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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a SteamID and where do I find it?

    There are three differten forms of SteamIDs and all represent the same thing: a unique Steam Account.

    • CommunityID / ProfileID

      A CommunityID is a 17 digit long and unique identifier used to identify a Steam account. To look up your CommunityID, log in to your Steam account and click on Community. The highlighted number, as shown below, is your CommunityID. Copy it into the SteamCalculator to calculate your account.

      Where is my ID?

    • Custom URL

      Instead of remembering your CommunityID every time, you can also set up a custom URL and pick a easy link to your Steam communtiy profile page. A custom URL is just an alias for your CommunityID. To setup a custom URL, log in to your Steam account and click on settings.
    • STEAM_ID

      Another possible way to calculate your accout, is by using your ingame STEAM_ID, which looks like this: STEAM_0:1:63894. To figure out, what's your STEAM_ID you have to connect to a game server and type "status" into your console. It will then be returned.

  • My account is private. What should I do?

    Open up your Steam, log in and go to your profile settings. Make sure it's on public.

  • SteamCalculator says I have less games than I count on the community page. Why are there some games missing?

    SteamCalculator does not include free games or unreleased games. For example the Source SDK does not count as a game.