Cellphones a 'possible' carcinogen — like coffee

LONDON – A respected international panel of scientists says cellphones are possible cancer-causing agents, putting them in the same category as the pesticide DDT, gasoline engine exhaust and coffee.

The classification was issued Tuesday in Lyon, France, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer after a review of dozens of published studies. The agency is an arm of the World Health Organization and its assessment now goes to WHO and national health agencies for possible guidance on cellphone use.

Classifying agents as "possibly carcinogenic" doesn't mean they automatically cause cancer and some experts said the ruling shouldn't change people's cellphone habits.

"Anything is a possible carcinogen," said Donald Berry, a professor of biostatistics at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas. He was not involved in the WHO cancer group's assessment. "This is not something I worry about and it will not in any way change how I use my cellphone," he said — speaking from his cellphone.

The same cancer research agency lists alcoholic drinks as a known carcinogen and night shift work as a probable carcinogen. Anyone's risk for cancer depends on many factors, from genetic makeup to the amount and length of time of an exposure.

After a weeklong meeting on the type of electromagnetic radiation found in cellphones, microwaves and radar, the expert panel said there was limited evidence cellphone use was linked to two types of brain tumors and inadequate evidence to draw conclusions for other cancers.

"We found some threads of evidence telling us how cancers might occur, but there were acknowledged gaps and uncertainties," said Jonathan Samet of the University of Southern California, the panel's chairman.

"The WHO's verdict means there is some evidence linking mobile phones to cancer but it is too weak to draw strong conclusions from," said Ed Yong, head of health information at Cancer Research U.K. "If such a link exists, it is unlikely to be a large one."

Last year, results of a large study found no clear link between cellphones and cancer. But some advocacy groups contend the study raised serious concerns because it showed a hint of a possible connection between very heavy phone use and glioma, a rare but often deadly form of brain tumor. However, the numbers in that subgroup weren't sufficient to make the case.

The study was controversial because it began with people who already had cancer and asked them to recall how often they used their cellphones more than a decade ago.

In about 30 other studies done in Europe, New Zealand and the U.S., patients with brain tumors have not reported using their cellphones more often than unaffected people.

Because cellphones are so popular, it may be impossible for experts to compare cellphone users who develop brain tumors with people who don't use the devices. According to a survey last year, the number of cellphone subscribers worldwide has hit 5 billion, or nearly three-quarters of the global population.

People's cellphone habits have also changed dramatically since the first studies began years ago and it's unclear if the results of previous research would still apply today.

Since many cancerous tumors take decades to develop, experts say it's impossible to conclude cellphones have no long-term health risks. The studies conducted so far haven't tracked people for longer than about a decade.

Cellphones send signals to nearby towers via radio frequency waves, a form of energy similar to FM radio waves and microwaves. But the radiation produced by cellphones cannot directly damage DNA and is different from stronger types of radiation like X-rays or ultraviolet light. At very high levels, radio frequency waves from cellphones can heat up body tissue, but that is not believed to damage human cells.

Some experts recommended people use a headset or earpiece if they are worried about the possible health dangers of cellphones. "If there is a risk, most of it goes away with a wireless earpiece," said Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society.

Brawley said people should focus on the real health hazards of cellphones. "Cellphones may cause brain tumors but they kill far more people through automobile accidents," he said. Brawley added it was also reasonable to limit children's use of cellphones since their brains are still developing.

Earlier this year, a U.S. National Institutes of Health study found that cellphone use can speed up brain activity, but it is unknown whether that has any dangerous health effects.

The cellphone industry trade group, CTIA-The Wireless Association, pointed to two U.S. agencies that have found no evidence cellphones are linked to cancer — the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Communications Commission.

The WHO's cancer research agency has reviewed more than 900 occupational exposures, chemicals and other agents since 1971, classifying their link to cancer by labeling them from carcinogenic to probably not carcinogenic. The American Cancer Society has estimated that only about 6 percent of cancers are related to environmental causes and most of that is on-the-job occupational exposure.






