
Love Guide


Star Love

How compatible we are with someone on a romantic level can be highlighted through the stars and numerology.

To really find out if you are suited from an astrological point of view, a personalized relationship chart (link to Astro Interactive purchase option) completed on two people using both your individual birth details will give a more accurate insight.

However, each star sign exhibits certain character traits, and listed in this section are some highlights of those traits.


Exhilarating excitement for a magnetic soul-connection

Magical Qualities: Their desire and determination to win
Own Worst Enemy: Don't finish what they start
Top Priority: To be a leader and do it their way


Total trust and lots of cuddles will win their heart

Magical Qualities: Charming, romantic and dependable
Own Worst Enemy: Stubborn, inflexible and over indulgence
Top Priority: To gain material success and security


Keep it different, love adventure and communicate

Magical Qualities: Intellectual, speaks on any topic
Own Worst Enemy: Gets bored and plays mind games
Top Priority: To learn and expand their mind


By being sensual magic can happen between you

Magical Qualities: Imaginative, nurturing and caring
Own Worst Enemy: Putting up a barrier to shut others out

Top Priority: To provide a safe and warm home


Seductive charm will get you everywhere

Magical Qualities: They’re enthusiastic and generous
Own Worst Enemy: Overbearing, pushy and take over
Top Priority: To be recognized and given kudos


Mutual support and devotion for strong love-bonds

Magical Qualities: Particle, modest and intelligent
Own Worst Enemy: Irritating neat freak and germ phobic
Top Priority: To be a perfectionist in everything


Be diplomatic and go with the flow for love-harmony

Magical Qualities: You’re the charmers of the universe
Own Worst Enemy: Flip-flop, can't make up your mind
Top Priority: To achieve balance in all relationships


Eye to eye - Intense powerful passion is intoxicating

Magical Qualities: Tenacious, positive and compassionate
Own Worst Enemy: Your secrecy causes mistrust
Top Priority: To be adored above all others


Indulgent romancing will soften her/his heart

Magical Qualities: They love what they do and do what they love

Own Worst Enemy: Life trips them up when they forget the details

Top Priority: Life trips them up when they forget the details


Deep strong bonds of love and friendship are needed

Magical Qualities: Disciplined, ambitious and successful
Own Worst Enemy:Too much work can make cappie a dull person

Top Priority: Achieve in business and acquire finances


Independent and real honest love is necessary

Magical Qualities: Interesting, unique and independent
Own Worst Enemy: Standoffish, unapproachable and cold
Top Priority: To work towards a cause to help others


Strong, compassionate and sensitive love connection

Magical Qualities: Mysterious, romantic and intuitive
Own Worst Enemy: Over sensitivity and day dreaming
Top Priority: To be in love forever after

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