

/vent-ing/ v.t. to give free play or expression to an emotion or passion


- Make any expansion of the Shaw Conference Centre conditional on first demolishing the last expansion's eyesore concrete wall that blocks the view of the river valley.

- Statues in St. Albert and the poetry contest in Edmonton cost taxpayers a few cents a year.

- Some members of various taxpayers' associations labelled these as a waste of money. What mean-spirited, soulless, joyless people.

- If the whole world is so interested in having us give up smoking, why are the major pharmaceutical companies allowed to charge exorbitant prices for nicotine patches, gum, etc.? Cigarettes are cheaper than the alternative.

- I just got my latest bill for electricity and natural gas. Of the total, $87.81 was for actual product used, $125.02 was for various fees and charges. Would Mr. Klein please explain to me again how energy deregulation is to my benefit -- that is, before I freeze in the dark?

- So Toyota's problems are mechanical, not electrical. Boy, isn't that a relief?

- People who wear Ugg boots must have exceptionally weak leg muscles, because almost every one of them scuffs their feet along when they walk. Either that or they are just way too heavy to actually lift. Yeah, that must be it. Couldn't be lazy people.

- I am not a Stephen Mandel fan, but the snow is not his fault. Besides, snow removal gave everybody something to talk about instead of the Oilers.

- Haiku: Ice crystals and flakes / ten thousand brilliant diamonds / some just see windrows

- We can put people into space, but we can't create a road surface that minimizes potholes? Or is it just that it's too expensive to do so and it will hurt the auto industry to reduce wear and tear on vehicles?

- I was in Calgary this week and if you think we have a pothole problem this year, just spend some time there. It is so bad in some places they have warning signs.

- My husband called 311 on Monday evening to ask that the alley behind our home be cleared of the snow and icy ruts that were making driving difficult. The city crew arrived on Tuesday and smoothed everything out. Thanks for the prompt response.

- When the guy in the police uniform, with a gun in his hand, says, "Stop, get down on the ground!" do what he says, right away. This will greatly reduce the chance of someone being killed by a peace officer doing his job.

- I am so tired of the police getting a negative rap. You say police should not be above the law -- they're not, which is why there will be an investigation into the shooting.

- If you want a great example of "police above the law," take a trip to Mexico.

- Parents have got to wake up and start taking responsibility for their kids instead of making excuses.

- The cops are trained to protect No. 1. It doesn't matter if there's a more sensible solution or not.

- As much as I would like to support our police forces, some of the video clips I've seen lately are making it difficult.

- Justin Bieber obnoxious? He's a cute, talented 16-year-old millionaire. Jealous much?

The next Venting will be published Wednesday. To read more vents, go to or check out Venting's Facebook page at E-mail us at, call 780-429-5196 or write us at The Journal Building, 10006 101st St., T5J 0S1.

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