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Meet the Faith & Family bloggers. We invite you to join us in encouraging and helping the Faith & Family community grow in faith!

Danielle Bean

Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean, a mother of eight, is Editorial Director of Faith & Family. She is author of My Cup of Tea, Mom to Mom, Day to Day, and most recently Small Steps for Catholic Moms. Though she once struggled to separate her life and her work, the two …
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Rachel Balducci

Rachel Balducci
Rachel Balducci is married to Paul and they are the parents of five lively boys and one precious baby girl. She is the author of How Do You Tuck In A Superhero?, and is a newspaper columnist for the Diocese of Savannah, Georgia. For the past four years, she has …
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Lisa Hendey

Lisa Hendey
Lisa Hendey is the founder and editor of, a Catholic web site focusing on the Catholic faith, Catholic parenting and family life, and Catholic cultural topics. Most recently she has authored The Handbook for Catholic Moms. Lisa is also employed as webmaster for her parish web sites. …
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Arwen Mosher

Arwen Mosher
Arwen Mosher lives in southeastern Michigan with her husband Bryan and their 4-year-old daughter, 2-year-old son, and twin boys born May 2011. She has a bachelor's degree in theology. She dreads laundry, craves sleep, loves to read novels and do logic puzzles, and can't live without tea. Her personal blog site …
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Rebecca Teti

Rebecca Teti
Rebecca Teti is married to Dennis and has four children (3 boys, 1 girl) who -- like yours no doubt -- are pious and kind, gorgeous, and can spin flax into gold. A Washington, DC, native, she converted to Catholicism while an undergrad at the U. Dallas, where she double-majored in …
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Robyn Lee

Robyn Lee
Robyn Lee is a senior writer for Faith & Family magazine. She is a 30-something, single lady, living in Connecticut with her two cousins in a small bungalow-style kit house built by her great uncle in the 1950s. She also conveniently lives next door to her sister, brother-in-law and six kids …
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Hallie Lord

Hallie Lord
Hallie Lord married her dashing husband, Dan, in the fall of 2001 (the same year, coincidentally, that she joyfully converted to the Catholic faith). They now happily reside in the deep South with their two energetic boys and two very sassy girls. In her *ample* spare time, Hallie enjoys cheap wine, …
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Guest Bloggers


Daria Sockey is a freelance writer and veteran of the large family/homeschooling scene. She recently returned home from a three-year experiment in full time outside employment. (Hallelujah!) Daria authored several of the original Faith&Life; Catechetical Series student texts (Ignatius Press), and is currently a Senior Writer for Faith&Family; magazine. A latecomer …
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Lynn Wehner

Lynn Wehner
As a wife and mother, writer and speaker, Lynn Wehner challenges others to see the blessings that flow when we struggle to say "Yes" to God’s call. Control freak extraordinaire, she is adept at informing God of her brilliant plans and then wondering why the heck they never turn out that …
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"Art" You Willing to Help?

Links much appreciated!

So, we’ve started homeschooling this year. (I will write more about that later, I promise.)

I am trying to do “art” as part of our curriculum, partly because I think it’s good for Camilla and mostly because she really enjoys it. But as someone who has (really!) almost zero artistic talent, I am at a loss.

Thus far we’ve made jack o’lanterns and apple trees out of construction paper, because I can... READ MORE 

A Woman's Place

we can change the world

The very first Eucharistic congress was held in 1881 in Lille, France. The very first organizer, according to Vatican Information Services, was a woman.

It is not widely known that the idea to hold these congresses came from a woman, a French woman called Emilie-Marie Tamisier, one of the many lay people to dedicate their lives to the defence of the Church at a time in which anti-Catholic polemics... READ MORE 

Brunch Inspiration

please share some!

One of the most challenging aspects of going to early Mass every Sunday is how utterly starving we all are once we’re done. No one (especially me!) ever wants to go home to cook because we are ready to eat right then, as soon as we get in the van.

The thought of having to pull out ingredients and cook something seems like more than anyone can take. And while I don’t really mind going out to eat, I... READ MORE 

Outdoor Spaces

a little inspiration

I love this video put together by a crafty lady who recreated her covered-porch/deck area. Though I don’t have a space quite like this, I found plenty of inspiration. This time of the year, we don’t use our deck quite as much (translated: walk outside and prepare to wilt!), but I might try the shade trick used here, to get a little coverage. Do you enjoy sprucing up a place to just be in your yard? What have you done to make it enjoyable?

To My New Backyard (A Love Letter) from Jaime Morrison Curtis on Vimeo.

Confused In Prayer?

Holy Spirit to the Rescue!

This week, in the final days leading to the feast of Pentecost, the Church’s liturgy (Mass and Liturgy of the Hours) immerses us in all the many scriptural passages that talk about the nature and the actions of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday evening’s vespers had those wonderful verses from Romans 8, worth quoting in full:

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we... READ MORE 

40 Ways for 40 Days

Are you ready for Lent?

In case you and your family are still seeking inspiration for this year’s Lenten season, I thought I would share the 40 ideas I came up with for the Marriage & Parenting column I wrote for Parable, my diocesan magazine this year:

40 Ways for 40 Days: Give Your Family the Gift of a Meaningful Lent

Instead of ‘thinking big’ this year, maybe we could think small. The Church recommends traditional penitential practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving for Lent. Why not pray, fast and give as a family this year? Here are 40 small but meaningful ways to try to accomplish this ...

Read the whole thing.

Calling Grace Kelly

Who is your style icon?

More than once I’ve been asked if I have any tips for making shopping for clothes easier. Yesterday it dawned on me that there is one very helpful thing I do that saves me time, energy and money:

I have a style icon. Her name is Grace Kelly and I absolutely adore her look.

Why is having a style icon helpful? Ultimately, it helps me stay focused. When I go shopping, I always have Grace Kelly in mind.... READ MORE 

A Bit of Beach

A little pick me up for my snowbound friends - enjoy!


Good for what ails ya

For the past few years, I have done the Word Resolution approach for the New Year. Instead of a list of things I want to accomplish, I’ve embraced the idea of a word or phrase to guide me to a fresh start. I like this idea a lot, and in the past it’s been a perfect inspiration.

This year, I was especially against making a list of resolutions, mostly because I feel like I’m doing good managing a baby... READ MORE 

Inspiration in the Desert

simple words of hope ...

Many people dear to me have been struggling lately. Trudging through the desert. This quote is for them ... and for all of you who could use a flood of wisdom and hope.
Or maybe it’s not even for you. Pass it along. Here’s your chance to be a “good sharer” today ...

“Don’t think all is lost when your feet feel the hot desert sand, your cheeks the burning sun, your stomach the pangs of hunger. The Holy Spirit is leading you where Jesus went, and there he will show you what demons you need to face. But fear not. The very same Spirit who led Jesus into the desert is leading you, and he will empower you with his word to stand as champion over the world’s greatest enemy.”

George T. Montague, SM
Holy Spirit: Make Your Home in Me, The Word Among Us Press

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