCLE Entertainment's Come On! Heroes. It's similar in title only, however, as the gameplay and presentation hearken most closely back to the first Castle Conqueror game. This isn't a bad thing but, unfortunately, a lack of variety really lets this release down. The game begins promisingly enough. After three..

9 comments | In Reviews.

Saturday 26th November, 2011 - 17:00 GMT

Review: James Noir's Hollywood Crimes (3DS)

James Noir's Hollywood Crimes (3DS)

The big easy

Since its debut, the DS console's (then) unique capabilities have presented developers with more than ample scope to push boundaries and explore new ways for us to interact and perceive handheld games. The touch screen has been hugely beneficial for Level 5’s Professor Layton series, which has proved to be so incredibly popular with DS owners that Professor Layton and the Curious..

16 comments | In Reviews.

Friday 25th November, 2011 - 21:00 GMT

Review: Sonic Generations (3DS)

Sonic Generations (3DS)

Spin cycle

A lot can change in 20 years. When the original Sonic the Hedgehog launched on 23rd June 1991 we didn't even have the Super NES in the West, and the thought that Nintendo and SEGA would one day work together was less than laughable. Yet here we are, two decades later, playing a celebration of Sonic's career on Nintendo's latest console. A lot has changed in those 20 years. While Sonic..

72 comments | In Reviews.

Friday 25th November, 2011 - 10:00 GMT

Review: Metroid II: Return of Samus (3DS Virtual Console / Game Boy)

Metroid II: Return of Samus (3DS Virtual Console / Game Boy)

Exploring colourless lands

When Metroid was first released it was a unique game: with a lot of exploring to do across a giant map and with plenty of hidden items and paths, those willing to spend the time to find everything were well rewarded. The original title has aged fairly poorly though — the game lacks many things we take for granted nowadays, one being that there is no map, so your only..

36 comments | In Reviews.

Wednesday 23rd November, 2011 - 18:00 GMT

Review: The Sims 3 Pets (3DS)

The Sims 3 Pets (3DS)

A new leash on life

Porting life management simulator The Sims to handhelds has proven a mixed experience with more missteps than successes, but when The Sims 3 debuted as a 3DS launch title the series hit one of its lowest lows to date. The obvious rush job felt like a cynical slap to the face, EA having sped the title to store shelves in a direly unfinished state. Myriad bugs and a thin selection..

18 comments | In Reviews.

Tuesday 22nd November, 2011 - 10:00 GMT

Review: Pinocchio's Puzzle (WiiWare)

Pinocchio's Puzzle (WiiWare)

Pinocchio goes to pieces

Chances are, when you're deciding to pick up a puzzle game for your console of choice, you don't think of actual jigsaw puzzles. They just don't fit easily into the genre's landscape. Popular puzzlers like Tetris and Angry Birds have an immediacy to them that encourages quick play and gratification, while a real jigsaw puzzle is more something you work at. Pinocchio's..

7 comments | In Reviews.

Monday 21st November, 2011 - 10:00 GMT

Review: Escape Trick: Convenience Store (DSiWare)

Escape Trick: Convenience Store (DSiWare)

Convenience snore

We've already seen two Escape Trick releases on DSiWare, each taking place in a unique environment ranging from a musty prison to a oriental-themed castle. And while the games feature a point-and-click gameplay system that would seem to fit the DS touch screen quite perfectly, the execution in both titles has been severely lacking. Now Intense Co. is going for a third outing and..

6 comments | In Reviews.

Friday 18th November, 2011 - 21:00 GMT

Review: 3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure (3DSWare)

3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure (3DSWare)

A great game gets an underwhelming paint job

In 1993 the NES got a latter-day boon from a truly brilliant addition to its library: Kirby's Adventure. Still regarded today as one of the strongest titles on the console, it boasted an unforgettable soundtrack, stunningly creative visuals and gameplay innovations that became Kirby staples from there onward. It was, in short, a fantastic game, and in..

67 comments | In Reviews.

Friday 18th November, 2011 - 10:15 GMT

Review: The Aquarium of Luck (DSiWare)

The Aquarium of Luck (DSiWare)

Not so lucky

One genre that has seen plenty of releases on the DS family of consoles is that of pet simulation: all the fun of owning an animal without the expense, smells and responsibility. Next in line via DSiWare is The Aquarium of Luck, bringing the job of fish ownership to two screens. The title itself is strange, and we’d advise young children that survival of pet fish isn’t down to..