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    matt Tue May 31, 2011 11:01 am PDT Report Abuse
    I'm a meat cutter in a retail grocery store.My all time favorite is when these morons with a cell phone pretty much surgically attached to there ear come up to my counter. They stand there giving you the(i need help look) while they yak away about whatever nonsense fuels there daily lives. When you engage them they will first give you a hold up signal with their hands while they apologize to the person they are conversing with on the phone. I can't tell you for sure what they are talking about but i can tell you this it ain't respect for their fellow man.
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    Confucius Tue May 31, 2011 12:58 pm PDT Report Abuse
    Phones aren't the problem, people. A nation full of people without manners or common sense is, however.
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    Quel Espoir Tue May 31, 2011 11:03 am PDT Report Abuse
    My son and daughter-in-law came over for dinner a few weeks ago. She's had a cell phone fixation for a couple of years but Sunday was the last straw. Her mother called her 3 times in 30 minutes, then she sat and texted for about 40 minutes until it was time to eat.
    Just after we sat down the phone noised (I don't know what the hell ring tone she had on it but it was irritating.) She started to get up to answer it and I said to my son, "if she answers that you take her home then come back to eat. We'll wait." (He lives about 20 minutes away from us.) She tried to give me "the look" that Tim Allen described on Tool Time, but I'm too old and crotchety to fall for that crap. After it went to voice mail I said, "now go turn that phone off for the time we're eating, and the next time you come over you leave it in the car or at home."

    I haven't heard from either of them in 2 weks and frankly, if that phone is more important than spending a few hours with family, I don't give a @#$%.
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    John Tue May 31, 2011 12:15 pm PDT Report Abuse
    Hang up and drive. My life is more important than your phone call.
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    thomasb Tue May 31, 2011 10:07 am PDT Report Abuse
    Cell phones kill more people in traffic accidents. 90% of all the dumb moves I see every day are by people talking on cell phones. They outnumber drunks more than 10:1, since drunk driving is down a bit. Cell phone talkers behave very much like drunk drivers...
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    Macho Tue May 31, 2011 09:59 am PDT Report Abuse
    Remember the "Smoking Sections" in restaurants?

    They should make them "CELL PHONE Sections" now....I hate to go somewhere for dinner and people have their phones ringing and then talking extra loud.

    Maybe those people already have Cancer of the Brain and it has turned their courtesy neurons into a thoughtless Self-Centered mass.
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    Mark Allen Tue May 31, 2011 10:23 am PDT Report Abuse
    I hate texting too. Short broken sentences is no way to talk to each other. We have a whole generation that is losing their abilibty to communicate in an intelligent manner.
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    Kate M Tue May 31, 2011 10:44 am PDT Report Abuse
    Have you noticed that so many people are more committed to talking on their cellphone than talking to the person who is face to face to them?
    In the midst of a conversation, the phone rings? and they answer it without so much as an apology for the interruption, and talk endlessly too.

    Really folks, TURN THE @#$% THINGS OFF when you are visiting with other people. The world won't end if you miss taking a call immediately. Check messages later. It's just rude and disrespectful to do otherwise.

    Also TURN THE @#$% THINGS OFF when you are AT ANY PUBLIC GATHERING esp in a seated crowd who want to hear something other than your phone or phone conversation.

    And then there are those folks who can't shop in a market without being ear-glued to their phone and barge around as if no one else were in the aisles.

    Good god! what is the matter with you? Can;t you make a decison on your own? Or is your short-term memory so damaged by cellphone use you can't do the simplest errand?

    I have one cellphone in my car for emergency needs only. I do not call nor accept calls when I am driving. And guess what? My life is just fine thank you and so are my brain cells.
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    Sunny Wong Tue May 31, 2011 11:53 am PDT Report Abuse
    Haha...Cell phone technology is now destroying the very same ppl that invented it. It no longer serve the purpose that it was invented for: emergency & convenient.

    Everywhere I go, work or home or supermarket, 80% ppl are texting or browsing or social-networking on their smart phones. I walked in a restaurant 1 day with co-worker & noticed a family couple with kid: she was texting, browsing internet so much that the husband simply was eating food (and texting once awhile) & left the kid do anything he wanted. What kind of family time/ family value is this? No wonder divorce rate shoots up higher & higher.
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    ddm Tue May 31, 2011 10:58 am PDT Report Abuse
    What is really scary is the thought that someday cell phone useage will be allowed on airplanes and the same pompous asses that have to yell into their phones for everyone to hear their self proclaimed importance will now be allowed to torture us all the way across the country.

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