Florida Health Fraud Task Force2-1-1 Big Bend

What You Should Know about
AIDS Fraud

Health care fraud in general is a serious problem. No part of the health care system is free of fraud - not supplies, hospitals, insurers, home health care or even physicians. Specifically, AIDS fraud is promotion of an AIDS-related health product, treatment, or service known to be false or labeled with unsupported claims. Fraud can include, but is not limited to: treatment, nutrition, mechanical devices, burial fees, drugs and supplements. Victims of fraud may include partners, family and friends as well.

AIDS Fraud Is Expensive
Fraudulent products and services can be expensive; they waste your money , and health insurance does not pay for them. Be wary of any AIDS product, treatment, or service that seems to have an unusually high cost, or carries an "extra charge" just because someone has HIV/AIDS.

AIDS Fraud Is Dangerous
If you use products or services that don't work, you may delay getting proper medical care. Your illness may get worse. There are legitimate treatments that extend life and improve the quality of life in persons with AIDS or HIV infection, even though there is no cure for HIV/AIDS. Fraudulent products are not scientifically tested. If you use fraudulent products, they may hurt you. You could even die.

You Can Help Stop AIDS Fraud
Be suspicious of statements that promise quick and painless cures for AIDS, or those treatments that are "special", "foreign", "secret", "miraculous", "ancient" or "easy". Ask questions of the promoters regarding the product's approval and side effects. Request all printed material on the product and its promoters.

You can report fraud by calling the Florida HIV/AIDS Hotline at 1-800-FLA-AIDS or by sending e-mail to hivhotline@211bigbend.org.