13 comments | In Reviews.

Thursday 17th November, 2011 - 11:00 GMT

Review: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Wii)

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Wii)

Tried and true

By the time you read this, Activision's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has already sold millions upon millions of copies to a worldwide fanbase and been touted as the biggest entertainment launch of all time. To keep its unprecedented growth up, the franchise has continued to top itself year after year with increasingly elaborate action scenes and refining the same addictive..

47 comments | In Reviews.

Wednesday 16th November, 2011 - 22:00 GMT

Review: Nikoli's Pencil Puzzle (3DS)

Nikoli's Pencil Puzzle (3DS)


It's hard to believe, but there was a time before fancy Tanooki Suits, space-foxes and Lon Lon Milk defined a good game. It was an era without joysticks, Wii Remotes or Power Gloves. How could anyone possibly have had fun in such a world, you ask? Well, back then, people were satisfied with a simple pencil and pad of paper, and that was enough. It was a simpler time. Such activities still..

19 comments | In Reviews.

Wednesday 16th November, 2011 - 20:00 GMT

Review: Bloons TD (DSiWare)

Bloons TD (DSiWare)

Full of hot air?

There are few things more terrifying than sentient balloons. Just close your eyes and picture them: living, moving latex orbs, floating down a path in your direction. Such is the basic premise of Bloons TD, which takes the charming, monkey-populated world of puzzler Bloons and moulds it to a tower defence formula. And, like its predecessor, it's already seen life on multiple..

16 comments | In Reviews.

Wednesday 16th November, 2011 - 14:00 GMT

Review: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)

A legend redefined

In a way The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has very little riding on it: the Wii has already enjoyed huge success, with a library of critically acclaimed Nintendo games selling millions around the world. Its motion controls — dubbed a 'revolution' back in 2005 — have arguably inspired competitor formats to adopt their own kinetic controllers, yet no title on Kinect or..

182 comments | In Reviews.

Tuesday 15th November, 2011 - 09:00 GMT

Review: Step Up! (WiiWare)

Step Up! (WiiWare)

Don't step to this

The Wii is a great console for combining a love for gaming and fitness. Casual workout titles like Wii Fit offer laid back activities like yoga and jogging, while third-party titles like EA Sports Active offer up more rigorous cardiovascular routines. But what about WiiWare? Sure, retail offerings are great, but Nintendo's download service hasn't really had many options in the..

9 comments | In Reviews.

Monday 14th November, 2011 - 12:00 GMT

Review: Castle Conqueror - Heroes (DSiWare)

Castle Conqueror - Heroes (DSiWare)

We can beat them, for ever and ever

About a year ago, Circle Entertainment released Castle Conqueror, a quirky and simple RTS that was also very addictive and fun. If we had any real complaints about it, it was that the charming simplicity somewhat prevented it from achieving any substantial depth. It was an excellent experience, but it felt as though it was barely scratching the surface of what..

18 comments | In Reviews.

Monday 14th November, 2011 - 11:00 GMT

Review: House, M.D. - Episode 4: Crashed (DSiWare)

House, M.D. - Episode 4: Crashed (DSiWare)

Crash and burn

Dr. Gregory House is back this month with yet another instalment of House M.D. If you’ve played the previous games in the series, then you know exactly what to expect from this one. If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience any of these games, then feel free to continue reading. You’re in for a real treat. Like the previous three episodes, this game features an all..

10 comments | In Reviews.

Monday 14th November, 2011 - 09:30 GMT

Review: Shinobi (3DS)

Shinobi (3DS)

Shinobi returns for another slice of revenge

Given the current trend of rebooting classic video game franchises it seems long overdue that SEGA should reinvent fan-favourite Shinobi, for both veteran ninja warriors and younger ninjitsu newcomers to enjoy. Entrusted with this great responsibility is developer Griptonite Games, no stranger to developing for the 3DS with Green Lantern and Marvel Super..

40 comments | In Reviews.

Monday 14th November, 2011 - 09:00 GMT

Review: Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! (3DSWare)

Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! (3DSWare)

It’s alive!

The touch screen in the DS family of consoles has often been the focus for artistic experiences. The mere act of holding the stylus should inspire artists, and it’s this instinct that forms the foundation for Freakyforms: Your Creations, Alive! on 3DS. It’s a strange name that doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, and is perfectly apt for the experience on offer. This is a..

47 comments | In Reviews.